+++ 100. Anatolian Dawn? +++


The Egyptian Empire rose in power with the demise of Poseidon’s realm.


Lengthy kingdoms never endure without reversals of fortune and even occasional chaos, the dynasties of Egypt and successive waves, with confusion between them, said to be the Old Kingdom, then the Middle Kingdom, and finally a New Kingdom. The start of the New was its ascendancy. For though Egypt still exists, it waned till ruled again by others, and, albeit independent once more today, it has never since recovered that ancient glory.


Per Sacred Scripture, the people of Egypt descend from Mesraim [Mizraim], one of the sons of Cham [Ham], Noe’s youngest of three sons. (Genesis 10:6, Psalm 105 [104]:22) The careful biblical scholar therefore notes that both Atlanteans --- if indeed Nemrod was the ancient ‘sea god’ Neptune --- and Egyptians are Hamitic, i.e., descended from Noe’s youngest son, Cham. This strengthens the linkage between Atlantis & Egypt, Atlantis perchance thinking it had a ‘right’ to rule Egypt… assuming it conquered as well as colonized there… based on the fact that Nemrod’s father, Chus [Cush], was Cham’s eldest son and thus the older brother of the Egyptian’s patriarch, Mesraim.


This is significant from Heaven’s perspective.


For since the patrimony and family leadership of a father normally passes to his oldest son (although there can be exceptions, such as St. Joseph’s younger son, Ephraim, taking precedence over his brother, Manasses, by the prophecy of Joseph’s father, St. Jacob --- see Genesis 48), why then did Nemrod usurp rule over all the earth’s people when he came, via Chus, from St. Noe’s youngest son, Cham? Why didn’t he defer to a (likely) still living patriarch, Noe, and why didn’t his tribe or descendants then defer to Noe’s eldest son, Sem [Shem], or to St. Sem’s eldest sons, passing global rule or influence through the patrimonial lineage, when humanity scattered, and Atlantis, desiring international prominence, made a bid to be the first head of the ‘Sea Beast’?


If there must needs be some sort of  international ‘order’ or ‘framework’ or ‘empire’ at this early date, so soon on the heels of the Great Flood… why not submit to, and very sincerely implore, the patrimonial tribal descendants of Sem to take the lead, as the eldest, in this gigantic global endeavor, according to good Catholicity?


Do you see?


This inverts the right order.


Which makes sense, knowing Nemrod was proud & indomitable.


Which is why, too, presuming our interpretation is correct, his ‘sea kingdom’ is the Oceanic Beast’s first head, exhibiting the pride and rebellion of its animating spirit, the infernal dragon, he who delights in arrogance, sedition & subversion of natural law. This inversion continued with Egyptian dominance, being also from Noe’s youngest and most wicked son, the second head of the haughty Oceanic Beast… but through Cham’s next and second son, Mesraim, instead of his firstborn son, Chus. In both cases, arrogant rebels took power and lorded it over others without obeying God’s commandments.


Our Creator allowed this injustice to punish us for our sins.


(This is a common theme in human history, particularly when viewed through the focused lens of Scripture & Catholicity, God using the wicked to punish the wicked.)


God permitted this pattern of the younger usurping the older --- thereby humbling the former proud rebel --- with the third head of the Oceanic Beast. To wit, Cham’s first son, Chus, initially inverts the right order by ruling over others (Atlantis). Then Atlantis falls, the second son of Cham, Mesraim, continuing the inversion by he ruling over others (Egypt). Finally, skipping over Cham’s third son, we see the descendants of his fourth son, “Chanaan” [Canaan] (Genesis 10:6 DRC), gain the upper hand with a sway that grew dominant in the Mideast as the Egypt of the Pharaohs passed ascendancy and slowly slipped into ancient shadows. But to what people & empire do we refer?


The Hittites.


Or, to be a bit more accurate, the Hattian-Hurrian-Hittite Empire, so to speak.


Until the last century or so, nobody remembered anything about them apart from what we can find, briefly, mentioned in Sacred Scripture. Archeology caught up a bit, though. Per them, the Hittites migrated from the north of western Asia into what was called, by the Greeks, ‘Anatolia’. Anatolia is merely Asia Minor (modern day Turkey), and means, in Greek, ‘rise’, and thus, by inference, ‘sunrise’ or ‘east’ (since, in relation to them, the Greeks, Asia Minor was in the ‘east’ where the ‘sun rises’). Displacing or mingling with the former inhabitants, the Hattians (no one’s sure which, but intermingling peaceably to some degree better explains the many Hattian names appropriated by the Hittites, as well as many elements of Hattian paganism), the Hittites built upon a modest Hattian kingdom to subsume most of Turkey and much of ancient Syria almost to the top of Palestine, their eastern Anatolian & Syrian conquests where they gained the upper hand over the ancient Hurrians whilst, simultaneously, appropriating much Hurrian paganism, too. Scholars don’t quite know how to categorize the Hurrians, but, like Hattians, are very likely descendants of Cham due to their non-Indo-European language, i.e., Hamitic.


Not that Hittite relations with nations around them rested solely on military prowess; historians credit them with the fine art of making treaties, the first government we know of to have practiced international diplomacy. (Other governments prior to the Hittites probably practiced diplomacy… but the Hittites are, at least for now, the first with historical certainty that we can say conducted this difficult & exquisite art.)


The Hattians being Chanaanites (like those of their tribal confederates in the land of Palestine, each of them offspring of Cham’s fourth and cursed son, Chanaan [Canaaan], and thus, seemingly, what Sacred Scripture originally meant in references to the Hittites), they thus were inclined to follow the bad example of their tribal patriarchs and embrace pagan religion much more quickly and more thoroughly than the Japhetic or Semitic offspring of Noe. Given that the Hurrians were Hamitic also, this means the Hittites --- who descended from Sem [Shem] --- then inverted the inversion, taking imperial power from Cham’s descendants and asserted Semitic rule. Which, from the point of view of Catholic patrimony, rights a wrong… but, having adopted paganism and appropriated the gods of the Hattians, Hurrians and other nearby peoples, the Hittites then served many, many false gods, including their unique versions of the widely revered Mideast deities, Baal & Astarte (the former the god of the sky or storms, the latter the goddess of the heavens or stars, very similar to Sumer’s Inanna or Babylon’s celestial queen, Ishtar).


Ergo, while the third head of the Oceanic Beast may have changed ethnicities --- although this is debatable since the Chanaanite Hattians apparently intermingled with the stronger Hittites, making a tribally hybridized race --- the nature of this head changed hardly a tad from the formerly, and purely, Hamitic first and second heads.


Dawns a black sun, pagan darkness gnawing like acid on our bones.


+++ 101. Paradise in the Middle? +++


Yet, says the reader, what has this to do with anything?


How is this an ‘Oceanic Beast’, and how is the Hittite Empire one of its heads?


I remind you, dear soul, of what I stated earlier on. We are trying to view things from Heaven’s perspective --- and not our own. We are necessarily very limited (most of us) in our knowledge and (often) in our many, many prejudices. Too, I stated quite plainly that I’m not pretending to represent, or include, every kingdom, tribe, federation, ethnicity, empire, or what-have-you, on earth for the past five millennia.


That is NOT my goal, and such a goal would be IRRELEVANT.


Yes, I know quite well that the Chinese have had a spectacular series of dynasties and exercised powerful imperial influence on their vast region of the globe for nearly 5000 years. Yes, I realize quite plainly that the Inca, Maya, Aztecs, Toltecs and their ancestors have wielded fabulous sway or control over their equally vast region of the world for at least the past 3000 years. And, yes, I’m very well-informed about the many dominant tribes or realms that have arisen in Africa and ruled huge numbers of people.


I could go on, trying to be ‘inclusive’, but the point is made.


I’m not ‘excluding’ any people, power or ethnicity due to ignorance or bias.


To the contrary, whilst fully aware of these peoples, powers & ethnicities and their amazing contributions or remarkable influence in human history, I am trying to paint a picture that represents things from a celestial point of view of how GOD perceives us from ETERNITY, and how Our Creator plots human destiny based on this Divine Sight.


That’s the point.


For instance, has it ever occurred to you, dear soul --- assuming you believe in an Almighty Creator and think Sacred Scripture is more than ‘superstition’, ancient tribal ‘bigotry’ or just plain ‘nonsense’ --- that God had to have placed the Garden of Paradise somewhere on this massive sphere of ours that we call the earth and home, and that the location of this earthly Paradise had to have been chosen for a reason and a purpose?


I.e., why on earth would God place it somewhere on earth ‘randomly’?


The Being Who makes everything out of nothing, Who is utterly Omniscient and foreknows the future just as if it were the past, Who is absolutely and totally, and without any qualifications, completely & wholly in Sovereign Control of all that exists… whilst preserving, nevertheless, our truly free human will… why would this Great God, and Ground of All Existence, put Paradise somewhere on earth out of random chance?


As the saying goes, it doesn’t make any sense.


Hence why I point out to you, my dear soul, that, while earth is a globe and three dimensional, this doesn’t mean earth doesn’t have a center. And I’m not talking about the center at the heart of our earth --- I’m talking about a ‘center’ on its spherical surface. Hard to fathom? Doesn’t make sense to you? Think the idea is absurd?


Then your thinking is limited and you haven’t thought it through thoroughly.


What’s more, there’s a perfectly obvious place to begin. A place that’s practically screaming out its uniqueness till this very day on our maps, its very name nigh well jumping up and down in front of our faces, waving and yelling and capering for our attention… if only we’d stop the oh-so-very-important everyday things we’re doing for a moment, get just a little bit curious, ask the right questions, and then ponder the answers we find with an intelligence that is unbiased, passionate, and, maybe, a tad bit inspired.


And this place is?


The Mediterranean Sea.


For have you ever wondered, beloved reader, out of curiosity, what the word ‘mediterranean’ means? After all, human beings don’t give names for no reason. Whether out of whimsy, expediency or deep symbolism, the name they choose serves a purpose.


So what’s the meaning and purpose of the name ‘mediterranean’?


It comes from the Latin term ‘mediterraneus’. This, in turn, is a combination word that means, most literally, middle earth or middle of the earth’. Shades of Tolkien anyone?


(Sometimes supposedly educated persons will try to pass it off as ‘middle of the land’ or ‘middle land’. This is technically correct yet bad scholarship. Any Latin student knows very well how ‘terra’ means ‘earth’ in ancient Roman speech, and, one cannot help suspecting, modern scholars mangle its translation to hide or suppress a deeper truth.)


And why would the Romans do this?


Why on earth (no pun intended this time) would they bestow upon this relatively small body of water (though actually large compared to tiny human beings) the title ‘middle of the earth’? Could it be --- and feel free to gasp if the idea is too shocking --- Romans knew or remembered (if but vaguely) something profound and basic about the earth?


Let us recollect Genesis regarding the Garden of Paradise:


“…a spring rose out of the earth, watering all the surface of the earth… And the Lord had planted a paradise of pleasure from the beginning: wherein he placed man whom he had formed… And a river went out of the place of pleasure [the Garden of Paradise] to water paradise, which from thence [from there] is divided into four heads [this one central river that watered the whole earth divided into the start of four different rivers as it passed outside the boundaries of the Garden of Paradise]. The name of the one [of these four rivers] is Phison [this river no longer exists, apparently effaced during the Great Flood and the consequent reshaping of the earth’s land mass]… And the name of the second river is Gehon [ditto the previous bracketed statement, although we may logically speculate, based on scriptural evidence, that, perhaps, the Nile River is a remnant of this more ancient river in substantially altered form]… And the name of the third river is Tigris: the same passeth [passes] along by the Assyrians [it flows past a powerful and warlike kingdom at the northwest end of the Mesopotamian Valley]. And the fourth river is Euphrates [like Tigris, the  Euphrates, too, flows through Mesopotamia in rough parallel].” (Genesis 2:6, 8, 10-11a, 13a, 14 DRC)


Did you get that, precious reader?


The earth was very different back then. There was no rain, the Bible tells us elsewhere, our world watered instead by a global spring that, spreading in distinct directions via four main subsidiary rivers from an epicenter --- the Garden of Paradise --- the entire earth and all plants & animals received what moisture was necessary for life… and a very pleasant life at that. Indeed, extensive geological research over the past three centuries reveals a simple fact: that the entire earth was, at one time, near and around sea level, a tropical delight, neither too hot nor too cold, with flora growing to gigantic size. Except that, for the good little Darwinist, he or she must choose to believe (out of extremely thin air, their purported ‘radioactive dating’ a scheme built like a house of cards upon three unproved assumptions) that this worldwide tropicality only happened, in each global region, separately over the course of hundreds and hundreds of millions of years.


But we are not Darwinists… leastwise, I am not.


Ergo, I’ve no need to bow at their altar or worship their golden calf.


Too, I’m not afraid to take Sacred Scripture seriously --- and draw conclusions. Such as? Well, beloved soul, think about it logically. Where would God put Paradise?


Right --- smack dab in the Middle of the Earth. To wit, the Mediterranean.


Very often the valuable and imperative is put in a central place.


Hence, if only vaguely, the Romans recalled an ancient truth.


+++ 102. Navel & Nexus? +++


A remarkable truth preserved till this day in a Middle Eastern tradition.


In Syria --- the modern and tragically war-torn nation of today but a part of the tremendously larger region meant by people of old in the Mideast when talking about Syria, circa century one --- at least some traditionally religious people still remember that the very, very, very old Syrian city of Damascus was once an area associated with the Garden of Paradise. And, were that not enough, linguists agree that the name ‘Syria’ derives from Assur, the capitol city of the brutal Assyrians, in turn derived from their premier god, meaning ‘whole heaven’. Then, just to top it off, the name of ‘Damascus’, speaking etymologically, translates as ‘a well-watered land’.


Is it getting poignant, dear reader?


Put it all together.


This part of our world is known in ancient times as ‘Middle Earth’.


The eastern part of this Middle Earth has a name that means ‘whole heaven’.


And a very ancient city in eastern Middle Earth translates as ‘a well-watered land’.


Does a bell ring in your mind when compared to what Genesis tells us about the jawdroppingly wonderful Garden of Paradise that Our Creator placed ‘in terra’ as a heavenly home on earth for our first parents, Ss. Adam & Eve, at the beginning? That is to say, ‘a well-watered land’ (which makes it a Paradise) where the ‘whole heaven’ intersected with our earth (ditto about this making it Paradise) and is, as a result, by God’s Choice, the Middle of Our Earth (because He purposely deemed the celestial & well-watered Garden of Paradise to be the very center of our world’s spherical surface).


Again, is a bell ringing in your mind? Are you seeing things a wee bit differently?


If paying attention… and no kneejerk skeptic… then yes… indeed yes.


It comes together like a puzzle with the pieces fitting perfectly.


Too perfect to dismiss as chance; it merits our consideration.


The point is, if you can accept this powerful circumstantial evidence as indicating where God placed Paradise at the beginning --- and, thus, that He deems the Mediterranean as, truly, the very Middle of Our Earth when talking about the spherical surface of this temporary terrestrial place that we call home --- then you realize, too, how God must measure and envision our world’s past & future history, from His celestial perspective, in relation to where He put the center of it all. Viz., the Garden of Paradise. Like the nexus or navel of our globe, the origin of the coordinates on a cartographer’s map, the lush Garden is the place where we began… and the Paradise we should strive to regain.


But on God’s terms, not our own.


We must die as Catholics in the state of grace.


Anything less is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. (Matthew 12:31)


Those who blaspheme God and covet false religion, dying as non-Catholics despite adequate intelligence; or who die feeble of mind, unwashed from original sin; or who die as Catholics unforgiven of mortal sin committed after receiving the water of baptism; all these wind up in the Pool of Fire, unforgiven, where God ultimately places hell. (See Apocalypse 20:14-15 for evidence of the destiny of hell, death and the damned.)


+++ 103. Westward the Rebel? +++


Leading us back to Babel.


For Sacred Scripture mentions the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers as two of the four subsidiary rivers issuing forth from the one global spring in Paradise that watered the entire earth back then, prior to the Great Flood. (Review Chapter 101 above again, dear soul, with its quote from Chapter 2 of the Book of Genesis for proof of this fact.) And since the writer of Genesis --- or at least its editor or redactor --- uses the same names after the Great Flood for these rivers as he applies to them when talking about the time before the Deluge, then, given that St. Moses (who was the writer, editor or redactor of most, if not all, of Genesis and the other first five books of the Bible, known collectively as the Pentateuch) employs identical names… and that he was inspired by the Holy Ghost in doing so, as any real Catholic acknowledges, taught by our infallible Church… then, it follows logically, these two rivers are substantially the same in comparison to their pre-Flood courses, at a bare minimum tracing out similar paths near the start.


The import?


Ancient Babylonia (the site of Nemrod’s [Nimrod’s] early-on post-Deluge Rebellion against God, leading most of humanity into building the gargantuan & occult Tower of Babel in order to “reach to heaven”, as Genesis 11:1-4 DRC tells us) was either fully or partially encompassed within the boundaries of the Garden of Paradise. Or, at the very least, was just outside its boundaries, to the east of Paradise and, perchance, a little toward the south, the giant valley of Mesopotamia (a Greek-derived moniker for Babylonia, meaning ‘between two rivers’, much of which modern day Iraq controls) carrying the waters of these two venerable rivers of the Tigris & Euphrates both before and after the Flood. Albeit, prior to the Great Deluge, they likely flowed widely separate from each other beyond what is today the Persian Gulf, so as to water their distinctive regions of the earth in a world much altered from the way it was before Noe’s life.


This is why it’s piercingly symbolic that Nemrod led his rebellion at Babel. He and the world’s people tried to “reach to heaven” a mere hop, skip and a jump from where our first parents lost heaven in the Garden of Paradise… and it’s possible Babylonia was a part of this Garden before the Flood. God freely gave humanity access to heaven on earth in Paradise. Whereupon, losing this access, and Adam’s progeny growing so wicked that God destroyed them in a Deluge, these same descendants of Adam, quickly recovering their numbers after the Flood, just as quickly fell into sin and arrogance, trying to force their way into heaven on their own terms, either within the boundaries of Paradise or to the east a little ways, whence rises the sun, that brilliant and golden celestial orb more than any other symbolizing God’s Glory & His Life-Giving Grace.


Hence, if indeed Nemrod is the Neptune of the Romans and the Poseidon of the Greeks, and if indeed he and his proto-tribe wandered into the west, establishing the mighty Empire of Atlantis, then this western trek and western location --- in relation to the Middle of the Earth, where on the eastern side was the Garden of Paradise, and where he, Nemrod, tried to invade heaven on his own luciferian terms --- is symbolic, also, of this rebellious spirit, rejecting the east and the dawn and Our Maker, Who is the Light of the Whole World, rejecting, too, His Resurrected Body, the Church, which, like a sunrise, spreads spiritual light everywhere, banishing the ‘brightness’ of false religion.


Nemrod failed to conquer heaven and earth in his own strength.


Yet Neptune’s pride grew overweening once more, did it not? Per Plato via Solon via Egyptian priestly memory, Poseidon’s Realm tried again to rule earth’s center and thence the entire world, defying the Will of God and trampling natural law.


From the height of hubris they sank into a deep abyss.


Make sense, my precious soul?


This is how God sees it, I must opine.


+++ 104. Southern Hospitality? +++


The Atlantean Empire was the first head of the Oceanic Beast. The second head, with the Egyptian Empire, then moved the maelstrom of rebellion against God’s True Religion from the west of the Middle of the Earth to the south of the Garden of Paradise.


The import here?


In terms of the northern hemisphere, southward near the equator is hot & humid. Or, in the case of Egypt… at least later on, some time after the Flood… hot & arid. In any case, Egypt at one point, however briefly, was spiritually hot, the religious sun shining fiercely and more powerfully upon its vast realm, the Great Pyramid of Giza like a similitude of God’s Glory (and built at St. Adam’s behest, per Josephus, you’ll recall). Their later worship of the pagan sun god, Amon-Re, was emblematic both of how much closer they were at first to admitting the truth about Our Creator, obeying the law of natural reason upon their hearts and seeking His True Religion, while, simultaneously, of how astray they wandered from acknowledging the True God & His Religion, and the Light of Creation, His Christ, the Word Who Became Flesh in the Virgin Mary’s Womb.


God, incidentally, hates the lukewarm of heart.


(See Apocalypse 3:14-20 for proof of this statement. Jesus Christ Himself, sending a message to the Diocese of Laodicea in Asia Minor and to Roman Catholics throughout history in Sacred Scripture via His Beloved Disciple, St. John the Evangelist, advises them to do penance and take no pride in their wealth, feigning a supreme love for Catholicity without actually loving God above all else, too attached to this earth.)


Ergo, whereas great iniquity is appalling, it disgusts God even more to lay claim to His Religion --- to hoist His Military Standard, so to speak --- and not behave like an earnest soldier, trying steadfastly to know, understand and carry out His spiritual commands. Which is why great sinners, whether Catholic or not, are usually less offensive to Almighty God than Catholics who stop trying earnestly to know and obey.


