Books & Articles


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·       The Achilles’ Heel of Evolutionary Theory: Wherein We Expose the Fundamental Flaw of Darwinistic Theory, or ‘Evo-Devo’, Along With a Few Other Intrinsic Errors; and Also Illustrate How It Is in No Way at All Compatible With Catholicism


·       Automatic Excommunications (‘Latae Sententiae’)


·       Baptismal Confusion


·       Catholic Fundamentalism


·       Catholic Ritual Defended


·       A Chart for Modest Dress


·       Concerning Abjuration, Invincible Ignorance, Children & the Use of Reason


·       The Dogma of Baptism Upheld & the Lie of ‘Faith Alone’ Cast Down


·       Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus


·       Geocentricity: The Structure of the Cosmos as Deduced From a Scholarly & Catholic Paradigm; & How Supposed ‘Evidence’ for an Ultimately Frameless… or ‘Acentric’… Universe Fails Utterly to ‘Prove’ a Centerless Existence, But Ups Geo-Centrality


·       Helplessly Ignorant: The Nonsense of a Perfectly Intelligent But Strangely ‘Invincibly Ignorant’ Person Somehow ‘Unable’ to Know Catholicism Is True in Order to Find Salvation, Whilst, Instead, Getting into Heaven by Being ‘Sincere’


·       Heptaton: The Octave Millennial Hypothesis, Wherein, With the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Aid, We Strive to See Via Our Creator’s Everlastingly Timeless Eyes


·       The Hideous Schism of Catholic Fundamentalism


·       How to Get a Pope During the Great Apostasy


·       The Infallible Magisterium Has Not Yet Ruled Out the Possibility of So-Called ‘Baptism of Desire’ for Catechumens


·       Inter Regnum: Logic & Facts, Based on Catholic Law, Dogma, Scripture & History, Proving There Have Always Been Gaps of Time Between Popes, and That, Indeed, God Sometimes Allows Startlingly Long Papal Lacunae


·       Mary Exalted


·       Modest Dress: What It Is and Why It Is So Crucial


·       Population Implosion: Or, It’s Not da Bomb, But the ‘Black Hole’ We Should Be Getting Worried About When It Comes to How Many People Are on Earth


·       Protestant Protests Rebutted


·       The Sacrament of Penance Without a Priest Available


·       Should You Go to a CMRI Mass or Take Part in the Worship of Other Traditionalists?


·       This is the Great Apostasy... Now, How Do We Make Sure Our Souls Survive It?


·       True Diversity: What Authentic Diversity Means, and How a False ‘Diversity’ Has Become One of Many Idols Befogging Our Feeble Minds Today


·       Ufology: Precisely What Is Going on in the Skies During Our Modern Era and the Great Apostasy, and How Real & Wise Catholics Can Respond


·       Unity of Worship: Why Real Catholics Dare Not ‘Worship’ With Any Non-Catholic or False ‘catholics’, Pretending It ‘Pleases’ God; Nor May a Pope ‘Change’ This Law, or the Ignorant Remain Ever ‘Guiltless’


·       Was Benedict XV an Antipope?


·       What Are We to Think of Written Abjurations?


·       The World Offended


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