Atlantis, though, wasn’t merely cold toward God. They were like ice.


Nemrod & Atlantis abandoned the True Religion straight out, persisting in diabolic arrogance with hardly a pause or hesitation. Egypt, to the contrary, while eventually imitating Atlantis’ bad example, was more humble in the wake of Babel. It took some time before they thoroughly forgot God’s chastisement, rearing their haughty heads.


This is why God permits Egypt to endure.


For a few centuries they professed the Roman Catholic Faith whole & entire after the Incarnation of Christ. He Who escaped Herod’s murderous wrath by fleeing to Egypt for several years as a Child with the Holy Family, later blessed that land with His Saving Truth, showing them mercy after punishing them for their sins. God will again be merciful to Egypt before Christ’s Return, re-converting them to Catholicity.


Or else why let them endure so long, fallen from ultimate power?


+++ 105. A Cold Northern Light? +++


And so we wend our way back to the Hittite Empire.


For here we see the maelstrom of rebellion in relation to the earth’s middle and our terrestrial paradise, after incubating at the center and then riding off into the sunset in the West out in the Atlantic under cover of the darkness that comes with night… afterward moving to the South with a concordant heat of the sun and its withering rays along the Nile … finally wander up North into more temperate Asia Minor where the Moon can linger low on the horizon, beckoning like a snowy queen, hovering over hill & tree.


What saith Selene?


At first nothing particularly clear.


The Hamitic Hattians & Hurrians which constitute the foundation of the third of the Oceanic Beast’s heads (surmise I), later bore a Semitic Hittite edifice built on top of it, the two apparent opposites seemingly merged together in a mélange of intermarriage along with occasional conquest. The end result, however, was pagan gods galore.


Nevertheless, as mentioned before, in their acquisition of a veritable pantheon of multitudinous pagan deities, the Hittites also adopted their own variation on the widely spread cults of Baal & Astarte throughout the Mideast. (We touched upon these curious gods near the end of Chapter 100 above, you’ll remember.) Modern scholarship starts from the materialist & reductionist assumption --- out of thin air --- that all religion begins as manmade fantasies or ‘explanations’ of what ancient human beings could not comprehend in reality. An educated Catholic can readily agree with Modernists regarding much pagan religion. For while not discounting the supernatural, and recollecting that St. Paul called the gods of the heathens “devils [demons]” (1 Corinthians 10:20 DRC), St. John the Evangelist confirming the fact that they are not just the physical idols and simple fantasies of men (Apocalypse 9:20), a wise Catholic also recalls that St. Augustine --- as we noted in Chapter 97 --- says pagans fabricated their gods, appropriating them from the often wicked yet mighty warriors & heroes of old.


Which makes it confusing as various pagans evolve mythologies.


Notwithstanding, dominant themes tend to rise to the top.


A premiere god of the heaven and starry queen are two such motifs. Indeed, the latter, queen of the starry empyrean, is again and again as the centuries roll by prior to the time of Christ, associated more and more with a goddess of the moon. I.e., ancient pagans appear to increasingly identify, or conflate, their star queen with the moon goddess.


Which, from a wise and scholarly Catholic point of view, makes sense, too.


Because it’s not just human beings who came up with these pagan fantasies, contrary to Darwinistic and materialist assumptions. The devil and his demons are liars whilst linked inextricably to humanity, their fate entwined with ours, and it is in their utterly debased self interest to take what is true and good and besmirch it with the filth of false religion and counterfeit teachings. The saints inform us that Satan fell into pride & rebellion when God revealed to the angels that He would make a creature so perfect and sinless, so very extraordinary and immaculate and powerful, that they, angelic spirits though they were, must bow before Her Majesty, mere flesh though She be, venerating Her Queenship.


Proud Lucifer would not comply; a third of the angels agreed.


Hence, is it any surprise that hell instigated worship of a regal ‘star goddess’ all throughout the ancient pre-Christian world, mocking and defying the real Queen of Heaven to come, God Himself having ordained Her existence and regal authority? Heretics of a conservative and rabidly anti-Catholic Evangelic Protestant nature, infuriated, like their spiritual father, the devil, by Her God-Given Royalty, love to put the proverbial cart before the horse, irrationally presuming, out of the thin air of very little logic and poor reasoning, that Roman Catholics imitate the heathens, making a star goddess out of poor little Mary. When, in reality, no real Catholic worships Mary as Almighty God. Rather, we venerate and honor Her as the highest of all God’s creatures, made so at His command & behest, preserved in Her spotlessness by His Divine Graces. Consequently, it is pagans of old who foreshadowed Roman Catholics, moved by their spiritual father, Lucifer, to twist and deform the real queen to come into the heathen goddess of the moon & stars. Yet what is this connection of the stars to the moon?


+++ 106. Ad Astra Per Luna? +++


Ancient wisemen knew the earth to be at the center of God’s Creation.


They knew as well how the heavens above the earth are like ‘spheres’, as it were, arranged in concentric circles or shells, so to speak, about the earth in ascending order, from lowest to highest. The snowy lunar orb (from Latin ‘luna’ for ‘moon’) is the first and lowest heavenly sphere. Wise Catholics fathom, at least in part, the profoundly Marian implications of St. John’s Apocalypse, where he speaks of “…a great sign… in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”  (Apocalypse 12:1 DRC) There is no other person except for the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God Incarnate, Jesus Christ, who fits this description, to a tee, as the rest of Apocalypse 12 makes stark.


The curious reader may refer to a half-written book, Mary Exalted , for irrefutable evidence and logic of this fact on The Epistemologic Works website. The Books & Articles section to the left provides a link; it’s on the Home Page as well when you scroll down far enough; and the alphabetical Quiklinks to the right offers access, too. Go to Chapters 11 to 28 for the relevant passage.


A wise person also knows the moon is gravitationally bound to the earth.


Some astronomers consider the earth and moon a ‘double planet’ system, due to the moon being so large in relation to the earth, although it seems most prefer the ‘planet-satellite’ description. In any case, the earth having nearly a 4000 mile radius, the moon being about 1/81 of the mass of the earth (the inverse of 3 to the 4th power, by the way), then the gravitational ‘barycenter’ of this ‘system’ of the earth and moon is just over a thousand miles below the surface of our terrestrial globe, and not at, or very nearly at, the absolute three dimensional center of our globe, or, contrarily, far out into ‘space’, hundreds or even thousands of miles above our surface. In a very real sense, it’s as though the moon is earth’s tallest mountain, with a 240,000 mile high summit.


Once more, the import?


The lunar orb is the first heaven high above us. And yet it’s linked to our earth in an extremely literal and real way. Mary stands upon this highest of terrestrial summits, in this way demonstrating her divinely-ordained authority over all humanity and our various kingdoms. Yet while She stands in regal dominion over the earth, Her head towers into the highest heavens, as the divinely-bestowed starry crown that She wears proves.


The upshot?


The Anatolian Hittite Empire is in the north of the Middle of the Earth and north of the ancient Garden of Paradise. Anthropologists tell us, additionally, that the Semitic Hittites migrated from further north in western Asia, taking over from and assimilating the Hamitic Hattians and Hurrians before them in the areas of Turkey and Syria.


The north is cold, the hearts of these children of Sem [Shem], mingling with the descendants of Cham [Ham], becoming similarly cold in a religious sense. Abandoning the Catholicity of that long ago time to embrace a staggeringly huge multiplicity of pagan gods, they furthered satanic oppression of the earth with their third of seven bestial heads, supernaturally poisoning minds through the baleful influence of a pagan Hittite Empire, whether directly & physically or indirectly & spiritually via a globally symbolic rule. What’s more, their former domain a while later became the center of lunar worship.


As we may learn from history and Sacred Scripture itself, Anatolia --- the Asia Minor of ancient times and modern day Turkey --- was home to Ephesus on its western coast. This amazing & wealthy city came to host a glorious temple to the moon, renowned all over the Mediterranean, whose goddess the Romans knew as the silver-loving Diana.


Gold the sun, silver the moon. Hot the former, cool the latter.


Do you start to see the allegory?


In addition, the sun is often called ‘masculine’, the moon ‘feminine’.


Again, do you begin to grasp the allegorical implications?


Sacred Tradition tells us the Blessed Virgin Mary lived for a short time in Ephesus, looked after by Jesus’ Beloved Disciple, John, to whom He entrusted Her care while upon the Cross, knowing, as an only son and St. Joseph long dead, that someone should care for His Mother after He was resurrected and ascended into Heaven. At least one saint informs us that, while there, Her holy presence and efficacious prayers brought down the mighty temple of Diana into ruin, just as this same saint tells us Her Son, sojourning in Heliopolis (Greek for ‘sun city’, the center of Egypt’s sun worship) together with the Holy Family, by His Holy Presence devastated the solar temple. Incidentally, ancient Heliopolis is now part of Cairo and near to the Great Pyramid.


Jesus, being God, is spiritually like the sun, and His Mother, being God’s greatest creature, is spiritually like the moon, reflecting the light of the sun and, thus, in a very real sense, being “…clothed with the sun…” (Apocalypse 12:1b DRC)


God the Creator and ‘masculine’, symbolized by the golden sun.


Mary the Created and ‘feminine’, like an argent moon.


Are you seeing it from Heaven’s perspective?


Atlantis went down in utter ruin, grasping for God’s Throne. Egypt came from Cham, too, Noe’s youngest son, and clamored after the sun, the lesser vaunting the greater orb. The Hittites came primarily from Sem, Noe’s oldest son, and, broken into pieces that were consumed by later kingdoms, clamored after the moon, the greater of earth’s peoples vaunting the lesser of heaven’s orbs compared to a brilliant, golden sun.


Symbolism through & through. Satan means it for one thing, God another.


Lucifer loves to invert right order, appearing as an angel of light.


In Babel & Atlantis, man deified, then dusk in the west.


In Egypt the sun, shining hot in the south.


In Anatolia the moon, cool & white.


Lucifer wants humanity to grasp for the stars via the first heavenly sphere. Except his way of doing it is through power and pride. God also wants humanity to grasp for highest heaven, where dwell the stars, via the argentine orb. Except His Sovereign & Religious Way of accomplishing this is through the Queenship and Humility of His Mother.


She who stands upon the moon, ruling over earth from its highest summit, clothed in the reflected light of the Son, and wearing a regal, celestial crown upon Her noble head. Twelve stars like Israel’s Tribes, Jesus’ Apostles, and the Signs of the Zodiac.


+++ 107. Where Is the Fourth of Seven? +++

(A Center of Centers)


And so we turn to the fourth of the Oceanic Beast’s seven heads.


Having learned what we have regarding God’s Point of View, of where He purposely placed the navel or nexus of our world on the spherical surface of the earth --- and thus starting to get a glimpse of how it is that He might view things such as our ‘long’ history spanning over seven millennia (recall the Roman Martyrology, which gives us key points of reference, going back 5199 years prior to the Incarnation), and how He envisions the existence of humanity from His Divine Perspective for all of eternity, foreseeing & plotting our destiny according to His Perfect Plan --- where in the world might He envisage our fourth monstrous ‘head’ to be?


To where might the maelstrom of rebellion move next?


The first monstrous head arose with Atlantis, first at Babel less than two centuries after Noe’s Flood, then out west into the Atlantic Ocean, till the seventh of earth’s seven great continental ‘heads’ fell into the abyss amidst a day of fire & water, as Plato puts it.


This occurred circa 2600 BC, only a few hundred years after the Flood.


The second monstrous head arose with Egypt, waxing strong (relatively speaking) around the same time, 2600 BC, until its pharaonic and pyramidal realm reached ascendancy c.1400 BC, the moment God freed His Old Testament Church from their tyranny.


This Israelite exodus transpired right before the man I guess to be the first post-exodus pharaoh, the much-despised Akhenaten, who briefly upended Egyptian paganism with the introduction of a ‘quasi-monotheism’ centered on Aten (instead of their pagan sun god, Amun-re, albeit mysterious Aten was somehow connected to the ‘sun disk’ of this sun deity), a new creator deity without a creation myth or the typical paganistic ‘family’ of supernaturally-linked pagan gods. A change the majority of resolutely pagan Egyptians vehemently rejected as a most hideous aberration, a disgusting blot upon what was, till then, a practically spotless loyalty to their solar patron, Amun-re. Which caused them to remove Akhenaten from their long list of rulers, his unique & personally selected name (‘Akhenaten’ meaning ‘effective for Aten’) stricken from memory, they thenceforth referring to Akhenaten only as ‘the enemy’ or ‘that criminal’ in Egyptian archives.


Is it too much to hypothesize that the chastened Egyptian Empire, seeing the flabbergastingly punishing and miraculous plagues of the Hebrew Deity upon their nation… not least of which was the loss of all their firstborn males, both human and animal… the very next pharaoh (not the one who fought the Israelites and died chasing them across the Red Sea with his army, see Exodus 14) then abandoned their sun god? Having seen how weak Amun-re was against the Hebrew’s Eternally Self-Existent & Omnipotent Creator God, is it really any surprise that he, brought low in abject humiliation, chose to move, however modestly, toward the True God?




Scholars quibble over when the Exodus of the Israelites happened. Nor is their date (c.1350 BC) for the benighted Akhenaten a solid & indisputable fact. Ergo why I guess Egypt’s Empire to have waned around 1400 BC, without pretending exactitude. If correct, though, their hegemony endured a little beyond a thousand years.


From God’s timeless perspective, Egypt flowered a little over a day.


Then comes night at the end of the day, n’est-ce pas?


The third monstrous head arrived with the Hittites. Their Empire didn’t attain real ascendancy until about the same time the Egyptians waned, c.1400 BC. Nor was their azimuth long. We cannot draw hard and fast lines --- the rise and fall of nations is never cut-and-dried with precise dates marking an instant and total loss or gain of power --- but, it’s fair to say, the reign of the Hittites had passed their zenith by c.1200 BC.


Not unlike the moon’s transitory appearance in a dark evening sky. Two centuries may seem so very, very, very long to you and I, dear reader. Why, 200 years ago, my country of birth & habitation (the US) had hardly begun!


And yet the United States of America is today the world’s leading power.


Two hundred years, however, is a mere blip during 7.2 millennia. (Again, following the Roman Martyrology, which gives us 5199 years from the Creation of the World to the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, and then adding over 2000 years since then until now, as I write this part of the book, Helplessly Ignorant.) Notwithstanding, a still significant amount of time, 200 being 1/36th of 7200 --- though in contradistinction to the much longer 1200 years of Egypt (1/6th of 7200) and the similar in duration, but still longer, 360 years or so of the Babel & Atlantis amalgamation (1/20th of 7200).


The next terrestrially central empire was also a seeming blip. Lengthier too, yes, with roughly 400 years of ascendancy (1/18th of 7200). But what is this imperial & terrestrial centrality of humanity’s religious rebellion, the central fourth of seven altogether, in relation to the original centrality of earth’s ancient spiritual & physical paradise?


Just what is the fourth monstrous head?


+++ 108. Nautical Merchants? +++


The Phoenician Empire.


Or, if you will, the Phoenician Confederacy or Phoenician League.


This is another example of where things may look complicated. We human beings, limited in mind and not quite grasping the intricacy of creation, tend to oversimplify. Massive or fundamental patterns built into existence itself are often astonishingly simple, but we, in self-deceiving bids to ‘understand’, often get simplistic (as opposed to simple!) and then make unwarranted (and unrecognized) assumptions that turn out to be wrong.


One of these simplistic assumptions is that empires are always very focused.


That is to say, that an empire --- in order to be an empire --- must be an extremely controlled set up, with a government that is ultimately centered in one big major capitol wherein grave decisions are made in a highly visible or straightforward way.


This is not always the case. And even when an empire might be highly centralized, the actual exercise of power in crucial situations is not always occurring in the central capitol or highly visible and straightforward. Frequently it’s the opposite!


What, then, constitutes an empire, kingdom or government?


We don’t have time to indulge a treatise on power (nor do I claim to be learned enough to explain human government adequately). We merely note the indisputable… that power is sometimes complex. Nonetheless, the wielder of this power can be very real while not always obvious or ‘centralized’ and ‘highly controlled’. Indeed, the most effective exercise of power or government can be ‘hidden away’ or ‘decentralized’.


Not that I intend to sound conspiratorial.


And I’m not claiming the Phoenicians were a ‘conspiracy’. They were real, and knowledge of them is now extensive, although not exhaustive. E.g., our alphabet, say scholars, derives from the Phoenicians (and, per many in academia, in turn comes from the even older hieroglyphic writing system of the Egyptians). Why them? Because their alphabet was phonetic and much easier to learn and use, as well as adaptable to lots of other languages since the phonetic symbols could either be inducted wholesale or else, with a few new phonetic symbols added here and there, make writing a language way simpler than, say, laborious Egyptian hieroglyphs or innumerable Chinese logograms. So... put that in your pipe and smoke it, my dearest soul. As I write, and you read, the thing I’m writing and you’re reading is in phonetic symbols that come from the very people we’re talking about --- ancient Phoenicians --- who, in turn, came up with characters based on the hieroglyphs of a still older Egypt we also tackled.


Pretty amazing, eh?


But… who were the Phoenicians?


After Atlantis, the greatest maritime people the world had seen.


Again, the Phoenicians were not an empire in the customary sense. Their government consisted of so-called ‘city states’ (a city with a leader, or leaders, that dominates the area around the city, without necessarily directly ruling a vast realm); albeit, in the history of the Phoenicians, certain cities took dominant roles from time to time (such as Byblos in what is modern day Lebanon in the north, or Tyre in today’s southern Lebanon).


What, then, was the basis of Phoenician power?


International trade and sailing ships.


That’s right. Their power and influence was a result of their wealth, gained by trading, and their ability to sail great distances upon the seas. They came into contact with untold numbers of peoples & countries via this lucrative trade, and their alphabet spread all over the Mediterranean as they made contracts, kept legers, wrote records and communicated with Phoenician colonies or city states. For instance, the legendary Carthage in north Africa (present day Tunisia), which, after the Phoenicians lost their overall supremacy and huge influence upon Carthage (at first a colony started by an exiled queen, the just-as-legendary Dido), became the capitol of a more typically centralized realm, till, destroyed in the Punic Wars, Rome rebuilt and grew it into a fertile province.


Their pagan priests, too, employed the Phoenician alphabet.


This, in conjunction with their wealth, extensive knowledge, far flung travels and widespread colonies or city states, made them the envy of the world for awhile, the denizens of earth ever eager to ape the styles & customs of the rich & powerful, whilst, at the same time, griping & complaining about the greed, arrogance, cruelty or indifference of these prosperous & influential elite. But, of course, why not call upon the same gods who ‘make’ them elite? If ‘strong enough’ to give them wealth & power, then --- love them or hate them --- why not imitate the elite Phoenicians and share in their riches?


As somebody once said (the fictional Gordon Gekko in the film Wall Street… but, I wager, peddled many a time in various ways by lots of people throughout history):


Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”


+++ 109. Chanaanite Conundrums? +++

(Act 1)


A curious thing about the Phoenicians is that, as every scholar agrees, they were definitely Semitic. That is (and even though contemporary scholars use the term without necessarily believing in the biblical explanation of this term), they descended from Noe’s [Noah’s] oldest of three sons, Sem [Shem]. Which, from a wise Roman Catholic academic point of view, continues to invert the inversion.


Remember this from Chapter 100?


Satan loves to invert right order.


God’s Order in a sinfully fallen world --- which is the correct structure of any Roman Catholic people --- rests upon patrimony. To wit, with some exceptions, the authority of man over woman and older over younger. Ergo, St. Noe was both the king & pope of the world right after the Great Flood… his corporeal and spiritual fatherhood made him the civil and religious ruler of our ancient earth. This correct order was quickly supplanted by the offspring of his youngest & rebellious son, Cham [Ham], whose grandson, the remarkable Nemrod [Nimrod], tyrannized the earth, instigating again false (read: non-Catholic or anti-Catholic) religion after the cleansing of the earth and led humanity into building the Tower of Babel. Via this supernaturally occultic ‘gate’ (either inside or right next to where Our Creator placed the Garden of Paradise, the word ‘Babel’, you recall, originally meaning ‘gate of God’), he daringly tried to invade Heaven on his own terms by lying to human beings, getting them to think, haughtily, that they were their own ‘Gods’ rather than merely (yet incredibly!) reflecting the God Who made them.


Nemrod (who I surmise to be the ‘sea god’) failed to storm Heaven.


Moreover, given that Nemrod was indeed the Neptune of the Romans and the Poseidon of the Greeks, his Atlanteans also ultimately failed to rule the world, plunging, instead, like fiery meteors into an oceanic abyss as hell’s insatiable maw opened wide to droolingly receive them, dining greedily upon succulent human souls.


Egypt continued Nemrod’s satanic inversion, being Hamitic, but supplanting the supplanters since they came from Cham’s second son rather than from his first, the Atlanteans simultaneously punished for their self-deifying pride whilst inspiring the solar-loving Egyptians toward their imperial ambitions. In turn, the Hamitically-grounded but eventually Semitically-headed Hittites made a brief bid for global centrality, yet, in so doing, first inverting the inversion by taking from the Hamitic Hattians (who came from Cham’s fourth son) the scepter of world supremacy in relation to the world’s center, descendants of Noe’s first son, Sem, now wielding this power. The Phoenicians, offspring of Sem, too, furthered the inverted inversion by sitting on the throne.


The problem?


Just like the Hittites… they were zealous pagans!


The Hattian foundation of the Hittite Empire (the third of the oceanic beast’s seven heads) were Chanaanites [Canaanites], descended from Cham’s fourth son, as we’ve noted twice. And Cham’s offspring loved paganism --- indeed, any form of non-Catholic, and hence false, religion --- with unparalleled abandon. Thus, in being the foundation of the Hittite Empire, they infected Sem’s descendants with the same spiritual plague, the humanly Semitic superstructure of this Hittite Empire happily lapping up the sweet poison of every false religion and multiplying their demonic gods galore.


The Phoenicians continued Semitic pre-occupation with pagan gods.


What’s more, they continued a tragic Chanaanite fixation.


Because Cham’s son, Chanaan (who some argue was not the fourth of Cham’s sons, claiming the list in Genesis 10:6 is geographically based and not in order of descending age… but there is no ancient, traditional and sound basis for this supposition, to my ken), suffered the terrible curse of St. Noe, as recorded in Genesis 9:25-27, having shared in, per old Jewish memory, his father’s brazen mockery of our world’s first post-deluge monarch & pope, St. Noe, when the latter (Noe) became shamefully drunk.


And what was the gist of this prophetic curse?


That Chanaanites would be a ‘slave of slaves’ and serve Sem.


How was this sad prophecy carried out and awful curse fulfilled in the end?


By the Chanaanites  --- who settled mainly (although not the only ones to do so) in the Levant (in ancient times consisting of Asia Minor, Syria & Palestine, with the region around Egypt thrown in; in other words, the eastern Mediterranean) --- adopting such depraved paganism & anti-Catholicity that they cruelly & murderously sacrificed their children to Moloch, practiced temple prostitution as if it were a religious ‘sacrament’ and their priestesses ‘holy’ for offering up their bodies to any & every man’s carnal pleasure, indulging divorce, immodesty, drunkenness, pederasty, homosexuality, bestiality, incest, abortion and other perversions or bloody violence too hideous for good Catholics to mention without retching in abject horror, and shuddering in fear as they think of how bad they themselves are also, bound to face a similar punishment after death in judgment.


How long will God endure such willful crimes?


No man can order God around. No human being can bind Him to their wishes. But we have saints, prophets, apostles and the Holy Roman Catholic Church Herself assuring us, in Her Infallible Teachings, that certain transgressions (sins) cry out to Heaven for vengeance, from which God will not indefinitely refrain to punish decisively.


In short, that He must, and truly will, punish sooner rather than later.


That is, even here on earth, physically, before we die.


This awful fate is what threatens us right now, too, during the Great Apostasy, and it’s what faced the Chanaanites way back then, thousands of years ago, in the Levant. Our ancient king & pope, St. Noe, by God’s Power and the Holy Ghost, prophetically foreknew the destiny of most of the offspring of Chanaan via his youngest son, the headstrong, defiant & unruly Cham. A fate fulfilled by the Chanaanites becoming so wicked that God Himself, ‘bound’ by His Utterances, as it were, cannot refrain from doing what He says He’ll do when confronted by rebels so horrible, so haughty and so blatantly impious, wicked & depraved that they will not hardly follow the Law of Natural Reason placed upon their hearts so as to avoid the very things they persist in doing:


Sin so ugly, corrupt & unnatural that God must say “enough”.


The ancient Israelites ---the members of the Old Testament Church --- were His Tool to punish the villainous Chanaanites over three millennia ago when He sent the Hebrews into Palestine, commanding them to destroy all of the inhabitants they found there.


This appalls modern people.


We think it ‘cruel’, ‘inhumane’ and ‘barbaric’.


But how is it any of these things when sin is real, sin is disgusting, and these sins are appalling and murderous and perverted beyond belief, defying everything Our Creator made us to be and purposefully designed us to do, giving us both the Natural Law and an Infallible Religion so as to have all we need to please Him and complete our destiny?


This is why the Chanaanites were cursed, why they were destroyed… and why it is imperative to understand that these same Chanaanites were the foundation of the brief but wicked third head of the ‘Sea Beast’, the Hittite Empire, and, too, such a major influence upon the fourth head of the Oceanic Monster, the Phoenician Empire.


Yet how could this be, the Chanaanite curse spreading like an infection?


How is it Cham’s offspring dragged down Sem’s progeny?


+++ 110. Chanaanite Conundrums? +++

(Act 2)


St. Paul the Apostle says a curious thing in the Bible.


He wrote to the Catholics in the Diocese of Colossae, a major city of ancient Phrygia, part of central Anatolia (Asia Minor, modern day Turkey). Which, the Catholic Church infallibly upholding as divinely-inspired, means Paul wrote to all Roman Catholics everywhere and everywhen throughout the world. He instructs us:


“Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth [care most about Heaven and the life to come, not this human life here on earth below]… Mortify [put to death, i.e, metaphorically, to deny one’s self the things for which you crave] therefore your members [the various parts of your corrupt human body, conceived in sin] which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil concupiscence [wicked desire], and covetousness, which is the service of idols.” (Colossians 3:2, 5 DRC)


We repeat:


“…and covetousness, which is the service of idols.” (Colossians 3:5c DRC)


Now, it can be argued Paul says “the service of idols” in reference to the whole list of sins, which human beings can commit with their bodies upon this earth, that he mentions in the earlier part of his sentence in Colossians 3:5 just after the semicolon. To wit, “…fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil concupiscence, and covetousness…” (Ibid.)


This is a valid point.


Note, though, how all of these sins of the body can be summed up in the one unique word, and rather old-fashioned nowadays since most people don’t use it in conversation anymore, of “covetousness”. And what is covetousness”?


Usually it’s equated with the terms of ‘greed’ or ‘avarice’.


That is, to desire something ardently, or with envy.


And yet, not just every and any desire can be sinful. After all, is a Catholic sinning merely because he or she ardently desires to die in the state of grace and envies those Roman Catholics who have already won their difficult battles with their corrupt bodies on earth and now enjoy the Undisturbed Bliss & Glory of Heaven Forevermore?


Of course not.


A Catholic is supposed to desire Heaven, and no good Catholic --- in envying those Catholics who are already safe in Heaven --- wants these already safe Catholics thrown out of Heaven while he or she takes their place and gloats at their demise.


No… a real & good Catholic simply wants to be with them.


Hence, to covet --- rightly understood in a religious sense --- means either 1) to want something that you should never want, or 2) to want something more than you should want it, or 3) to want something when you should not be wanting it.


This is what covetousness is, and it’s what greed or avarice amount to.


It also sums up the short list of sins, that St. Paul mentions in Colossians 3:5 after the semicolon but prior to “covetousness”, into which our corrupt bodies tempt us. Because of the corruption (and thus disorder) of our human flesh, we wind up wanting what we should never want, wanting what we shouldn’t want so much, and wanting what we ought not to want at a particular point in time. For instance, a Catholic should never desire to be homosexual (which is perversion, i.e., intrinsically disordered). A Catholic should also not desire to eat more than is necessary or good for him (which is gluttony, and, while eating food is not disordered, eating too much food is). And a good Catholic should not desire to eat meat on most Fridays or during the non-sabbath days of Lent (which is a species [kind] of concupiscence, for, while eating meat is not disordered, eating meat, when forbidden to eat meat, is indeed concupiscent & disordered).


Are you starting to get it?




Now make the final connection in your mind.


If this is what covetousness is… then why does the Apostle Paul bother linking avarice and greed to the service of idols”? (Colossians 3:5c DRC)


Remember, this is God Himself speaking to us, the Holy Ghost inspiring St. Paul’s thoughts as he writes. God’s One & Only Roman Catholic Body has infallibly assured us of this fact, making it indisputable. Ergo, we have Our Creator directly and inerrantly telling us, with infallible certainty, that covetousness, greed & avarice are utterly  identical to serving pagan gods in false religion, of bowing before demons.


Sobering, my dear reader?


It had better be.


Or else you don’t care, or you’re not paying attention.


+++ 111. Chanaanite Conundrums? +++

(Act 3)


The ancient Chanaanites were well-known for their merchantry.


They loved to buy and sell, they loved to wheel and deal, they loved to haggle in the marketplace, they loved to make money and get rich and live sumptuously, lording it over others (since wealth always equates to power on this earth), and, like most pagans in ancient times, they viewed the poor as lepers, as if poverty were contagious.


They also liked to serve pagan gods in false religion.


And they attributed their success in wealth and possessions and power and conquests and security and fertility and earthly happiness to the demon gods that they worshipped. This was their secret, they thought, their means of getting what they wanted. If they became poor, or lost a battle, or were barren, or afraid, or etc., etc., then --- obviously --- they most assuredly had failed in some way to serve, please or placate their gods.


Ergo, just as surely, they must ‘right’ this ‘wrong’.


They must better serve, better please, and placate their somewhat irascible god.


Those who are poor, downtrodden, powerless, afraid, barren, unhappy and otherwise ‘unsuccessful’ in this earthly life, are, clearly, sluggards when it comes to this principle of earthly ‘success’, failing to serve, please & placate the fickle god! Either that or else they serve gods (or a god) who are weaker than the powerful gods you serve.




Who of a sound mind could deny it?


You’ll recall, beloved reader, how Nemrod convinced the human race, right after the Great Flood, to build a “…city and a tower, the top whereof may REACH TO HEAVEN…” (Genesis 11:4b-c DRC)  We have spent much of the sixth of seven devastating points against salvation heresy (the fantasy that it doesn’t matter what religion you are in this life) demonstrating that this was a long ago ‘great apostasy’ in miniature, of humanity ‘self-deifying’ itself. These very ancient humans were stronger & longer-lived, becoming the rather badly behaved & irascible ‘gods’ of (for instance) Greek pagans a little later on in history, as St. Augustine of Hippo informs us.


Humanity today again strives for the stars, building a New World Order “…city and a tower, the top whereof may reach to heaven…” We again puff out our chests, revel in our tools (technology) and deeds (acquiring wealth & amusements, the conquering of our maladies or fears, and ascending into the lofty heights of space), and boast of a self-deification to come (or already here!), when we shall crown ourselves as our own ‘maker’. We shall rule; we shall call into existence; and we shall be our own ‘Gods’.


It is thus our own selves that we must serve, please & placate.


Ergo, we must eradicate poverty, illness, suffering, death & etc. There is no need for these unpleasant things in the coming brave New World Order. To think otherwise is to admit weakness… to fail to believe ourselves the ‘Gods’ that we are, able to solve our own problems and make for ourselves a paradise here on earth or in ‘space’ above.


And what kind of gods would we be if we allowed human beings to be poor, get sick, suffer in some way, or die (or at least die a terrible, painful death, without the option to voluntarily finish ourselves off --- euthanasia --- without all that pain!), or etc., etc., etc.?


Very poor gods indeed, not worthy of serving.


(You’ll recall as well, dear soul, that we dealt with this phenomenon of ‘self-deification’ in the first twelve chapters of Helplessly Ignorant, which also constitute the first of seven devastating points against salvation heresy… that is to say, the idea that we are too ‘ignorant’ to know which religion, if any, is true, and, anyhow, as our human thinking progresses, it’s ‘obvious’ that none of them is true and that, instead, we ourselves make reality since it is only what is ‘perceived’ that is ‘real’ and, hence, we the ‘perceivers’ are therefore the ‘creators’ of what we choose to perceive.)


Whichever --- the serving of ‘gods’ outside of one’s own self or the serving of one’s self as if you are a god, or even the worship of all of humanity or all of nature as if both we and it are a massive, evolving, pantheistic ‘god’ with ourselves and countless other sentient & ‘evolved’ beings as the ‘mind’ or altitudinous ‘head’ of a universal, collectively-conscious & monistic God-Beast --- the end is ever the same:


The worship of that which is not God, coveting whatever we may choose.


This is greed, this is avarice, and this is what it means to covet.


+++ 112. Chanaanite Conundrums? +++

(Act 4)


Beloved reader, do you start to understand why the Holy Ghost, via St. Paul, equates covetousness with the service of idols”? Do you begin to comprehend the horror of sin, of how deep into the bowels of hell our disobedience to God causes us to plunge? Do you grasp the spiritual plague afflicting the Chanaanites, and how the curse of St. Noe upon them spread to Sem’s offspring… especially those who took the supremacy?


Do you see how this same plague afflicts us today?


The first conundrum of the Chanaanites is that they were cursed. Why? We have explained this curse and how it was prophetic, both due to Chanaan taking part in his father Cham’s wicked mockery of Noe (see Genesis 9:20-27), our earth’s king & pope, and due to Chanaan’s progeny descending into the gravest of sins, rebellion & paganism (see Leviticus 18:3, 24-25, for evidence that it’s for horrible sins that the land of Chanaan was to be given to the Israelites and how the land itself would “vomit out” (Leviticus 18:25c DRC) the inhabitants thereof, that is to say, the descendants of Cham’s son, Chanaan, the Chanaanites --- peruse Leviticus 18 for full grasp of their many crimes).


Additional evidence of the Chanaanite curse and their grotesque iniquities may be seen as early (historically speaking) as the cities of Sodom & Gomorrha [Gomorrah]. Remember their example? It’s not politically correct to say so --- in fact, it is one of the worst ‘sins’ you can commit against the despotic & unforgiving Religion of Modernism --- but the term ‘sodomy’ for the vice of homosexuality comes from the first of the two infamous cities, Sodom. Nonetheless, the sin of homosexuality was only one of many evils for which these Chanaanite municipalities (or, more accurately, ‘city states’) were guilty.


St. Ezechiel the Prophet, in condemning Jerusalem (and hence the Israelites as a whole; or, to be really specific, the two remaining tribes under Jerusalem’s rule at this time, Benjamin & Judah, the latter tribe from where the word Jew derives), declares:


“As I live, saith [says] the Lord God, thy [your] sister Sodom herself [Sodom is like a ‘sister city’ to you, Jerusalem, being close to one another’s locations and similar in sins], and her daughters [all those under Sodom’s sway or influence when Sodom still ruled & existed], have not done as thou hast done, and thy daughters [they’ve not been as bad as you have been, including all those under your sway or influence]. Behold [You see] this was the iniquity [sin] of Sodom thy sister, pride, fulness of bread [more than enough food to eat], and abundance [lots and lots of wealth], and the idleness of her, and of her daughters [the realm of Sodom was so rich that everyone had way too much time on their hands, frittering it away in useless or excessive amusements]: and they did not put forth their hand to the needy, and to the poor [the very well-to-do citizens of Sodom cared not a whit for people in poverty, starving, cold, etc.]. And they were LIFTED UP [became EXCEEDINGLY PROUD], and committed ABOMINATIONS before me [did the MOST HORRIBLE & UNNATURAL SINS despite knowing that I, the Creator, see everything they do and will punish them]: and I took them away [destroyed them all] as thou hast seen.” (Ezechiel 16:48-50 DRC)


Getting through to you, precious soul?


PRIDE is the fountain of all sins, as any good Catholic knows.


This, combined with wealth & leisure, along with little or no or only a ‘pretended’ concern for those in need, makes for a situation where people forget the True Religion --- or whatever remnants of God’s Singular Religion they have left --- eventually spurning it, and offer themselves up entirely to the worst of sinseven those sins that are most unnatural and demand more immediate punishment upon this earth.


This is the first conundrum of the wicked Chanaanites explained.


The second conundrum of the Chanaanites is that they spiritually contaminated the Semites. That is to say, the inversion inverted, with the descendants of Noe’s oldest & holiest of sons, Sem, taking the position of a global supremacy & centrality (which, one might think, rights the wrong of Cham’s offspring subverting patrimony via his son Chus in Nemrod & the Atlanteans, then via Mesraim in the Egyptians), this inverted inversion proceeds to fall flat on its face with Sem’s progeny eagerly imbibing the poison of paganism, innumerable false gods and anything opposed to God & Catholicism!


And, though we’ve made much of Hittites embracing Chanaanite paganism (you’ll recollect that the Hattians, with whom the Hittites intermingled, were both Chanaanites and massive fans of a seemingly endless parade of pagan gods), we don’t pretend that the Semitic descendants of Noe only first espoused paganism after the Deluge in the Hittite Empire. Because, you’ll also remember, practically the whole human race followed the indomitable Nemrod (Cham’s grandson) into rebellion against God & Catholicism barely two centuries (if that) after a catastrophic Flood, building a skyscraping tower. This must include, as a matter of course (since Nemrod usurped rule of, essentially, all humanity), the offspring of Sem, too (at least most of them, presumably).


Consequently, we merely conclude that, in the wake of God’s division of humanity into various languages following the Tower of Babel debacle, the Semites were probably of a humbler outlook than most of Cham’s descendants. Viz., more of Sem’s progeny took God’s rebuke to heart, returning to the Catholicism of that time, prior to the Promised One, Christ, arriving on earth. Whereas, most of the Hamites quickly forgot this chastisement and zestily panted after pagan gods, the human heroes of old.


We see, then, the Hattian Chanaanites re-infest a Semitic people by being the foundational base of the brief, yet globally central, Hittite Empire.


How does this infection continue with the Phoenicians?


The answer lies in the third conundrum.


+++ 113. Chanaanite Conundrums? +++

(Act 5)


The Chanaanites --- overall, with every sub-branch or sub-tribe of the Chanaanites included --- were the primary occupants of the poetic-sounding-yet-increasingly-archaic name for the vast region known long ago as the ‘Levant’.


Granted, Mesraim’s offspring (Cham’s second son), the Egyptians, dominated in northernmost Egypt. Though not completely, since other Hamitic sub-branches and sub-tribes also inhabited lower Egypt, not to mention that some Semitic peoples did, too. For example, recall how Semitic Israelites --- ancient Hebrews, today’s Jews --- lived for some four hundred years in the Nile delta area of north Egypt, called ‘Gessen’ [Goshen], first at the invitation of a grateful pharaoh since Joseph, the pharaoh’s right hand man and son of St. Jacob, had saved Egyptians from starving during a seven year drought. (Please see Chapters 41 to 47 of Genesis for this account. Later, of course, the pharaohs turned against the rapidly multiplying Hebrews and enslaved them, increasingly afraid, after oppressing them, they’d wreak vengeance for this cruelty… see Exodus 1:1-14.)


The Chanaanites particularly filled up and dominated the aforementioned land of Chanaan. (Which is why this region, in ancient times, became known as ‘Chanaan’ [‘Canaan’], natch.) Later on, the country was called Palestine (due to the Philistines, who took over the southwestern portion of Chanaan and intermittently tyrannized the disobedient Israelites as they went in and out of apostasy against the One True Religion of Old Testament times --- carefully note the phonetic similarity between the words ‘Palestine’ & ‘Philistine’). Ergo, ‘Palestine’ is geographically almost identical to ‘Chanaan’, and is essentially the middle of the Levant.


The point?


This is where the Phoenicians settled.


Again, the Phoenicians were not an ‘empire’ in the customary sense. Rather, they were a ‘confederacy’ or ‘league’, if you will, of a growing number of Phoenician ‘city states’ that communicated through their skills in writing, sailing & trade. Scholars argue over where they originated. Ancient tradition insists they began on, or around, assorted islands just off the eastern coast of the middle of the Arabian Peninsula thousands of years ago, in a area now under the rule of the small but rich Kingdom of Bahrain.


Whether or not we want to believe this tradition is beside the point.


What is the pertinent thing to realize?


Ancient sources also tell us the city of Byblos, in present day northern Lebanon, was the first prominent Phoenician city state. Modern scholars agree it is an extremely old city, albeit less likely to say, categorically, it was the first center of Phoenician power. Too, ancient sources inform us the city of Tyre, in what is today southern Lebanon, was the next major center of Phoenician influence (the city of Sidon, a tad north of Tyre, vied for this honor, yet, while bestowing its adjective --- Sidonian --- on the region, failed to outdo Tyre). Modern scholars are a bit reluctant about this assertion, as well, but admit Tyre is very old and Phoenician presence there goes back at least 3500 years. Both Byblos and Tyre reside on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean. And the Phoenicians were, as noted several times, fabulous sailors & traders. This is how they became rich.


Take a look at a map. Where is the lilliputian nation of Lebanon? Right… smack dab in the midst of the Levant, just to the north of ancient Chanaan (Palestine, much of which is modern day Israel). Indeed, Palestine of old essentially included today’s Lebanon.


Connecting the dots? It’s not that hard.


The Phoenicians, as they gradually spread their colonies and established city states, set up housekeeping --- as it were --- in the middle of the pagan-god-loving Chanaanites.


Of course, the Phoenicians may have paganized before entering the Levant.


No matter… because ultimately they fell in love with Chanaanite gods.


Remember, their Levant colonies were surrounded by Chanaanites. And they made their living sailing the seas whilst trading with the people where they lived. So how do you think Phoenicians wound up serving Chanaanite deities. Covetousness, anyone?


Not only that, but recall how pagans of old were localists.


That is, ancient pagans saw most of their gods as being attached to some locale, a prominent city or river or mountain, or to a specific ethnicity and tribe. Consequently, when other ethnicities moved into an area, or took it over (and weren’t so proud that they presumed the gods of the conquered to be unworthy of their worship), it was natural, so to speak, for the new arrivals to adopt the deities of the pagans there before them.


It may not make much sense to us; but it made a lot of sense to them.


You can even see this described in Sacred Scripture after the brutal & pagan Assyrians took over the Northern Kingdom, the Kingdom of Israel (so called after ten of the twelve tribes split from Solomon’s son, leaving him a mere two tribes to rule). For we read:


“And the king of the Assyrians brought people [non-Jews]… and placed them in the cities of Samaria [the former realm of the Northern Kingdom] instead of the children of Israel [the ten tribes who had made up that Northern Kingdom split from the two tribes of the Southern Kingdom]: and they possessed Samaria and dwelt in the cities thereof. And when they began to dwell there, they feared not the Lord [the One True God of the Old Testament Israelite and all real Catholics]: and the Lord sent lions among them, which killed them… And the king of the Assyrians commanded, saying, ‘Carry thither [to there] one of the priests whom you brought from thence [there] captive, and let him go, and… teach them the ordinances of the God of the land. [One must understand that this priest was already schismatic & heretical due to the Samaritans --- the Northern Kingdom citizens --- already having gone schismatic, heretical & pagan. However, in their syncretism, they kept some truths of God’s Religion of the Old Testament correct, and it is these truths which, presumably, he then taught the new inhabitants.]… So one of the priests… taught them how they should worship the Lord. And every nation [type of ethnicity sent by the Assyrians to live there in the now conquered Kingdom of Israel] made gods of their own… nevertheless they worshipped the Lord And when they worshipped the Lord, they served also their own gods according to the custom [pagan religious traditions] of the nations out of which they were brought to Samaria…” (4 Kings [2 Kings] 17:24a, c-25, 27a-c, e-28a, c-29a, 32a, 33)


So, even if the Phoenicians were paganized before colonizing present day Lebanon in the ancient Levant (and there’s evidence in Sacred Scripture that they weren’t paganized, leastwise, not fully), they eventually gladly adopted the gods of the Chanaanites.


+++ 114. World Trade Center? +++

(Part 1)


Understanding this so far?


Now here’s the link to the third conundrum:


This is right where the GARDEN OF PARADISE used to be.


Do you remember what we discussed before about the Middle of the Earth, and the so-called ‘nexus’ or ‘navel’ of the world? To wit --- the ‘Mediterranean’? And in the east of the Mediterranean (‘Middle Earth’), toward dawn, was a ‘well-watered land’ where the ‘whole heaven’ intersected, as it were, with the earth below, that is, ‘in terra’?


We discussed this in Chapters 101 & 102 of this book, Helplessly Ignorant.


Diaspora Jewish rabbis, following tradition, said Jerusalem was the earth’s navel.


And do you recollect how we learned that at least some traditionally religious people in Syria will still tell us, in modern times, that Damascus --- an extremely old city --- is part of an area once belonging to this home of our first parents, the Garden of Paradise? The city of Damascus is not even 150 miles generally north of Jerusalem as the crow flies. Ergo, while I do not pretend to know yet how big Paradise was, I do know this:


It almost certainly included what we call the city of Jerusalem.


How so?


Ancient Old Testament era knowledge is a huge red flag, saying, “Look here! Pay close attention… this place right here, this unique city, is in a very extraordinary spot. God did not promise the Land of Chanaan to the people of the Old Testament Church (Israel) for no reason; He did not move the prophet & king, David, to make Jerusalem both regally and religiously the one peculiar location for His Singular Temple during the Old Covenant accidentally. Oh, wait. I’m joking. Actually it was sheer chance!”


Clearly, I’m being sardonic.


The All-Knowing Creator does not leave such things to ‘chance’.


That is neither how He works nor is it conceivable for Him to operate in such ways. If you are both omnipotent and omniscient then you will have a purpose and a plan for absolutely everything, especially that which is most central & important.


End of sentences.


This is not truly debatable for the honest, intelligent & wise Catholic. Once these facts are made plain, and once such a person thinks to ask the right questions, seeking with all curiosity & earnestness, it cannot be doubted that Almighty God chose Jerusalem for a reason --- and not random chance. And once one puts all the data together, taking seriously what people of old once knew… but we have forgot… it clicks.


For instance, dear reader, if you call yourself Roman Catholic (and really are!), do you realize the Eternal Son of God, Jesus Christ, was crucified at the Place of Calvary?


We find evidence for this in Matthew 27:33, Mark 15:22 & Luke 23:33.


This spot called ‘Calvary’ was just outside the walls of old Jerusalem, as any learned individual of traditional religion and calling himself ‘christian’ can agree. The modern archeologist or historian invariably wishes to cast doubt upon this fact, usually revolving around their scorn for the miracle that St. Helena (Constantine the Great’s mother, he in turn the first Emperor of the Roman Realm to legalize the Catholic Faith and halt the persecutions) performed, with the Jerusalem bishop’s approval and cooperation (and, naturally, by God’s Power and with His Approval!), to determine which, out of three crosses found where local geography and Sacred Scripture and the people’s memory logically indicated they would be (the Romans buried them and then erected a pagan temple to stop Catholics from worshipping there), was Jesus’ Cross, the ‘tree’ from which His Blood ran. This is where God died to make Peace with His Own.


I mean, where else would Earth’s Navel be from God’s Perspective?


King St. David is a Messianic Prophet, right?


And David is even an ancestor of the Messias, correct?


Well, then, is it sheer chance David selected little ‘Salem’ [Jerusalem, where his patriarch, St. Abraham met, honored & worshipped with a mysterious ‘Melchisedech’ (the ‘Melchizedek’ of Protestant bibles), see Genesis 14:18-20] out of countless other cities of the Land of Chanaan --- having to first defeat the Jebusite Chanaanites (hence not Semites!) who still ruled the city since earlier Israelites hadn’t been able to conquer them before David did so --- to be the City of God, the place God placed His Name & His Temple and gave us His Divine Son, and which, renamed, bears till this day a moniker meaning ‘City of Peace’, testifying to God’s Rectifying Sacrifice?


Again… where else would Earth’s Center be from God’s Point of View?


+++ 115. World Trade Center? +++

(Part 2)


An industrious reader, by the way, may confirm the account of King St. David & Jerusalem, as well as this city being where God placed His Name & Temple, in Sacred Scripture in 2 Kings [2 Samuel] 5:4-10, 6:12, 3 Kings [1 Kings] 5:2-5, 1 Paralipomenon [1 Chronicles] 29:1-5 & 2 Paralipomenon [2 Chronicles] 1:1-4. David, as the Messianic king, prophetically knew that God intended him --- the human ancestor of the Messias, Christ Jesus --- to prepare everything for the Temple in Jerusalem, and that his very peaceable son, Solomon [‘solomon’ means ‘peaceful’ in ancient Hebrew], would construct it in this City of Peace (a.k.a., ‘City of David’, ‘david’ being ‘beloved’).


The point is, God foreknew & planned this Temple from all of eternity.


Likewise His Son, Jesus --- Whose Body is the Eternal Temple of the New Testament! (see John 2:13-22 for proof Jesus’ Body is the Temple, particularly John 2:21) --- planned His Sacrifice on the Cross in this City of Peace, a paradoxically turbulent Jerusalem, to make peace with His beloved, all who join with & obey Him.


So why wouldn’t He consider this the center of our world’s surface?


And, if central, wouldn’t it be crucial to Paradise?


The kicker is this, though:


Matthew, Mark & Luke, in their gospels, refer to Jesus crucified in the place called ‘Calvary’, as we noted above in Chapter 114 with precise biblical references. John, too, in his gospel refers to Jesus crucified at Calvary, he, along with Matthew & Mark, as well remarking that it’s called ‘Golgotha’. John alone tells us that the latter, ‘Golgotha’, is from Hebrew (viz., the ‘Hebrew’ of Jesus’ time, ‘Aramaic’). Whichever the language, howsobeit, Latin ‘Calvary’ or Hebrew ‘Golgotha’, the meaning is always the same.


Both ‘Calvary’ and ‘Golgotha’ translate as ‘A SKULL’.


Protestant translations of the Bible into English frequently make this meaning stark (although I must urge the unwary reader to avoid Protestant renderings since they often twist a passage to suit their bias against Catholicism). The one trustworthy version in English thus far for Catholics, the Douay Rheims Challoner (DRC), comes via St. Jerome’s Vulgate, ‘Calvary’ being from Latin ‘calvaria’ for ‘a skull’.


A simple question then arises. Is there a skull where Jesus died?


And if so… WHOSE?


The answer is easy:




You read correctly.


It’s the SKULL of our first father, ADAM, in the Garden of PARADISE.


Think about it. Unless you’re gaga over ‘macroevolution’, the so-called neo-Darwinian ‘modern synthesis’, ‘evolutionary developmental biology’ (known also by the easier and cuter ‘evo-devo’ nickname) or what-have-you (as long as, thinks the modernist, you don’t dare to claim a Creator really did create anything on purpose, originally forming life & cosmos into intricate patterns that are --- *gasp* --- meant for a reason!), then what is your problem? What is your hang up? What is so ‘impossible’ to believe?


It’s our modern problem; not traditional ancestors of old.


They remembered and believed… we doubt and reactionarily refuse to believe in anything we deem ‘traditional’, ‘religious’, and hence (supposedly) ‘invisible’ and ‘unbelievable’. Adequate documentation still exists from ancient times, showing that members of the Old Testament Church, before Jesus, remembered Adam’s Skull was buried at Calvary (‘a skull’) where Jesus Died and atoned for obedient followers.


Many early Church fathers and ancient religious Jews confirm this memory.


So is it really that hard to fathom? Is it truly difficult or insurmountable?


Whether Catholic or not, don’t most human beings usually want to know where the remains of their departed are, and, if not cremated and spread somewhere, that these remains are undisturbed & respected? Isn’t this pretty natural for most human beings?


Then why should it be any different for our ancestors way back when?


Why wouldn’t Adam & Eve’s children care about their parents?


Why wouldn’t they in ancient times venerate their relics?


Why wouldn’t anyone keep them safe and intact?


Why is it ‘impossible’ to REMEMBER?


That’s all tradition is --- remembering.


And we don’t remember because we don’t want to know.


+++ 116. World Trade Center? +++

(Part 3)


God is saying to the whole world, “Guess Who?” We bury our heads (no pun intended, you must believe me…) in the proverbial pillow and pretend He isn’t there, or scream our bloody brains out and throw a human toddler tantrum, trying to make Him go away. Yet Our Maker is not going to leave; He cannot not exist; and we can’t make Him.


So let’s say you think it through and respond logically, as well as honestly.


To the shock of modern people, it’s not ipso facto ‘impossible’ that Adam existed. He is indeed our very first father. God did indeed form him and did indeed place him, with his wife, Eve, in the Garden of Paradise at the middle of the surface of the earth (the eastern Mediterranean). The cites of Damascus and Jerusalem were within the former realm of Paradise. Furthermore, like all of us, Adam had a human skeleton, and human bones typically last for a long while. His children naturally loved their father and kept his remains from harm or destruction. These relics and his memory were passed down through the generations, his virtuous offspring remembering this truth for millennia.


“What about the Flood?” you might say. “What happened then?”


Again, not that hard. Ancient tradition and documentation come to our aid. The knowledge is there for those who have ears to listen. When the world went into total rebellion --- much like today, when nobody believes in Catholicism whole & entire, when nearly all of humanity rejected the Law of Natural Reason and gave themselves over to sin and pleasure and violence and bloodshed and perversion, etc., just as Jesus in the Gospels assures us about the time right before the Great Deluge and Noe’s Ark --- Adam’s Relics were taken onto the Ark for safekeeping. The Flood over with, Our Creator sent angels to St. Noe in order to make certain the relics of St. Adam were conveyed back to the Middle of the Earth in a vastly altered world. Lofty Ararat in Armenia is some distance away from Palestine… but it’s not infinitely far away. A healthy, strong man can make the walk in two or three months at the most. I know, because I’ve happened to bicycle across mountains & continents a few times.


It can be done.


So what’s so special about Jerusalem?


Well, aside from Abraham perfectly obeying God by being willing to sacrifice his only son, Isaac, there, on Mt. Moriah (the Temple Mount); and Abraham’s bones being buried there, too, eventually; it’s also special because the Garden of Paradise was in Middle Earth, and the center, or most important part, of this Garden, was Jerusalem. To wit:


It’s where we sinned with the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD & EVIL.


And it’s where the TREE OF LIFE stood, where Jesus gave us His Life.


What is this extremely deadly Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil?


The Angel of ‘Light’, LUCIFER the ‘Bearer of Light’.


And what is the remedially vivifying Tree of Life?


The Mother of God, MARY IMMACULATE, bearing God’s Fruit of Life.


Jesus Her Son --- God Incarnate --- is the Second Adam, the Fruit of the Tree of Life, undoing the First Adam’s Original Sin. (See 1 Corinthians 15:20-23, 45-47, for logical proof of Christ being the ‘Second Adam’.) The Blessed Virgin Mary, His Mother, is the Second Eve, Eve being “mother of all the living” (Genesis 3:20 DRC), this Woman via Her Divine Son crushing the luciferian serpent’s head and undoing the sin of the First Eve, Mary being the Tree of Life and, hence, Mother of All Who Are Redeemed.


The spiritual import of these physical... and thus manifest… yet forgotten facts?


God, with the seafaring and far-trading fourth of the Oceanic Beast’s seven heads, returns patrimonial rule to a more rightful inheritor, an offspring of Noe’s eldest son, Sem (you’ll recall Phoenicians were Semitic). As well, He brings global headship back, for some 400 years, to where it began in the heart of Middle Earth, in Paradise, which is smack dab in-between the third head of the Sea Monster (the Hittites in the north) and the second head of this Oceanic Beast (the Egyptians in the south), geographically speaking. Phoenicians therefore settled in the midst of innumerable Chanaanites before they took the headship, right where our first parents sinned and where God had warned the Dragon it would be She, the Woman, crushing his noxious head. (Genesis 3:15 DRC. By the way, I’m quite aware modern scholars mock this reading, preferring solely a Catholic-denying ‘he’ for the pronoun. There is hard evidence for at least several ancient manuscripts of Genesis reading ‘she’. Lucifer’s children don’t wish to admit the privileges Christ bestows on Mary, His Mother, God choosing to crush His Serpentine Foe via a creature of mere flesh, vaunting mere humility & femininity, in the flesh She gave Jesus in Her Womb. Please see the aforementioned Mary Exalted , Chapter 1, to see the evidence for ‘she’.)


At this crucial juncture of a Phoenician fourth head, God also allows an idolatrous, mercantile & avaricious Chanaan to infect a more Godly & Catholic-tending Sem. For while we see the Phoenicians in Sacred Scripture, at least at first and in part, befriending the Godly David and then Solomon, David’s son, helped by the King of Tyre, Hiram (the center of Phoenician power as they rose to supremacy) --- whose folk were Phoenician but also called ‘Sidonians’ in their region --- to build the Old Testament Temple (see 3 Kings 5), we see, too, after the mid-point of their ascendancy (c. 1200 BC to 800 BC), Phoenicians becoming as bad as their fellow Semites, the Israelites, who adopted Chanaanite gods after Solomon. I.e., some of the Phoenicians wanted to embrace the True Religion by befriending God’s friends, the Israelites & His Chosen People. Then the Chanaanite curse & plague infected both, spreading via covetousness, avarice & greed.


This is “the service of IDOLS”, the worship of pagan DEMON gods.


Satan traffics in terrestrial wealth, the things of this earth. This is what the seafaring Phoenicians excelled in, trafficking in wealth via trade, conveying the riches of this earth from the Chanaanites around them, to all the various tribes, ethnicities & nations of the world with whom they interacted, keeping careful records, spreading their phonetic alphabet. Mind you, I’m NOT saying trade & merchants are ‘intrinsically’ evil. I’m simply repeating what Christ Himself warned His disciples in Matthew 19:24b DRC:


That it’s EASIER for a camel to go through the “eye of a needle” than for RICH PEOPLE to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (See Matthew 19:20-26 for context.)


Because coveting destroys souls, making buying & selling dangerous.


Now, God traffics in celestial wealth, the things of Heaven.


That is to say, Lucifer trades in pride & greed; God in humility & charity.


The Devil exports earthly passions; God imports heavenly graces. The two are each global in their vast reach. Both fare throughout the world. Like the Phoenicians, who sailed the seven seas and probed earth more than anyone since the fantastic Atlanteans, further than almost anyone today realizes, wheeling, dealing & trading, venturing & getting wealthy. The world their pleasant plaything… what would they choose?


Will the Sidonian Merchants select Invisible Heaven or Visible Earth?


+++ 117. If a Pebble Falls Into the Ocean +++

and No One Is Around to See It… Does It Make a Sight?


So… seven seas.


Why this peculiar tradition?


Why seven, and why a parallel seven continents, seven heads of earth & stone & soil pressing forth from this lower world, scraping against the heavens? Why the oceans between, each an abyss filled with water & salt, equal in number to these terrestrial mountains? Why does the Apocalypse, cryptic message of the Beloved & Davidic Disciple, tell of a Sea Monster with seven skulls --- so to speak --- and, starting with the Dragon near the beginning of Chapter 12 and continuing with the Dragon through the middle of Chapter 13, link this fell & fiery behemoth with the Oceanic Beast?


Is anyone looking, is anyone paying attention?


You’re going to have to --- whether you want to or not, to begin with. Reality takes no vacations. What was cryptic and ‘bizarre-looking’, way back when, will eventually come into perfect focus and, forced to look, demand that we see clearly in the end.


As Jesus cautioned His Disciples in the Sermon on the Mount:


Not every one that saith [says] to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but [rather only] he that doth [does] the will of my Father who is in heaven [he or she who obeys whatever God commands], he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Many will say to me in that day [the day when I, Jesus, Who am God, return to the earth, or the day when someone dies upon earth and faces judgment before me in the afterlife]: ‘Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy [your] name, and cast out devils [demons] in thy  name, and done many miracles in thy name?’ And then I will profess unto them [tell them plainly and honestly], ‘I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity [I absolutely do not claim you as mine, so get out of My Sight and leave My Presence].’ Every one therefore that heareth these my words, and doth them, shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock [whoever seeks for and discovers what my commandments are, and obeys them, is like a person on solid ground, religiously unshakeable], and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not [it did not collapse into ruin despite the terrible assault of religious falsehoods & cruel persecution], for it was founded on a rock [built solidly upon the unshakeable ground of infallible religious truth]. And every one that heareth these my words, and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man that built his house upon the sand [whoever fails to seek my commandments, or ignores and rejects them even when unable to avoid the fact they exist, and thus --- in either case --- willfully disobeys them, is like a person standing in a religious bog, doomed to sink to his or her death], and the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell [it collapsed into utter ruin under God’s terrible wrath], and great was the fall thereof [the ruin shocks & appalls everyone everywhere].” (Matthew 7:21-28 DRC)


The point?


Sand is shifting and unstable, whereas rock is solid and firm. The meaning is overwhelmingly stark to a real Roman Catholic with wisdom. For what nickname did Jesus bestow upon Simon, son of Jona, and upon him alone out of the Twelve Apostles? As the gospel also records Christ as saying in response to this disciple of His, Simon, not too long after the mountain homily where Jesus speaks of solid rock & shifting sand:


“And Jesus came… saying, ‘Whom do men say that the Son of man is?[Who do people believe I, the Son of Man, am?]’Simon… answered and said: ‘Thou art [You are] Christ [the Anointed, the Messias], the Son of the living God.’ And Jesus said to him [Simon]: ‘Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona [How fortunate you are, Simon son of your earthly father, Jona]: because flesh and blood hath [has] not revealed it to thee [you], but my Father who is in heaven. And I say to thee: that thou art Peter [you are Rock, the literal meaning of the Aramaic word ‘kepha’ that Jesus used here in reference to Simon and later became the name ‘peter’ in our contemporary English via ancient Greek & Latin, see John 1:42 for proof of the specific Aramaic word Jesus gave to Simon as an utterly unique nickname apart from all His other disciples or apostles]; and upon this rock [based on the visible authority & infallible teaching I give you and each man who receives your rock-like office and duties as leader of My Body] I will build my church, and the gates of hell [the supernatural power of hell & Satan’s religious lies] shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:13a, c, 16-18 DRC)


Again, rock is solid while sand is shifting.


Have you stood with your bare feet on the beach as a sea wave rolls in around you and then recedes, dear soul? Assuming the wave is not so huge as to drench you totally, then drag you out into the deep with a vicious undertow… what happens? Correct. The sand flows around your feet and out from beneath them, slowly yet surely submerging you further and further into the beach as wave after wave comes in. And --- were we to endure long enough, for days, maybe, or even months --- a powerful storm would eventually carry us off completely despite our gradual burial in the beach.


This is part of the symbolism in Sacred Scripture where it says:


“And the DRAGONstood upon the SAND OF THE SEA.” (Apocalypse [Revelation] 12:17a, 18 DRC)


We’ve already noted how the waters of the ocean represent the countless multitude of human beings upon the earth, as do the innumerable grains of sand, too. Thus, the Dragon standing upon the sand next to the ocean symbolizes his spiritual authority over us --- unless, of course, we have broken this diabolic power via Baptism into Catholicism.


Yet what is water aside from being the sacramental matter of Holy Baptism?


A liquid, unable to support anything solid upon it unless this solid thing floats (like, for instance, something made out of wood… like an ark or a cross). This is the symbolism of ‘no Salvation outside the Church’, as driven home by the fact that solely Noah and his three sons, plus their wives (eight in all), survived the Deluge in an Ark of wood, and driven home, also, by the fact that Jesus died upon a Cross of wood, thereby enabling anyone who enters the Ark of His Roman Catholic Body to survive the Flood of God’s Wrath, clinging to the redemption He wrought through His Blood on a wooden cross, sacrificing the human flesh & life that His Mother bequeathed Him in Her Womb.


And what is sand which, vastly aggregated next to the sea, makes a beach?


A solid thing, but broken into tiny fragments called ‘grains’ (and, more often than not, what scientists call ‘silicon dioxide’, this being the most common constituent of the thing we know as ‘sand’). In other words, sand is rock broken into tiny pieces. It’s solid, yes --- but can its fragmented solidity bear up under the pressure a whole rock can endure?


No… which is why Jesus counsels us to build upon solid rock, not sinking sand.


Ergo why sand in conjunction with water is treacherous. Fun to play on when the weather is nice, true; nevertheless, not the kind of place you’d choose to build a house or want to be when the weather is tempestuous and dangerous. Which is part of the symbolism, as well, of the Dragon standing on the sand next to the sea.


Fallen and corrupt humanity can be tempestuous & dangerous, driven --- and tossed about --- by the storms of our passions & prejudices. What solidity we have is too often granular and shifting, the tide of human desire or fear moving us about and leveling us into flats, marshes, sandbars or dunes… even submerging us completely. So while the Devil may spiritually rule over us (apart from good Catholics), his own stead in our world is tenuous. He is powerful, yes. Nonetheless, like the global seas, God sets boundaries beyond which Satan cannot pass, and the sinuous, undulating serpent is stymied --- or assisted --- by what free-willed human beings (bearing the image of his foe, God!) choose to do and where we obstinately refuse to cooperate.


In short, he plays a perilous game trying to rule over us and waylay us.


His strategy is the tactic of all clever manipulators. Use what is to your advantage --- unruly carnal desires and fears. Moreover, increase your advantage by keeping most of those under your rule in ignorance of the true or full situation. Dissemble, if you must… yet keep the falsehoods grounded in truth, twisting the shards of trueness to some goal which the truths were never meant to support, or else exalting something good whilst suppressing or even denying goals that are more important, or which, compared to a purported goal, render this openly proclaimed objective either wrong or worthless. Humankind’s individual brevity is a marvelous assistance. Most of us will never remember much of what happened a generation or two ago, not to mention deeds, incidents or words that took place centuries & millennia in the far distant past. The serpent counts on our lazy and smug ignorance regarding the True Religion and our distant past to ensure that his bold gamble for our immortal souls pays off in the end.


Yet is the unseen or unknown thus unreal? Does ignorance obliterate reality?


If a pebble falls into the ocean with no one around to see it, or no one left to remember, does it make a sight? That is to say, if we don’t like the truth about what happened long ago, far away or invisibly, are we then right to adopt any theory or belief we wish about the long ago, far away or invisible, and call this fantasy true’… pretending it’s real’?


+++ 118. Out of Sight, Out of Mind? +++

(Why We Purposely Forget Some Ancient History)


This is how most people approach religion & philosophy nowadays.


This is why almost no one believes in the Roman Catholic Faith anymore.


After all, why believe in something that took place long ago, far away and hence ‘invisibly’? And which, when you get right down to it, almost nobody today likes since Catholicism is so full of ‘unpleasant’ stuff about sin, guilt, punishment & hell?


Who in feel-good modern times wants to believe in something like that?


This is the status of tragic Atlantis, to boot.


People saw it long ago, so long ago the highly educated and our present leaders are perfectly content calling it a ‘fantasy’ since, truth be told, it makes us feel uncomfortable thinking they were as tremendously clever and powerful as we are today --- perhaps even greater than us! --- and yet died, annihilated. This makes us feel less special.


It makes us feel very vulnerable, too.


Because if they… clever and powerful as they were… could go down into appalling destruction --- well, couldn’t the same horrible fate occur to us as well, clever and powerful though we are, with our amazing civilization later lost & forgotten?


Why should our fate be any different from their fate?


Then, just to top it off, it’s clear the Atlanteans were exceedingly proud & wicked. Furthermore, that the supernatural world --- the One True God of the Catholic Religion or (if you ‘must’ be pagan) the pantheon of pagan gods who oversee our visible world --- punished them for their hubris & iniquity. This punishment makes us queasy.


I mean, aren’t we just as bad as they were… perchance worse?


Meanwhile, the Phoenicians are in-between.


Yes, their civilization passed long ago, and most of us don’t remember.


Nevertheless, the highly educated and our present day leaders admit that they once existed. And, since nothing terribly catastrophic or suddenly annihilative occurred to them at the height of their ascendancy (they merely waned in wealth & power until they subsided into the haziness of ancient history, their territory taken over by others), then it doesn’t threaten our arrogance nearly as much as the thought of extraordinary Atlantis falling into ruin. And, anyhow, we’re more amazing than the Phoenicians, think we. Unfortunately, this haughty assumption is at least partly wrong. The Phoenicians may never have had all of the incredible knowledge or ‘technology’ that we have today; but they were, in many ways, practically as extraordinary as Atlantis, peregrinating all over the world and across the seven seas. Ergo why we must doubt their maritime prowess.


Again… we’re the greatest ever.


We moderns are the pinnacle of human achievement. It’s unthinkable that anyone rivaled us in the past. The notion is insulting, laughable and rather infuriating. Although, to be totally honest, a few daring scholars or other contrarian thinkers have punctured our delusions of grandeur with the facts of hard research and actual experimentation.


+++ 119. Out of Sight, Out of Mind? +++

(Proof That Our Historical Skepticism Is Absurd)


Such as?


Well, my own personal favorite example is the legendary Mr. Thor Heyerdahl. Somehow he --- despite acting in defiance of contemporary academic ‘dogma’ and deeply held bias against ancient peoples having knowledge of, or access to, the earth as a whole --- not only survived in academia with his reputation mostly intact, but also managed to dent prejudices, held by his scholarly peers, noticeably in the mid-twentieth century.


How so?


For one thing, he was insatiably curious. So curious that he wasn’t satisfied with contemporary academic ‘dogma’, as if what he was taught in books and colleges of our times was the final word, impossible to doubt. He therefore dallied with ‘unthinkable’ ideas, taking them seriously. He also investigated the traditions of local peoples of ancient or indigenous lineage with an open mind. That is to say, he didn’t disdain traditions of ancient, indigenous people as not worth his time, or, hearing of them, dismiss these traditions with a wave of his scholarly & modern hand as the ‘silly superstitions’ they’re supposed to be, assuming out of thin air that they’re false.


You see, Mr. Heyerdahl was a Norwegian man born in 1914 and who died, not so very long ago, in 2002. He studied zoology and geography at the University of Oslo (Oslo is the capitol of Norway) and became what is, mayhap, best termed an ‘ethnographer’. Ethnography as an academic discipline grew out of ‘anthropology’ --- as well as numerous other fields of knowledge --- and is the study of peoples and their cultures. Scientifically speaking, he was very controversial since he championed ideas and theories that frequently flew in the face of the dominant ideas or theories of his academic peers. To this day scholars will often ridicule or savage him for his ‘loony’ notions. Yet, somehow, he managed to carry out research, and, while mocked or vituperated, succeeded in proving a few of his theories were correct… or at least plausible.


It probably helped, though, that he was a liberal modernist.


I.e., with his fame (he wrote books or made films that were popular and well known amongst the general public), he constantly crusaded for the United Nations and every form of modern internationalism, chided the wealthiest of nations for their pollution and harm to the environment, and, for good measure, spoke up in defense of the poorer nations and peoples of this world that are oppressed or marginalized.


On top of that, he was an atheist.


This, then, is most likely how he survived the disapproval of his colleagues.


Yet this is not a book about Thor Heyerdahl. So why have I mentioned him? And what has this brilliant atheist to do with Atlantis or the Phoenicians? I haven’t the space or time to discuss his contributions completely. We therefore focus on two critical things.


First, he took at face value the ancient traditions of the Incans (who, along with the Aztecs or other ancient peoples of Central & South America, recalled similar things) that white-skinned men with beards had visited their part of the world centuries before the arrival of the Spaniards or other Europeans during the past 500 or so years. Then, realizing these traditions indicated at least some of these mysterious people left the Americas to travel west across the Pacific Ocean, in the late 1940s he built a small, simple and ingenious raft that would be like what, at a minimum, ancient people of the Americas could have constructed, and, with five other brave men, sailed on this tiny craft for 101 days and nearly 5000 miles, thereby PROVING such ancient people could have navigated the huge Pacific and settled, traded, or otherwise interacted with each other despite the distance & obstacles, or ‘rudimentary technology’ they had available.


Fascinating, eh?


Not content with this demonstration, though, Mr. Heyerdahl later in his life built an Egyptian reed boat --- as accurately as possible, based on ancient drawings or models and skills or memories of certain indigenous peoples --- and, with six other brave men on this small ship of ancient design, proceeded to sail from Morocco in Africa with the Canary Current for some 4000 miles all the way to the Caribbean island of Barbados in the Americas in 57 days, barely over eight weeks. (Incidentally, his first attempt, in 1969, almost succeeded in going all the way, but failed, heartbreakingly, within a hundred miles of the Caribbean islands. Comprehending their one miniscule but crucial mistake in the design of the reed ship according to the pattern of ancient Egyptians, Heyerdahl then built another reed boat the very next year in 1970 and made it all the way across the Atlantic with a nearly identical crew of seven men, once again PROVING ancient people from Europe or Africa could have crossed the Atlantic Ocean and settled, traded or otherwise interacted with the Americas on a regular basis despite the distance & obstacles, or the ‘rudimentary technology’ that was, allegedly, all that these ‘backward’ people of the sunny Mediterranean had to work with during these long ago ancient times.)


+++ 120. Out of Sight, Out of Mind? +++

(Thus Phoenicians May Have Sailed Globally)


Consequently, without going into excruciating detail or exhaustive documentation about the oceanic sailing abilities of the renowned Phoenicians, you have, my dear reader, more than enough rational reason to take seriously what I’m about to point out. If you are reactionary & skeptical, then be industrious, stop the snide (and ignorant) comments or thoughts, get up off your hind quarters, and do some fair & evenhanded investigation. (That is, don’t just examine sources that confirm what you already want to believe. Be smart & honest and examine the other side fully & carefully, too, the side that doesn’t simply ‘prove’ what you already want to believe.) What I am about to say is neither impossible nor implausible. It’s merely not the popular party line of contemporary academia & scientists; it merely contradicts their present dominant opinion.


And that is?


Well, while scholars since the 1960s have been forced to admit the Vikings reached North America (at the northern tip of Newfoundland) by the turn of the 2nd millennium under Leif Erikson, some 500 years prior to Christopher Columbus’ four famous voyages to the Americas in the area of the Caribbean islands (Leif, by the way, was both Catholic and converted many to the One True Religion, including his mother) and so may have influenced Mr. Columbus with Viking tales of land to the far west over the Atlantic, they still adamantly refuse to consider the likelihood of peoples --- at least more than a few persons --- in the Mediterranean region during ancient times (say, from one to five thousand years ago) knowing quite well the Americas existed, or that our earth is a globe, or about our world’s many continents, isles, seas, mountains, lakes or other significant terrestrial features and their locations in relation to one another.


They are determined to presume --- out of thin air --- that almost everyone then was completely ignorant of earth’s true shape, scope and geography. Mediterranean peoples could not possibly have known anything geographically beyond much of Eurasia, part of Africa, and… well, that’s about it. Those poor Mediterraneans were so ignorant!


In the meantime, plenty of things contradict this assumption of most of today’s scholars. Yet do they care? Or are they even aware? An ancient map of the earth, for instance, not only showing the continent of Antarctica in correct relation to other continents, but, too, revealing this southern continent to be composed of two giant sections mostly separated by sea (a thing not known to us until circa 1958, with ice-penetrating radar showing the shape of Antarctica beneath all of the accumulated snow!) leaves them unmoved. It is either something they’ve never heard of (because it’s usually not part of university instruction) or else presumed to be, without careful investigation, a ‘forgery’ or ‘misinterpretation on our parts’ or ‘lucky guess way back then’, or etc., etc.


The upshot?


Sometimes trusting the ancient Greek historian, Herodotus, contemporary scholars may be willing to admit that one particular Phoenician foray circumnavigated the continent of Africa via the Red Sea and surrounding oceans over the course of three years. But they will not (most resolutely!) dally with the possibility that, perhaps, the Phoenicians navigated, explored & sailed far beyond the Mediterranean or (the horror!) may have probed our entire earth, circumnavigating the globe, just as the famed Portuguese sailor, Ferdinand Magellan, did under the auspices of a waxing Spain from AD 1519 to 1522.


Meanwhile, there’s plenty of hints the Phoenicians did just this.


To wit, there is some evidence to suggest that at least some of them circumnavigated the earth eventually, and, mayhap --- however shocking the idea --- that a few of them might have regularly and routinely explored, mined, traded, settled, colonized, or otherwise interacted with lands and peoples far across the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans.


For example, in Sacred Scripture, we read that the fabulous King Solomon was, like David his father, good friends with the Phoenician leader, Hiram, who was a ‘Sidonian’ and king of the city-state of Tyre (located in present day southern Lebanon, you’ll recall). This Hiram apparently believed in the One True God of the Old Testament Church. The Bible cites him as saying, in a letter to Solomon, when the latter requested this king’s assistance in building the permanent Temple in Jerusalem as planned by St. David:


“Because the Lord hath [has] loved his people, therefore he hath made thee [you] king over them… Blessed be the Lord the God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, who hath given to king David a wise and knowing son, endued with understanding and prudence, to build a house to the Lord [the Temple in Jerusalem]…” (2 Paralipomenon [2 Chronicles] 2:11b-c, 12b-d DRC)


Doesn’t sound like King Hiram of the Sidonian Phoenicians was antagonistic toward Israelite religion, does it? Indeed, Hiram recognizes their One True God as He “…who made heaven and earth…” Why would a pagan acknowledge this infallible truth if he or she didn’t believe it? True, one could speculate that Hiram was syncretistic --- admitting the existence of Our Creator whilst still believing in, and worshipping, local or ethnic pagan deities --- but it’s merely that, speculation. And not very convincing since he happily supplies Solomon with everything he needs, without any profit demanded, agreeing only that the Hebrews should supply his many Sidonian workers, skilled lumbermen felling the cedar, fir & pine trees of Libanus for constructing God’s Temple, with more than enough food as they take months & years to complete this gigantic work. In other words, it sounds like the Phoenician, Hiram, wanted to please the One True God of the Old Testament Catholic Church, helping to build His Temple on earth in order to worship Him along with his fellow Semites, the Hebrews (since both Israelites and Phoenicians come from Noe’s eldest son, Sem).


All the same, whether or not the dear reader wishes to concede this implication, elsewhere in Sacred Scripture we find that King Hiram’s relations with King Solomon went further. E.g., we read the following in the Old Testament:


“And king Solomon made a fleet in Asiongaber, which is by Ailath on the shore of the Red Sea [an inlet from the Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea via the Gulf of Aden, between northeast Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, i.e., Saudi Arabia, Yemen & etc.] in the land of Edom. And Hiram sent his servants in the fleet, sailors that had knowledge of the sea, with the servants of Solomon. And they came to Ophir, and they brought from thence [from there] to king Solomon four hundred and twenty talents of gold [which is a lot of gold, in case the reader doesn’t know --- a talent being 60lbs of weight (if Chaldean derived), and possibly some 130lbs (if from a later standard in Palestine)]The navy also of Hiram, which brought gold from Ophir, brought from Ophir great plenty of thyine trees, and precious stones.” (3 Kings [1 Kings] 9:26-27 & 10:11 DRC)


+++ 121. Out of Sight, Out of Mind? +++

(A Tantalizing Global Phoenician Possibility)


Now… where is the fabled place of Ophir?


This has perplexed biblical scholars --- and others --- for centuries.


Guesses range from places in Asia (often involving India) to Africa (frequently revolving around Ethiopia or Libya), or even the Americas. For instance, a Spanish theologian of the 1500s, Benito Arinas Montano --- obviously influenced by the relatively recent discovery of the ‘New World’ and intrigued by the peculiar & astonishing Incans --- opined that Ophir was Peru, and that the Incans were descended from the Ophir mentioned in Genesis (Genesis 10:29) and hence descendants of Noe’s eldest son, Sem. He even opined that the Yucatan Peninsula (part of present day Mexico) was a name derived from the Semitic father of Ophir, Ioktan… i.e., Joktan. It cannot be ‘proven’ all by itself, but, in all honesty, the terms ‘Joktan’ or ‘Ioktan’ are indeed very suggestively similar to the Amerindian term ‘Yucatan’. And ancient Peru, as conquered by daring Spaniards, flaunted a truly impressive collection of gold beyond the dreams of avarice.


Starting to make sense, beloved reader?


When you’re curious & open-minded, then that which the majority of people (or, leastwise, those people who are influential, powerful or so-called ‘experts’ that are supposed to be ‘never’ wrong) presume to be ‘unlikely’ or ‘impossible’ is in no way the ‘final word’ or ‘conclusive’ for an impartial, inquisitive & logical human mind.


Because something is begging to be explained here. Namely:


What was Ophir? Forsooth, where was Ophir?


And how is it that it had so much gold?


Whatever the answers, mysterious Ophir helped make King Solomon fabulously rich… and the Phoenicians under their Sidonian King of Tyre, Hiram, took part in this seafaring enterprise, Phoenician nautical expertise enabling both themselves and their Semitic siblings, the Israelites, to share in the riches of trade and, it would seem, mining.


For we read:


“For the king’s navy, once in three years, went with the navy of Hiram by sea to Tharsis, and brought from thence [from there] gold, and silver, and elephants’ teeth, and apes, and peacocks.” (3 Kings [1 Kings] 10:22 DRC)


As well:


“For the king’s ships [Solomon’s fleet of vessels] went to Tharsis with the servants of Hiram, once in three years: and they brought thence [brought back] gold and silver, and ivory, and apes, and peacocks.” (2 Paralipomenon [2 Chronicles] 9:21 DRC)


Which then raises another question… where is Tharsis?


More often transliterated lately as ‘Tarshish’ (that is, both the words ‘Tharsis’ and ‘Tarshish’ are referring to the same location), biblical scholars and other academics are once again perplexed. They have proffered many, many different sites as possibilities. Recent research has indicated that the “silver” referenced in the above two passages might come from Sardinia (a large Mediterranean Sea island west of Italy), isotopic analysis of ‘hacksilver hoards’ (which are thought to be representative of the silver gotten by Solomon & Hiram’s ships) seems to back this up. Notwithstanding, this is still merely speculation. The truth is, no one appears to know for certain where Tharsis is. Some opine that it is ancient Tartessos in Spain. Others say Anatolia or India, etc., etc.


The outcome?


Wherever Tharsis might be --- and I’m personally inclined to suspect it was indeed ancient Tartessos --- the fact the Phoenicians & Israelites made this journey together every three years may be interpreted in two distinct ways, broadly speaking. Either, one, this was a relatively short journey undertaken every 36 months and returning in a year or so, or in an amount of time that was well less than 3 years. Or else, two, it was a pretty long journey undertaken every 36 months because both the distance travelled and difficult labor along the way to get these valuable or curious things was not easy.


Yet if the former (short & easy), then why only every three years?


Why not go way more often and profit all the more?


Think about it.


Christopher Columbus’ first of four voyages to the ‘New World’ of the Americas lasted from 3 August 1492 to 12 October 1492. Much of this time taken can be attributed to lingering along the way (for instance, a broken rudder on one of the three ships was repaired while in dock at the Canary Islands, not too far away from Spain, till they departed from there on 6 September 1492). Ergo, the voyage to the Americas was completed in hardly more than one month. Let’s call it 40 days to make it simple.


At a latitude with easterly winds, it was less than 3600 miles.


Now divide 3600 by 40. What do you get?


An average of 90 miles travelled by ship per day.


While not exact --- and we’re trying to make the calculations simpler for the average reader --- this dovetails nicely with the 36 days it actually took (counting exclusively, not inclusively) Mr. Columbus to go from the Canaries to the Bahamas (the precise island is uncertain, and today’s San Salvador in the Bahamas is not necessarily the Bahaman island that his crew originally spotted and he called San Salvador) on his first voyage. That is to say, sailing at an average 90 miles per day (about 3.75 miles per hour all day long, since sailing ships don’t get tired and travel as long as there’s a wind or current at any point in time around the clock) gets you some 3600 miles in about 40 days. Hence, you’ve only got to carry enough food & water for less than one and a half months.


In reality, since Columbus’ ships made the trip in 36 days (four days less than 40), their speed was faster than what we’ve calculated for the sake of simplicity… and the corresponding amount of food & water needed to survive the journey a bit less.


So what does this mean for the ancient Phoenicians & Israelites?


+++ 122. Out of Sight, Out of Mind? +++

(And This Possibility Driven Home)


Carrying enough food & water, on large enough ships or with small enough crews, it would never be ‘impossible’ for them to reach lands that were 30 to 40 days away, sailing constantly through the day and night at an average speed that is nearly four miles per hour. All they needed to do --- given the courage to accomplish it and the tenacity to see it through --- was have provisions for at least four to six weeks and be lucky enough to avoid disastrous storms or other dangers at sea. Given this courage, tenacity & luck, nobody in the Mediterranean area of the world 2000 to 5000 years ago would be completely unable to find these parts of the earth and then sail there regularly.


Not only that, but… for instance… Mr. Thor Heyerdahl in the 20th century proved you could go across the gigantic Pacific Ocean for over 100 days and nearly 5000 miles on a tiny steerable raft, and then proved again that you could traverse the whole Atlantic Ocean on an ancient Egyptian reed boat for 57 days and some 4000 miles total.


So what’s so impossible about ancient people doing the same thing?


There’s far more that we could go on about, but this book has to be manageable, and we’ve gone into greater depth and at greater length than most people today are able to handle, or have the curiosity to plumb. E.g., the so-called Antikythera Mechanism found in 1901 just off the coast of the Greek island of Antikythera and, in the past 50 years via X-ray and gamma ray images of the highly corroded remnants, etc., now revealed to be an ancient version of an astronomical analogue computer. Scholars admit it dates from the first century BC, some of them even arguing for an age all the way back to the 100s BC. Mind you, we are not claiming that this device had anything directly to do with sailing across the world’s seas, or even that it was perfect by our standards.


Nevertheless, think about it carefully.


No scholar in our part of the world during modern times --- until this discovery --- thought ancient Mediterranean peoples capable of this kind of ‘technology’. And, while it may or may not be ‘perfect’ by our standards, it is astonishingly clever and subtle, predicting eclipses, the positions of various celestial bodies, and so forth.


Ergo, why couldn’t such clever people long ago also navigate earth’s seas?


Why would it be ‘impossible’ for them to find their way around?


Astronomical bodies permit latitudinal measurement. You don’t even need telescopes, sextants or other fancy equipment to dead-reckon reasonably enough to know your bearings. Longitude is trickier, but not a showstopper; you simply need a rough knowledge of how fast you’re going and how far you’ll need to go.


Beyond this you’re either exploring or retracing your steps.


To wit, you discover new lands or islands and learn enough landmarks that, at least roughly knowing your latitude --- and the approximate distance to the land or island you want to return to, or, at a minimum, enough landmarks that you can find your way from place to place --- you can travel to these locations again and again. Of course, out in the open ocean, with vast distances to cover, then you’re going to have greater uncertainty regarding your longitude, or distance traveled, the less idea you have of your velocity. But, again, this is not a showstopper. And it’s not a huge problem unless you’re purposely aiming for a very tiny island, one that’s far, far from other lands.


You savvy?


I don’t mean to downplay the obstacles to successful sailing. I’m also not claiming to be a professional mariner. Nonetheless, I do have a grasp of the basic principles, and, being an astronomy buff (as well as navigating my way across entire continents on a bicycle and finding my way through large, trackless forests), I can tell you this is doable.


The Norwegian ethnographer, Mr. Heyerdahl, proved it in the mid-20th century.


And, if Catholic (or, leastwise, claiming to respect the Bible highly), we must grapple with what we’re told about King Solomon in Sacred Scripture. Viz., God appeared to Solomon in a dream and told him, “Because thou hast [you have]… not asked for thyself [yourself] long life or riches, nor the lives of your enemies, but hast asked for thyself wisdom to discern judgment [to lead his kingdom rightly], behold [you see] I have done for thee [you] according to thy words [I, God, am giving you exactly what you’ve asked for], and have given thee a wise and understanding heart, insomuch that there hath [has] been no one like thee before thee [no one who existed before your existence has ever had the wisdom I’m going to give you], nor shall arise after thee [nor will any man ever again be equal to your wisdom].” (3 Kings [1 Kings 3:11b-12 DRC)


In addition:


“And God gave to Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much [beyond measure]… And the wisdom of Solomon surpassed the wisdom of the Orientals [all the incredibly learned persons of the East, such as the Babylonians & Persians, etc.] and of the Egyptians, AND HE WAS WISER THAN ALL MEN… And he treated [taught extensively] about trees from the cedar that is in Libanus, unto the hyssop that cometh [comes] out of the wall [he knew everything you could know of the subject of botany]: and he discoursed of beasts [lectured academically about mammals], and of fowls [and about birds], and of creeping things [and about insect-like creatures or reptiles], and of fishes [creatures of the sea, lakes or rivers]. And they came from all nations to hear the wisdom of Solomon, and from all the kings of the earth, who heard of his wisdom [hearing how wise Solomon was, leaders came from far away and learned all they could from him].” (3 Kings [1 Kings] 4:29a, 30-31a, 33-34 DRC)


Now I ask you:


If several of the ancient Greeks knew the earth was a globe (for instance, the famous Pythagoras during the 6th century BC) and even modern scholars admit the truth that the Phoenicians, hired by the Egyptian Pharaoh, Necho, circumnavigated Africa near the turn of the same 6th century BC, observing the sun in the north of the sky when south of the equator (something the Greek historian, Herodotus, found hard to believe, despite his great learning otherwise), then how is it that King Solomon --- who Sacred Scripture, inspired by God, calls the wisest man ever --- didn’t know these things and more?


Are you getting it, my dear soul?


It doesn’t make sense.


+++ 123. Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen, +++

Yet Have Believed?


Solomon was certainly smart enough to know that the earth is shaped like a sphere. What’s more, we have ancient maps indicating that people of old knew far more about the extent of the earth, and its geography, than we suspect, not to mention that growing genetic and cultural evidence indicates, too, the movement and mixing of ethnicities beyond what a hidebound modern academia has been willing to concede. There is excellent justification for believing many ancient people knew our world’s scope. Wherever, precisely, Ophir was, it’s plausible thinking it may have been in the Americas; and it’s ridiculous to assume, out of thin air, that all ancient Americans came across the Beringian land bridge from Siberia into Alaska. It doesn’t take too much thought to surmise, e.g., that perhaps Hiram & Solomon’s seamen stopped first at Spain in Tartessos, then went across the Atlantic to where, mayhap, Ophir was located.


Not that I’m arguing the Phoenicians were a worldwide empire.


I’m not.


They were more like a league or federation. Yet they were fantastic mariners and merchants, and they traded over vast distances. This trade, this wealth, their knowledge and their alphabet, had an impact that was global. As a famous French historian of the twentieth century observed, Fernand Braudel, the Phoenicians were an example of a ‘world economy’ surrounded by various peoples, nations, kingdoms and tribes. Not unlike the UK or USA, our wealth, language & culture binding earth into a whole.


They were, too, from Heaven’s perspective, spiritually central. The central fourth of the Oceanic Beast’s seven heads, their Semitic rule and influence was pivotal. Nearly drawn into the True Religion of the Old Testament via the good example of King St. David and (at first) King Solomon, they then meandered into Chanaanite paganism, perhaps imitating Solomon’s bad example later in life, he placating his pagan wives.


Likewise our terrible and monumental choice, in the past five hundred years, as Europeans, who ascended to the top in power & influence, abandoning Catholicity and working instead to build a New World Order and a Self-Deifying Neo-Paganism. And, like the Phoenicians, who may have purposely hidden what they knew about lands far west across the Atlantic (you must realize that, in the aftermath of Atlantis’ destruction, the Atlantic became impassible for a time, the waters filled with murk and debris, but that, finding this ocean again navigable, it might have been in the Phoenicians’ self-interest to continue the belief that it wasn’t safe to sail it or possible to cross it), so, too, do our New World Order leaders --- at least the ones behind the scenes, so to speak --- seemingly hide knowledge about the world around us that isn’t advantageous to acknowledge or reveal. Why would they do this? What does it matter to them?


Because the Truth That Saves, given to us by the God Who Is An Uncreated Creator, is NOT going to convince mostly honest and adequately intelligent people that it’s in their self-interest to oppose this Truth and this God. Therefore, anything in a visible world that smacks of Catholicity and upholds what an Infallible Church teaches is going to be suppressed and VIOLENTLY so, if necessary.


That’s the point of the Remort [Renaissance], the Rebellion [Protestant Reformation], the Heliocentric Revolution, the Endarkenment [Enlightenment], Freemasonry, the French & American Revolutions, Darwinism [Evolutionary Theory], and Communism (or any communistic aspects often found in the various strains of Socialism).


These successive waves of human thought, behavior & organization have systematically censored and destroyed anything remaining of the Old World Order, of the Law of Natural Reason written upon human hearts, calling good evil and evil good, thus opposing all that is of Heaven and Our Salvation, the Roman Catholic Church.


And it has been accomplished not so much at the point of a sword --- although war, bloodshed and violence have been employed in the service of their luciferian lord --- but by the powerful force of covetousness in human souls, of wanting what we ought not to want at certain times… then wanting what we ought not to want so very much as we frequently do… and finally wanting what we ought not ever dare to want, period. It’s money that makes the world go around, and it’s coveting that motivates human hearts.


For good, or for bad. But usually bad in a fallen, wicked & corrupt world.


This is the awful Chanaanite Curse made global.


As God through St. Paul tells us:


“For the DESIRE OF MONEY is the ROOT OF ALL EVILS; which some COVETING have ERRED FROM THE FAITH [Catholic Religion], and have ENTANGLED THEMSELVES in many SORROWS.” (1 Timothy 6:10 DRC)


Interesting… is it not? … that the term ‘Chanaanite’ became, before the Old Testament period was over, synonymous with the word ‘merchant’. For God’s Prophet says:


“And every caldron in Jerusalem and Juda shall be sanctified to the Lord of hosts [the One True God of the Roman Catholic Church]: and all that sacrifice [worship Him] shall come, and take of them, and shall seethe in them [be cooked to perfection, as it were, in God’s One True Religion]: and the merchant shall be no more in the house of the Lord [His Holy Temple, which is Jesus’ Body, the Roman Catholic Church, will be free of everyone who lives his or her life to make a profit and get rich or live comfortably] of hosts in that day.” (Zacharias [Zechariah] 14:21 DRC)


The word “merchant” above is literally ‘Chanaanite’ in ancient Hebrew.


Starting to get it? Grasping what the Chanaanite Curse is?


No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You CANNOT serve God and mammon.” (Luke 16:13 DRC)


This is Jesus Christ speaking, and the odd word He uses (to our contemporary ears), “mammon”, comes, via Latin & Greek, from Aramaic (the Hebrew of Jesus’ time), and means, quite bluntly, ‘riches’ or ‘wealth’. Money is an invisible, intellectual concept made visible when printed as currency or used to buy things. And the things of this world, its riches, wealth, comforts & pleasures, are definitely quite visible to us.


This is why we believe in them and why we want them.


Unfortunately, most of us, most of the time, can’t see God, or Heaven, or Hell, or Judgment, or Angels, or Demons, or even our Human Souls. But we can still know that they exist --- and rationally so, not blindly or stupidly. We can see the existence of the visible and infer, logically, the existence of the invisible. Ergo why invisibility is not automatically equivalent to, “Well, then, it must not exist. After all, I can’t see it!”


We know this. If we have intelligent minds, then we have no excuse not to.


And we CANNOT COVET God & Mammon at the same time. Like the wealthy Phoenicians, WE MUST MAKE A CHOICE. We must rationally believe the invisible is MORE IMPORTANT than the visible. As Jesus gently chided a doubting disciple:


“Because thou hast [you have] seen me, Thomas, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have NOT SEEN, and HAVE BELIEVED.” (John 20:29b-e DRC)


+++ 124. Mesopotamian Machinations? +++


Seeing is not necessary to believe; a rational faith is not the same as blind faith. We must simply take what we can see for ourselves, and, reasoning meticulously (carefully & correctly), draw logical conclusions about what we can’t see for ourselves.


This is why I say that rational faith is NOT the same as blind faith.


Our perception is also not the thing that ‘creates’ reality.


Reality is reality apart from our perception.


This is because God makes things real.


Our Creator perceives reality and what He speaks into being --- out of nothing --- is what is real, and hence perceivable by those of His creatures who are intelligent enough to fathom His creation. Humanity, formed in His Image, has this intelligence & ability.


Our arrogance & our covetousness is what gets in the way of us seeing correctly.


That is to say, formed in God’s Image and fallen into the corruption of Original Sin, we then imagine ourselves to be more powerful and more independent than we truly are, consequently daring… as we become more and more wicked… to think ourselves powerful enough and independent enough to believe & do whatever we want.


The catch is, what we want can be sinful. And the more wicked & arrogant we are, the more sinful our desires become, and the more daring we become in committing sin without fear of consequences, pretending punishment will never occur.


We have seen from the evidence, along with logical reasoning, how this is what happened with Noe’s son, Cham, and how it all came to a climax with Cham’s son, Chanaan, culminating in the fulfillment of the Chanaanite Curse that St. Noe pronounced.


This curse doomed most of Chanaan’s wicked offspring.


(Chanaan, by the way, was the son of Noe’s son, Cham, Cham also the grandfather of the rebel, Nemrod. Starting to see the link? Do you see where evil began on earth after the Flood, and how it spread out from there, infecting everybody else in the world, too?)


Yet it didn’t end there.


The first and second heads of the Oceanic Beast --- Atlantis & Egypt --- were descendants of Cham, the former falling into ruin completely, the second suffering terrible humiliation at the hands of God Almighty as He freed His Old Testament Church, composed primarily of the descendants of Sem via Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (Israel). The third head of the Sea Monster --- the Hittites --- apparently began with the Hamitic Chanaanites known as the Hattians, with the Hurrians thrown in, but then mixed, confusingly, with the Semitic Hittites, properly speaking, as the head.


The Chanaanite Curse infecting Sem’s progeny, the Hittites faded like a waning moon.


The fourth head of the Oceanic Beast --- the Phoenicians --- almost remained, or became, good Catholics of the Old Covenant, seemingly influenced --- or at least encouraged --- by the saintly King David & his people, the Hebrews, but, like David’s wise yet ultimately foolish son, Solomon, mingled with pagans and copied their sin.


Living right where Paradise used to be, the relic of Adam’s Skull residing at their back door, so to speak, they nearly regained the hope of Paradise whilst it slipped (oops!) from their increasingly wicked hands, worshipping that which is not truly Our Creator.


The curse of Chanaan in this way solidified its baneful hold on the Semites.


Whence spread the curse from there, after the Phoenicians passed their ascendancy around 800 BC? What was the fifth head of the Sea Monster of the Apocalypse (Revelation, the last book of the Bible, you’ll recollect), and what is their story? Historical memory is faint for most human beings, nevertheless, is their enough testimony remaining from these long gone times to identity the fifth bestial head?


Indeed there is. And we must wander into Mesopotamia to discover it.


Between two rivers, the Tigris & Euphrates, we follow the scent.


In the land of Babel, we find yet more diabolical machinations.


+++ 125. Towers & Floods? +++


Remember, dear soul, that the human race, soon after the Great Flood and St. Noe’s Ark lodging high upon the peak of Mt. Ararat in Armenia (not popular to believe amongst our scholars in recent times, but both ancient traditions and later testimony of eyewitnesses attests to the fact that the Ark is there to this day, although apparently split in half), spread from there, in central Eurasia, to all over the world. Nevertheless, before the global diaspora transpired, Nemrod [Nimrod] kept almost everyone in Mesopotamia.


The ancient land of Sennaar [Shinar], as attested in, for instance, Genesis 10:10, is synonymous to Mesopotamia (Greek for ‘between two rivers’, to wit, the Tigris and Euphrates) and Babylonia (another Greek term derived from the old Semitic name for the place where Nemrod had humanity construct the Tower of Babel, which moniker, you’ll recall, means in Hebrew or Aramaic ‘confusion’ due to the division of languages at this time amongst human beings, but which, literally and originally, meant ‘gate of God’). Settled in Sennaar / Shinar / Mesopotamia / Babylonia --- just a hop, skip and a jump from Ararat in Armenia, relatively speaking, being mostly due south of there --- our ancestors enjoyed a mild climate (the earth’s global climate was bitterly cold for some time after the Flood, being in what our modern scientists call an ‘ice age’ for awhile) with plenty of water provided by the two huge rivers, Tigris & Euphrates, as well as fertile soil and thus food aplenty for everyone, with leisure time to spare.


Hence why it was obvious for them to migrate there.


Today’s Mesopotamia is controlled --- at least in part --- by the nations of Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey and Kuwait. Iraq, though, is the primary inheritor of this region during the past century (rather artificially carved out of an Islamic Ottoman Empire, the British took over in the wake of World War I with the blessing of the brief League of Nations, newly-minted Iraqis gaining their independence… mostly… from the UK in 1932).


You’ll remember, too, beloved one, that Babylonia was either within, or very near to, Paradise’s boundaries. That is to say, the home of our foreparents, Ss. Adam & Eve, the Garden of Paradise, either included much or all of Babylonia, or else the eastern border of this vast and wonderful Garden was very close to what became known as Babylon. Whichever, we marred Paradise in our ancient parents’ Original Sin, the sins of the increasingly wicked human race prior to the Flood, and then compounded it all, immediately after the Deluge, with the ‘mini-apostasy’ of Nemrod.


Quite a fabled history, eh?


Yet true.


Any real Catholic who wisely studies Sacred Scripture and takes ancient accounts seriously --- or anyone who claims to respect the Bible and will take the accounts of old seriously --- can believe what we are saying as both factual & logical.


Again, tradition is merely remembering.


We forget because modernized people don’t want to remember.


It’s unpleasant remembering what happened back then, and we’re very proud, desperately wanting to believe that we’re the greatest ever, and that there is no God of the Roman Catholic Church Who will demand from us a rendering for our sins.


However, my dear soul, if willing to believe what Sacred Scripture and ancient accounts tell us, then you’ll also realize this fabled Sennaar / Shinar / Mesopotamia / Babylonia, in addition to the Hebrews (who originated with St. Abraham via St. Isaac via St. Jacob, the patriarchal Abraham himself an inhabitant of the ancient city of Ur, and therefore what we’d call, truly, a Babylonian), recollected a horrible Flood, and that Nemrod played on their understandable fear of another awful Deluge occurring (and despite God assuring us, through Noe as he came out of the Ark, that He would never again send a global deluge, the beautiful rainbow being the sign of His Promise in this matter, peruse Genesis 9:8-17 for proof of that Divine Promise), thereby motivating them to disobey Our Creator by not dispersing throughout all the earth like He had ordered them, they instead building the occultic ‘Gate of God’, a Tower to reach His Throne in Heaven.


This, then, is the Land of Towers & Floods, so to speak.


Humanity constructed a mammoth tower there early on, in defiance of God and as protection from another Deluge (so Nemrod persuaded them, per Josephus), the land later dotted with so-called ‘ziggurats’, massive terraced structures associated with the worship of later pagans and, seemingly, copying the bad example of Nemrod’s earlier tower. The memory of the Great Flood certainly persisted in Babylon, modern scholars using their Gilgamesh Epic to presume… putting the cart before the horse and not wishing to take Sacred Scripture seriously that the Hebrews got their remembrance of Noe’s Deluge from this Epic, when, in fact, the Epic of Gilgamesh is simply a somewhat true, somewhat made up, memory of the Flood. Which, my dear soul, means what?


That I can assure you, as a real Roman Catholic and depending upon the infallible testimony of God’s One True Religion, that Sacred Scripture has the accurate account. The Epic of Gilgamesh is merely what paganized Babylonians remembered, mixing falsehoods with factual truths in their more careless transmission of this history.


And that I can intelligently propose to you, as a Catholic scholar taking both Sacred Scripture and our ancient history seriously, how the fifth head of the Oceanic Beast arose in this Land of Towers & Floods, being the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire.


+++ 126. A Tale of Two Brothers? +++


Why the complex hyphenated name?


Because history gets ‘complex’ when one tries to be precise.


And here, once more, is an example of what might look like separate peoples & principalities… but which, when examined closely and thought through assiduously, one realizes, as a careful & honest scholar, is really just siblings fighting over control and what’s right, whilst appearing --- superficially --- as if truly separate kingdoms rule.


To wit, first came the ascendancy of the ‘Neo-Assyrian’ Empire.


Then came the ascendancy of the ‘Neo-Babylonian’ Empire (or ‘Chaldeans’).


Then came the ascendancy of the ‘Medo-Persian’ Empire (the Medes fought with the Persians while the Persians eventually triumphed, the two afterward together ruling, regardless of the Persians having beat the Medes to gain the upper hand).


In reality, howsobeit, each of the three merge one into another inextricably.


We are, after all, talking about one large but local region, Mesopotamia. And whilst separate peoples (or, rather, ‘tribes’ back then, as opposed to our ‘de-tribalized’ way of seeing things nowadays in our part of the modernized world) can wind up living next to one another… and fighting or killing each other… sometimes, especially in ancient sections of the world and in ancient times, the separate tribes don’t see themselves distinguished from one another as much as we in modern times might presume.


They have  a long, long, traditional memory.


To them, they may be connected in ways not obvious to us.


This is what I’m talking about when it comes to the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persians.


Beginning around 800 BC, the Semitic Assyrians took the lead. Then their fellow Semitic & Japhetic siblings, resenting their cruelty, took control about two hundred years later, the Chaldeans gaining the lead. Hardly a hundred years afterward, the Persians seized authority, not only keeping the capitol in Babylon itself (a bit different from when Chaldeans got control from Assyria, they moving the headship to Babylon from the Assyrian capitol of Nineveh in the northern part of Mesopotamia), but, as well, said it was only right that the capitol remain in Babylon, since the first of the Persian emperors, Cyrus the Great, claimed to be the legitimate successor of the ancient Babylonian kings, and, moreover, that he was the vengeance of their pagan storm god, Bel-Marduk, who, Cyrus said, was angry at an earlier Chaldean leader for moving his image to Babylon.


Remember… ancient pagans tended to be localists.


It wasn’t right to move a pagan god’s image from its geographical or ethnic locale without the permission or authorization of this god --- meaning the priests who represent the god and have the pagan deity’s say-so to speak for him or her.


The upshot?


Persian rule then lasted till the fourth century BC, when Alexander the Great came out of nowhere, conquering left and right with nary a battle lost, expanding a Macedonian Greek kingdom into a brand new world-class empire.


Ergo, the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire endured for roughly 450 years.


This is 1/16th of the some 7200 year history of our human race.


Not tremendously long, but no fly-by-night, either.


Persians, however, were not Semitic.


They are instead Japhetic.


I.e., the Semitic peoples descend from St. Noe’s oldest son, Sem [Shem]. Whereas Japhetic peoples descend from Noe’s second oldest son, Japheth. (Noe’s third and last son was Cham [Ham].) The reader therefore can see why I might say the Assyrians & Chaldeans (both Semitic) constitute one ‘brother’ (in the patriarchal & tribal sense) taking over from the other ‘brother’ (in this case, Chaldeans taking over from the Assyrians, who, like many siblings, liked to bully). Yet how so the Persians?


Well, beloved soul, understand that Japheth is still a brother to Sem.


Consequently, a Japhetic people taking over from a Semitic people is, in the final analysis, one ‘brother’ taking over from another ‘brother’. Which then means that this chapter’s title is a play on words twice. First for the fact that one Semitic people took over from another Semitic people (the Chaldeans took power from the Assyrians). Second for the fact that a Japhetic people took over from a Semitic people while doggedly insisting they had the right (the Persians took rule from the Chaldeans). Curiously, this means, too, the inverted inversion got inverted again (the younger Japheth, second in line, took centrality from Noe’s patrimonial eldest son, Sem).


Although, all things considered, the inverted inversion inverted is less inversive (please forgive the whimsy, but it’s irresistible when you love words…) than the initial inversion of the youngest Cham over the oldest Sem. Leastwise here we have the middle son’s offspring subverting the eldest. Which, from a patrimonial point of view, is less offensive, in the end, than the youngest ruling the roost.


Not to mention, as well, that Sem & Japheth treated their father, Noe, with respect. In spite of his drunkenness --- and ‘nakedness’ uncovered (review Genesis 9:20-27)  --- they respectfully, without gazing on his immodesty or mocking him, covered his nakedness. The youngest, Cham, with his son Chanaan, it would seem, despised Noe.




Kind of.


Yet this is the sort of thing you’ve got to grapple with if you’re going to get a handle on human history, and on how God sees it from His Perspective, both foreknowing and foreplanning how humanity will proceed, especially from the place of centrality.


In other words, however big humanity gets, we’re all still family.


And, like most families, we love and we fight.


Sometimes siblings hate each other.


Sometimes we get over it.


But blood is blood.


+++ 127. Caught in the Middle? +++

(Act 1)


So how did it start?


How did the fifth Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian head of the Beast arise?


If you read Old Testament Sacred Scripture and study ancient history (meaning writers from way back when, and not just the standard textbooks composed in the past 50 to 100 years that purport to give us a ‘true’ version of what happened then, well before any of these contemporary textbook writers existed to see this ancient history for themselves, and, far more often than not, refusing to take these ancient accounts at face value), you find that the Israelites were going bad. That is to say, they were God’s One True Church of the Old Covenant. Most of them were of Hebrew ethnicity --- although not entirely since Our Creator provided for conversions to His Old Testament Body from other ethnicities, too, albeit without requiring such conversion for the sake of ultimate salvation, as He does now in our New Testament era since Jesus Christ and the Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem --- but most of them kept going bad or apostatized completely, or, what is in some ways even worse, became syncretistic (combining worship of the pagan deities of the people around them with worship of the One True God in His One True Religion to some extent). This began in earnest with King Solomon placating his countless pagan wives --- some 1000 altogether --- and worshipping their gods.


“And king Solomon loved many strange [foreign & pagan] women besides the daughter of Pharao [in addition to the daughter of the ruler of Egypt that he’d married early on in order to establish a political accord], and women of Moab, and of Ammon, and of Edom, and of Sidon [presumably meaning the pagan Chanaanites who lived there prior to the arrival of the Sidonian Phoenicians], and of the Hethites [apparently the Hittites, about whom we’ve talked as the third bestial head, and who seemed  to mingle Semitic blood with Hamitic blood, adopting rampant Chanaanite paganism in any case]: of the nations concerning which the Lord said to the children of Israel [God’s Old Testament Church]: ‘You shall not go in unto them, neither shall any of them come in to yours [you shall not marry the daughters of pagans, nor allow pagans to marry your daughters]: for they will most certainly turn away your heart to follow their gods.’ [Exodus 34:15-16] And to these [pagan wives] was Solomon joined with a most ardent love. And he had seven hundred wives as queens, and three hundred concubines [a kind of wife without all the legal privileges, hence why they were not ‘queens’ like the others]: and the women turned away his heart. And when he was now old, his heart was turned away by women to follow strange [false] gods: and his heart was NOT perfect with the Lord his God [he did NOT love God above all things, instead worshipping & loving false pagan gods as much as, or even more than, the One True God Himself], as was the heart of David his father. But Solomon worshipped Astarthe [the star goddess, or goddess of the heavens] of the Sidonians [again, presumably Chanaanite Sidonians, as opposed to Sidonian Phoenicians who came later, settling in the same locale of Sidon], and Moloch [the ‘king god’ of the Chanaanites, to whom they sacrificed their own children in the most cruel of ways] the idol of the Ammonites… Then Solomon built a temple for Chamos the idol of Moab, on the hill that is over against Jerusalem [right next to God’s specially chosen City of Jerusalem], and for Moloch… And he did in this manner [Solomon did the same thing] for all his wives that were strangers [pagan foreigners], who burnt incense, and offered sacrifice to their gods. And the Lord was angry with Solomon, because his mind was turned away from the Lord the God of Israel [the True God of Catholicism], who had appeared to him twice, and had commanded him concerning this thing [re Solomon’s worship of pagan deities], that he should NOT follow strange [pagan] gods: but he kept NOT the things which the Lord commanded him [Solomon REFUSED to back down in the face of God’s prophetic warnings, continuing to worship the false gods of his pagan wives].” (3 Kings [1 Kings] 11:1-5, 7-10 DRC)


Because of Solomon’s faithlessness, God ripped ten tribes from his kingdom.


“The Lord therefore said to Solomon: ‘Because thou hast [you have] done this, and hast not kept my covenant [solemn religious agreement], and my precepts [all the commandments I’ve given you regarding dogma, ritual, morality, etc.], which I have commanded thee [you], I will divide and rend thy [your] kingdom, and will give it to thy servant [to someone who now serves under your authority but who will later on have his own authority in opposition to your kingdom]. Nevertheless in thy days I will not do it, for David thy father's sake: but I will rend it out of the hand of thy son. Neither will I take away the whole kingdom, but I will give one tribe to thy son for the sake of David my servant, and Jerusalem which I have chosen [I will give your son and his regal heirs two of the full twelve tribes to rule; all ten of the other tribes will go to a separate kingdom of the Israelites].” (3 Kings [1 Kings] 11:11-13 DRC)


So, for the sake of his Faithful father, St. David, God spared Solomon this horrible punishment during his life. The disaster, though --- a prosperous and powerful kingdom split in two, with Jerusalem and the tribe of Juda hanging onto the tiny tribe of Benjamin alone --- would happen. God could not look the other way and refuse to act indefinitely. Dreadful sins of irreligion had been done; in the end, the piper must be paid.


Unfortunately, the man to whom God entrusted rule of the ten separated tribes (an “ingenious and industrious” man as Solomon found him to be, before Solomon’s death and the Israelites divided, see 3 Kings [1 Kings] 11:28b DRC) as their first king, turned out to be fearful & envious. Instead of undoing Solomon’s hideous rebellion of tolerating and promoting paganism amongst his peoples, this remarkable man, Jeroboam, in his new ‘Northern Kingdom’ built pagan temples, golden calf idols, and, in essence, doggedly spread the very paganism that a foolish Solomon in his older age had poisoned his own subjects with, Jeroboam (first king of the newly founded Northern Kingdom) mortally afraid that the citizens of his newly established kingdom, insomuch as they remained good Catholics by still going to Jerusalem and the Temple three times yearly for the sacrifice and ritual God commanded them to do, would then wind up changing their loyalty from the Northern Kingdom to Southern Kingdom monarchs still ruling in Jerusalem over the tribes of Juda & Benjamin as Solomon’s rightful descendants.


This self-inflicted paganism, with a few intervals here & there for the better, went on for two centuries, from the late 10th to the late 8th century BC. Wickedness increased wildly in the meantime, in addition to their first & worst sin of embracing false religion (read: non-Catholic religion). This is when the Assyrians ascended again in power, reaching their pinnacle, around the time the Phoenicians fell from ascendancy, circa 800 BC, leaving a now Godless Northern Kingdom of the Israelites caught in the middle.


Per modern historians, Assyrians have existed as a distinct Semitic tribe since at least the mid-3rd millennium BC. Their tale is complex, per these scholars, but includes being under the domination of an Akkadian (and, like them, Semitic) kingdom for many centuries, as well as an ‘Early’ Assyrian kingdom they say existed for a very short period prior to the end of the third millennium. By the turn of the second millennium BC an ‘Old Assyrian’ kingdom arose, separate & independent from any other rule. This ‘Old’ realm lasted until the 1400s BC. A ‘Middle’ kingdom began and, apparently, grew greater in power, declining by the 11th century BC. A hundred years later came the ‘New’ or a ‘Neo-Assyrian’ Empire, which is when this Semitic people reached ascendancy, as powerful, fearsome & arrogant as they would ever be. One of the Neo-Assyrian rulers (Tiglath-Pileser III) even had himself crowned as ‘king of Babylon’ after he conquered Chaldea, which is one of the primary ways Neo-Assyria is linked inextricably to the later (and almost seamless) rule of the region by Chaldea & Persia. Incidentally, the Assyrians originally reigned from the aforementioned Assur (please see Chapter 102 of this book, Helplessly Ignorant), then Kalhu (with a brief interlude at Dur-Sharrukin), and finally Nineveh (granted, Haran became an Assyrian capitol in 612 BC, yet this is after the Assyrians’ fall from imperial primacy with a union of former vassal peoples sacking Nineveh during the aforesaid 612 BC, with what is, mostly, a final fall in 605 BC).


+++ 128. Caught in the Middle? +++

(Act 2)


It is the Neo-Assyrian (or ‘New’) Empire upon which we focus for a moment.


They were incredibly proud & brutal. How do we know? We read:


“And Rabsaces [Rabshakeh] answered them [the official representatives of the king of the more virtuous --- in the long run --- Southern Kingdom of the Israelites, centered in the mountainous capitol of Jerusalem], saying: ‘Has my master [the Neo-Assyrian ruler] sent me to thy master and to thee [to your ruler and his select representatives alone out of all of the Jewish people], to speak these words, and not rather to the men that sit upon the wall [the protective wall around Jerusalem, hearing everything], that they may eat their own dung [fecal matter], and drink their urine with you? [The reader must understand that Rabsaces, general of this mammoth Assyrian army, was besieging the City of Jerusalem as the lone holdouts amongst all the many different peoples and kingdoms that he had been going around, crushing into submission on behalf of his leader, the Neo-Assyrian monarch, Sennacherib.] …Hearken not [don’t dare listen] to Ezechias [Hezekiah, one of the best Catholic monarchs of the Southern Kingdom after his ancestor, King St. David], who deceiveth [deceives] you, saying: “The Lord will deliver us [save us from destruction].” Have any of the gods of the nations delivered their land from the hand of the king of Assyria? Where is the god of Emath, and of Arphad? Where is the god of the Sepharvaim, of Ana, and of Ava? Have they delivered Samaria [the fallen Northern Kingdom of Israelites, smashed by the Assyrians as God’s punishment for their hideous apostasy & sins] out of my hand [the Assyrian ruler’s power]? Who are they among all the gods of the nations, that have delivered their country out of my hand, that the Lord [the True God of the Old Testament Church] may deliver Jerusalem out of my hand? [how can your puny little God save you when all the other nations’ gods were helpless to do so, the Assyrian deities & strength plainly unbeatable?]’” (4 Kings [2 Kings] 18: 27, 32k-35 DRC)


As well:


“In the thirteenth year of the reign of Nabuchodonosor [this name is often confused with two Chaldean leaders of the same moniker, but, from a wise & scholarly Catholic point of view, is almost certainly the Assyrian ruler known today as Ashurbanipal]… the word was given out of the house of Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians [the Assyrian king’s command was sent out from his palace to underling Assyrian leaders everywhere], that he would revenge himself [against surrounding peoples who had refused to kowtow to his imperious demand they immediately give themselves up to his rule and taxation]And he [Nabuchodonosor] said that his thoughts were to bring all the earth under his empire And he [Nabuchodonosor] said to him [Holofernes, his head general], ‘Go out against all the kingdoms of the west [west, generally, in relation to where the heart of Assyrian power was in northern Mesopotamia], and against them especially that despised my commandment [who refused to knuckle under my threats]. Thy eye shall not spare any kingdom [whatever country or people you encounter, don’t have any mercy on them], and all the strong cities thou shalt bring under my yoke [crush every strong capitol and make it mine to rule over].’ …And he [Holofernes, the Assyrian general] made all his warlike preparations… And he took by assault the renowned city of Melothus, and pillaged[Various other ancient kingdoms in the Mideast are then mentioned, which the Assyrians brutally seized] …And he carried away all the children of Madian [Midian, a Semitic people who lived in the Arabian Peninsula, i.e., modern-day Saudi Arabia, the Yemens, etc.], and stripped them of all their riches, and all that resisted him he slew [killed, even if eventually surrendering] with the edge of the sword. And after these things he went down into the plains of Damascus [went north down into areas lower and flatter than where he had been, part of today’s country of Syria] in the days of the harvest [late summer or early autumn, when we harvest crops], and he set all the corn [grain] on fire, and he caused all the trees and vineyards to be cut down [he literally destroyed their food so as to cause them to starve to death in the coming winter months]. And the fear of them [the brutal Assyrians] fell upon all the inhabitants of the land.” (Judith 2:1a, c-d, 3, 5-6, 8a, 13a-b, 16-18 DRC. The reader should realize that the Book of Judith is what Roman Catholics call ‘deuterocanonical’, something today’s Protestants have mostly forgotten, but which the first Protestants would still respect somewhat, calling them ‘apocryphal’ [viz., literally speaking, a ‘hidden’ book, yet figuratively meaning ‘not to be fully trusted as biblical’].)


Yet if our tender reader cannot bring him or herself to believe Sacred Scripture, or its implications regarding Assyrian pride & cruelty, let us quote the words of some Assyrian emperors themselves, inscribed upon ancient monuments, obelisks, stelae, tablets, prisms and cylinders of stone, clay & alabaster in cuneiform from that time, found by modern archeologists, describing how they treated those they fought & conquered:


“I flayed as many nobles as had rebelled against me [and] draped their skins over the pile [of corpses]; some I spread out within the pile, some I erected on stakes upon the pile I flayed many right through my land [and] draped their skins over the walls I felled 50 of their fighting men with the sword, burnt 200 captives from them, [and] defeated in a battle on the plain 332 troops… With their blood I dyed the mountain red like red wool… I cut off the heads of their fighters [and] built [therewith] a tower before their city. I burnt their adolescent boys [and] girls In strife and conflict I besieged [and] conquered the city. I felled 3,000 of their fighting men with the sword… I captured many troops alive: I cut off so some their arms [and] hands; I cut off of others their noses, ears, [and] extremities. I gouged out the eyes of many troops. I made one pile of the living [and] one of heads. I hung their heads on trees around the city… I cut their throats like lambs. I cut off their precious lives (as one cuts) a string. Like the many waters of a storm, I made (the contents of) their gullets and entrails run down upon the wide earth… The wheels of my war chariot, which brings low the wicked and the evil, were bespattered with blood and filth. With the bodies of their warriors I filled the plain, like grass. (Their) testicles I cut off, and tore out their privates like the seeds of cucumbers… Like a fish I caught him up out of the sea and cut off his head… Their blood, like a broken dam, I caused to flow down the mountain gullies… I hung the heads of Sanduarri [king of the cities of Kundi and Sizu] and Abdi-milkutti [king of Sidon] on the shoulders of their nobles and with singing and music I paraded through the public square of NinevehTheir dismembered bodies I fed to the dogs, swine, wolves, and eagles, to the birds of heaven and the fish in the deep… What was left of the feast of the dogs and swine, of their members which blocked the streets and filled the squares, I ordered them to remove from Babylon, Kutha and Sippar, and to cast them upon heaps.” (Various quotes of Neo-Assyrian records as compiled by Erika Belibtreu in her brief yet scholarly article, “Grisly Assyrian Record of Torture and Death”, as published in the January / February 1991 issue of Biblical Archeology Review, the magazine of the Biblical Archaeology Society. Lest a reader bear a grudge against this Society --- they are ‘nondenominational’ but apparently associated with Protestants of assorted stripes --- I assure you again it is a scholarly work and all of the quotes above, as separated by ellipses, are bibliographically referenced to the following academic sources of quite impeccable reputation: the initial six quotes in sequential pairs are from Pages 124, 126-127 & 126, respectively, of Assyrian Royal Inscriptions, Part 2: From Tiglath-pileser I to Ashur-nasir-apli II, by Albert Kirk Grayson and published in Wiesbaden, Germany, by Otto Harrassowitz in 1976, as gathered from records of Neo-Assyrian Emperor Ashurnasirpal II in his own official words; the seventh quote from Section 254 of Volume 2 of Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia by Daniel David Luckenbill, as published by Chicago Press of Chicago University in 1927, and repeating the official words of the Neo-Assyrian Emperor Sennacherib himself; the next three quotes from Section 511 of the same volume, book, author and publisher, but reporting the official words of the Neo-Assyrian Emperor Esarhaddon, Sennacherib’s son; the final eleventh and twelfth quotes are from Section 521 of the identical volume, book, author and publisher, transmitting the official words of the Neo-Assyrian Emperor Ashurbanipal, Esarhaddon’s son. Article retrieved at http://faculty.uml.edu/ethan_Spanier/Teaching/documents/CP6.0AssyrianTorture.pdf on 28 September 2017 in PDF format. All annotations --- in brackets or parentheses --- in the text of original article as posted to the aforegiven URL. All emphases added.)


Assyrian brutality was unpleasantly real.


You did not want them to beat you.


Peoples conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire --- or threatened with being smashed into smithereens --- were between a rock and a hard place, desperately caught in the middle.


+++ 129. Caught in the Middle? +++

(Act 3)


The properly shocked reader might wonder why the Triune Catholic God would allow such a cruel and merciless people to seize wide power and oppress so many other human beings. Is the Creator not loving? Does He not have compassion upon us?


We give the same answer as before.


To wit, God is loving & compassionate. Nevertheless, the highest love of all is owed to Him. This is done, at a bare minimum, by not worshipping false & pagan gods, whilst, at the most (as is now required of every human being after the Day of Pentecost in AD 34 and the start of God’s New Testament & Roman Catholic Church), is done by being actually in His Singular Catholic Church, espousing Catholicism whole & entire.




Ergo, in failing to love God above all by being truly Roman Catholic (or, at the very least during pre-New-Testament times, by not worshipping false & pagan gods), or in failing to love one’s neighbor, second of all, by being good Roman Catholics (or, at bare minimum during pre-New-Testament times, by being just human beings via the Natural Law on our hearts), one eventually exhausts His Mercy & Patience.


It is not a failure on His Part; it is a failure upon our parts.


This is WHY God permitted the cruel Assyrians to harshly oppress others for some two centuries --- because these peoples, whether of Semitic, Japhetic or Hamitic descent, had so offended Him for so long (centuries and centuries!) in failing to love Him above all other things (by stubbornly worshipping false & pagan gods) and failing to love one’s neighbor as one’s self (by not being just & treat others compassionately), that, definitively, He could NOT refrain any longer from PUNISHING them.


End of sentence.


The thoroughly modern person doesn’t want to believe this.


He or she wants to think it doesn’t matter what religion you are or who you worship. Such persons want to think… if indeed he or she admits Our Creator exists or that sin is real… this Maker doesn’t ever punish anyone for being in the wrong religion, worshipping the wrong god, mistreating others or mistreating one’s self.


Such people don’t have a clue.


Because God does exist regardless of whether or not you want to believe in His existence, or whether or not you want to believe He is the Triune God of the Catholic Church alone, and God does write the Law of Natural Reason upon intelligent human beings’ hearts, and, hence, we really are required to be Roman Catholic and behave rightly.


Again --- period.


Neo-Assyrian cruelty, therefore, was one of God’s primary tools --- during this period of time and in this region of the earth --- to punish these various peoples for their terrible wickedness. Once more, God will often use the wicked to punish the wicked.


The irony?


As we remarked, this is essentially the Middle of the Earth.


The east side of the Mediterranean, in and around Jerusalem, was where God placed the Garden of Paradise and our first parents, Ss. Adam & Eve. It’s where Adam’s Skull remained as a relic near the Temple Mount, and where God Himself, Jesus Christ, sacrificed Himself upon the Cross as the Second Adam and Our Salvation.


Here in the Middle, or just to the east of the Middle, humans went bad.


Whether Hamitic, Japhetic or Semitic, we chose to disobey.


Neo-Assyria was one way God punished this rebellion.


And if this isn’t being ‘caught in the middle’… then I don’t know what is.


+++ 130. Caught in the Middle? +++

(Act 4)


A league of several different tribes & kingdoms ultimately prevailed over the Neo-Assyrians, gaining their revenge after approximately two centuries of an unrestrained arrogance and brutality on the part of the Assyrians.


Interestingly, the Neo-Assyrian Empire --- like all realms that endure for very long --- experienced serious internal troubles during the first part of the 8th century BC. Generals appear to have dominated various sections of the Empire without regard toward imperial authority (either not mentioning an emperor in the records we have, or else impudently shunning the emperor altogether). In any case, the plague swept through the area and a solar eclipse occurred on 15 June 763, followed by another wave of plague. All of this transpired during the reign of Emperor Ashur-dan III, civil war erupting into the open during the same year of the eclipse, 763 BC. The second wave of plague, mentioned above, apparently put an end to this civil war in 759. Emperor Ashur-nirari V then obtained the throne in 755, his troubled reign ending with the brilliant general (and claimant to the throne via descent from a former emperor, Adad-nirari III, albeit academia today often doubts his familial legitimacy), Tiglath-Pileser III, gaining complete control, organizing the Empire far more efficiently and, amongst other significant accomplishments, crushed the apostate Israelites’ Northern Kingdom.


The import?


A careful Catholic scholar realizes it is nigh well an utter certainty that the so-called ‘minor prophet’ (minor not in importance, but because the twelve minor prophets in the Bible are shorter than the writings in Sacred Scripture of the four ‘major prophets’), Jonas [Jonah], visited Ninive [Nineveh], during the troubled ten-year reign of the emperor, Ashur-nirari V, probably nearer to 755 BC (the start of Ashur-nirari V’s imperial rule) than 745 BC (when the audacious Tiglath-Pileser usurped him). This prophet, Jonas, is best known for having tried to escape the mission God commanded him to carry out and, in fleeing, wound up swallowed by a “great [huge] fish” somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. (Jonas 2:1a DRC) Protestants and others familiar with Jonas’ story usually call this “great fish” a ‘whale’, yet the Bible doesn’t say for sure.


Jonas’ mission is a fascinating thing.


Here we have, seven and a half centuries before Christ --- and about seven centuries after Moses and the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt --- Our Creator plainly taking concern for a non-Israelite people, the Assyrians, and sending one of His Old Testament Church’s prophets to them, in order to warn them of impending punishment for sin, and, the chastened Assyrians actually taking Jonas’ warning seriously, converting!


Yes, you read the paragraph above correctly.


Even then, during the Old Testament, God clearly had compassion for human beings, in addition to His Chosen People, the Hebrews, and, as St. Moses states (see Exodus 12:48, for instance, or the amazing example of the former prostitute, the Chanaanitess, Rahab, who aided & joined the Israelites religiously, see Josue [Joshua] 2:1, 8-14, 17-19, 6:17, 22-25), He not only granting for a possibility of non-Hebrew ethnicities converting to His True Religion of the Old Covenant, but even sending an Old Testament Church prophet to admonish a non-Hebrew people to do penance for their sins!


Yet, really, this ought not to be so astonishing. All human beings are formed in God’s Image. He is not willing that any should perish everlastingly (see 2 Peter 3:9 for scriptural proof of Our Creator’s concern for the eternal welfare of everyone). Howsoever, He is also not then saying we can believe whatever we want.


His means of mercy is CONVERSION to His One True Religion.


This True Religion is Roman Catholicism, and none other.


Notwithstanding, during the Old Testament… before the coming of His Promised One, the Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, God Incarnate… He did not require visible membership in His Singular Church. To whom much is given, much is required. (Luke 12:48) To whom less is given --- which is, by definition, the religious condition of humanity prior to Christ’s First Advent --- much less is required. Ergo, why God didn’t command all humanity to be visibly Catholic prior to the Incarnation of Christ.


What did He require?


That we follow the Law of Natural Reason upon our hearts.


Doing so, any intelligent human being, even before the Advent of Jesus Christ, could recognize that a false god is false and a false religion is false. He or she could also recognize the moral commandments, such as no murder, adultery or theft.


The curious thing?


The Assyrians, being descendants of St. Noe’s son, Sem [Shem], were tribal brothers, as it were, to the Israelites, just as they were tribal brothers, too, in relation to the Chaldeans (the Babylonians). And, like the Semitic Phoenicians, who were the central fourth of seven heads of the Oceanic Beast, and who, for a short while, looked like they were going to be and remain members of the Old Testament Church (recall King Hiram’s friendship with King St. David, and the incredible assistance he offered to the wise Solomon in constructing the first Temple of the Old Covenant in Jerusalem, see in Chapter 120 of this very book for proof of the Phoenicians’ brief Godly religiosity), Assyrians as well looked, for a very brief moment, like they would be good Old Testament Catholics, doing penance for their sins of paganism, pride & murder.


Sacred Scripture is inerrant. God’s Infallible Catholic Church assures us of this fact. Understood correctly, according to the infallible teaching of the Roman Catholic Church and the astute wisdom & learning of the early Church Fathers, the Bible cannot be wrong. As a result, we can be sure that St. Jonas did indeed --- after being chastised --- preach penance to the Assyrians in Nineveh, and that they listened, taking him seriously, and were sorry for their sins, the worst of which was their being such eager pagans.


Sacred Scripture in the Book of Jonas [Jonah] states this clearly.


From where did the Assyrians derive their paganism, though?


Primarily from the ancient Sumerians. And who were they?


An astute Catholic scholar has to conclude that they were either the Hamitic tribe of Nemrod [Nimrod] before his rule in the land of Babylon ended in ruin, or else a related Hamitic tribe that continued his heritage in the same area after humans were dispersed. And, given that his time in Mesopotamia went for roughly two centuries, then, following his incipient tribe’s departure into the West (assuming the Nemrod / Neptune / Poseidon theory is accurate… and, really, nothing other than Atlantis’ Empire explains ancient events and later earthly connections so perfectly), what modern scholars have been uncovering archeologically about the Sumerians is consequently proto-Atlantean. Notwithstanding, even if one wants to discount Atlantis, the Sumerians only make complete sense, scripturally, if they were some of the builders of Babel’s Tower.


To wit, earth’s people gathered together in Mesopotamia shortly after the Great Flood, refusing to disperse throughout the world as God had commanded them, preferring instead the relative warmth, fertility and luxury of Sennaar / Shinar / Babylonia / Mesopotamia. And preferring, as well, the Rebellion of Paganism rather than Our Creator’s One True Religion, constructing a Tower to “reach to heaven” and then propelling humanity back again into false religion after God had cleansed the earth. (Genesis 11:4c DRC. See Chapters 91-98 again in this book, Helplessly Ignorant, beloved soul, if you’ve forgotten the evidence for Atlantis and a link to Nemrod.)


So, in sending the prophet, St. Jonas, to the Assyrians in Nineveh, God was reminding these descendants of St. Sem of His One True Religion, and giving them a last chance to reject Nemrod’s Rebellion and his Hamitic people’s paganism, and --- doing penance for their paganism, pride, murder and other sins --- obtain Our Maker’s forgiveness.


Right in the middle of where the first post-Deluge Rebellion caught fire.


+++ 131. Caught in the Middle? +++

(Act 5)


One of the funniest things in Sacred Scripture is Jonas’ reaction to God’s Mercy.


Escaping out of the belly of the huge fish --- and finally obeying God’s Command to go to the Assyrians in Nineveh to warn them of His Wrath against their terrible sins --- Jonas enters into what was, at that time, arguably, perhaps, the biggest city in the world. Per the Bible it was “a great [gigantic] city of three day’s journey.” (Jonas 3:3d DRC) Per the ancient historians, Nineveh then was about 50 miles in circumference. Thus, to go through the city thoroughly would take about 3 days of walking along its streets.


And yet, Sacred Scripture tells us, the Assyrians did penance after but one day!


“And Jonas began to enter into the city one day’s journey: and he cried [yelled out loudly, so everyone could hear him], and said: ‘Yet forty days [in just another forty days], and Ninive [Nineveh] shall be destroyed.’ And the men of Ninive believed in God [in other words, they not only believed that Our Creator exists, but recalled what Sem and their ancestors had believed, the teachings of God’s True Religion]: and they proclaimed  a fast, and put on sackcloth [rough, uncomfortable and penitential clothing] from the greatest to the least [from highest emperor to lowliest slave]. And the word [Jonas’ prophetic warning] came to the king [emperor] of Ninive; and he rose up out of his throne, and cast away his robe from him, and was clothed with sackcloth, and sat in ashes [a common practice back then, in that place & time, to show your lowliness, humility and sorrow for sin or suffering]. And he caused it to be proclaimed and published in Ninive from the mouth of the king and of his princes [underling Neo-Assyrian leaders], saying, ‘Let neither men nor beasts, oxen nor sheep, taste any thing [don’t eat any food for a while, denying one’s self the pleasure and strength derived from eating]: let them not feed, nor drink water. And let men and beasts be covered with sackcloth, and cry to the Lord [the moniker used here is the Unique & Singular Name of the One True God of the Old Testament Hebrews] with all their strength, and let them turn every one from his evil way, and from the iniquity that is in their hands. Who can tell if God will turn, and forgive: and will turn away from his fierce anger, and we shall not perish?’” (Jonas 3:4-9 DRC)


Why so quick to repent?


Remember from the first half of Chapter 130 above in this book, Helplessly Ignorant, how the Neo-Assyrian Empire went through a period of civil war, plague and fear for some two or three decades. A solar eclipse in 763 BC magnified this anxiety. Even today a solar eclipse is a flabbergasting sight, and, in ancient times in that part of the world --- even though some of them, at least, had the ability to foretell solar eclipses --- the sky above and its celestial events were seen as portents of the future to come, unlike the adherents of our present day Religion of Modernism, where the heavens are merely ‘space’, and celestial objects merely randomly evolving material things, existing purposelessly, and having little or no connection to events on earth.


The point?


The Assyrians were perfectly poised, at this crucial moment, to repent.


Going through all the things they had suffered so recently, being afraid of the future to come, they were as ready as they could be to remember the True Religion of old and believe in the True God of their forefathers. It was only a fleeting moment in long retrospect… yet, like the Phoenicians, they briefly returned to Catholicism.


This is why we surmised that Jonas had to have preached to them during the reign of their troubled emperor, Ashur-nirari V, somewhere in the decade of 755 to 745 BC. But most likely nearer to 755 than the latter point of 745, when the arrogant pagan Neo-Assyrian general, Tiglath-Pileser III, usurped power, and the Assyrians wandered right back into false religion. Yet because of their penance, God did not destroy them in 40 days.


Indeed --- and this is the funny part --- Jonas is incensed at God’s Mercy!


“And Jonas was exceedingly troubled [very, very, very upset], and was angry: and he prayed to the Lord, and said, ‘I beseech thee, O Lord [I beg You, dear God], is not this what I said, when I was yet in my own country [didn’t I tell You this before I tried to flee from this prophetic mission that You gave me]? Therefore I went before to flee [I fled from Your task in the opposite direction] into Tharsis [Tarshish]; for I know that thou art [You are] a gracious and merciful God, patient, and of much compassion, and easy to forgive evil. And now, O Lord, I beseech thee [to] take my life from me [just please let me die now]: for it is better for me to die than to live.’” (Jonas 4:1-3 DRC)


Catholic scholars of recent times, at least, have tried to spin this reaction of Jonas in a more favorable light. Say they, he was simply upset that the Assyrians would indeed do penance and that, because God would be merciful and not destroy them, then he would look like a ‘false’ prophet, or the True Religion despised since the destruction didn’t actually occur like he had warned. Now, maybe they’re correct. I don’t want to be haughty here and pretend that I know for sure what Jonas’ motive was.


I will say this, though:


It’s also quite possible Jonas prophetically knew the Assyrians would repent, and, knowing this to be the case, was upset and angry that God would send him to an evil, pagan populace that threatened his own people’s existence & welfare, a gargantuan empire that, personally, he might wish God would destroy or let waste away. In other words, maybe Jonas didn’t feel as gracious, merciful, patient & compassionate toward the Assyrians as he knew Our Creator could be, and perhaps he hated the thought of being the instrument of their salvation, with God using him to warn them to have tremendous sorrow for their sins, lest destruction come upon them very soon!


This is, as far as I can tell, not popular amongst Catholics of late.


But, why couldn’t it be true?


Sacred Scripture is astonishingly frank about the sins of various saintly Catholics of ancient times --- think of the adultery & murder of St. David, or the denial of St. Peter of Our Lord and his later dissimulation as he kowtowed to certain bad Catholics of Jewish descent in the Diocese of Antioch of Syria when it came to eating with non-Jewish members (and thus uncircumcised, and hence ceremonially unclean according to Old Testament standards that had been superseded by God’s New Testament Law) at meals. Given these shocking examples, why is it ‘unthinkable’ that St. Jonas may have been, humanly speaking, angry that God would have mercy on the cruel Assyrians?


It’s really not ‘unthinkable’. Unless Holy Mother Church assures us with absolutely solemn and precise declarations upping the ‘preferred’ interpretation amongst Catholic scholars of late --- and as long as we treat St. Jonas with veneration & respect, just like a good Catholic treats Ss. David or Peter, despite their grievous sins when still alive upon this earth --- then it’s neither ‘unthinkable’ nor ‘disrespectful’ toward St. Jonas. It’s merely what happens, sometimes, when Catholics are bad… and later repent.


In any case, it’s indubitably humorous!


I don’t mean that disrespectfully --- I simply state the obvious. A man running from God’s command to go to a cruel & brutal pagan empire, falling deeply asleep during a life-threatening storm in the Mediterranean Sea, then woke up to have to convince the captain and the sailors that they must throw him overboard in order to save their lives… because he’s running from the True God’s command to preach to the Assyrians… beloved soul, that’s hilariously edifying to a real Catholic with piety!


And, of course, the Roman Catholic Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ, uses St. Jonas’ punishment in the belly of a gargantuan fish for three days as a messianic prophecy of His Own Sacrifice upon the Cross, the Son of Man (i.e., Jesus) going to the heart of our earth for three days after His Death, preaching to the souls in purgatory and those in the limbo of the fathers, prior to resurrecting bodily, with Divine Glory, from the Tomb.


The symbolism is consummate. (E.g., see Matthew 12:40 & 16:4, or Luke 11:29-30.)


The God-Man Who makes St. Peter and the other Twelve Apostles His first fishermen for human souls, employing the metaphor of Jonas in the heart of the sea, inside the belly of a gigantic fish, after three days spat out upon the shore (remember the allegory of Satan as the Dragon standing upon the sands of the sea!)… and then, becoming God’s Divine Mercy, preaching the True Religion to great sinners so they might be able to repent.


And so find God’s Forgiveness in His One & Only Roman Catholic Body.


Any true Roman Catholic who dares to think the Bible can’t be humorous has not actually read Sacred Scripture or pondered fruitfully upon its contents. Our Creator made us able to often see the humor in things and, provided we don’t abuse this sense of humor (much like not indulging too much food or food of the wrong kind or at the wrong time), then, rightly speaking, it should not surprise us the Bible can be poignantly funny.


Long after the cruel Neo-Assyrians have passed from power, can we not see --- now without prejudice --- the perfect compassion God has on all human beings? And how we must, in order to imitate Him, as good Roman Catholics also have this great compassion? I say this to my own shame… for I am not yet as compassionate as Our Creator. Too, oppressed like all Catholics still on earth today, however few we are in the midst of global rebellion & apostasy, tyrannized by the cruel moderns, I try to balance between begging God to remember our plight and punish this wicked earth… and begging Him to have mercy on these same wicked people, bringing them to Catholic penance and thus sparing them as He pours out undeserved graces upon whomever He so chooses.


This is the sorrow & humor, and plight, of poor St. Jonas and the Assyrians.


It’s a big fish story, yet totally true. It’s the ultimate sea tale, for real.


And about two siblings, fellow Semites & human beings.


Both of them caught in the middle, indeed.


+++ 132. Caught in the Middle? +++

(Act 6)


The Neo-Assyrians got their just desserts in the latter seventh century BC.


The Mesopotamian region’s other peoples had had enough of Assyrian cruelty and murderous sadism. They banded together, finally, sacking Nineveh in 612 BC and, by 605, essentially relegating the remnants of Assyrian government to the ashes. Yet in doing so, they had not really changed the leadership of the region significantly.


Yes, they did stop the Assyrians from lording it over them.


Nonetheless, the Chaldeans (the Babylonians of that time) then took headship --- and, not only that, but recollect how one of the most powerful of the Neo-Assyrian emperors, Tiglath-Pileser III, in sacking Babylon, the fabled city, didn’t just make his fellow Semites, the Chaldeans, vassals to the Assyrians, but proclaimed himself and his successors the kings of Babylon, too --- asserting power over all Mesopotamia. Sumerian heritage spurred this and their shared Semitic blood sealed it.


We in the most modernized and de-tribalized areas of the earth may not think this important, but, believe me, it was important to people way back then who were shaped along the lines of tribal descent far more clearly. That is to say, they may have been pagans, yet their memory of ancient times (in relation to them back then, naturally) encompassed far more than we of modern times remember (and oddly so, in that we, considering ourselves so scholarly, learned & ‘scientific’ nowadays, think ourselves far ‘better’ informed, historically, than people in ancient, so-much-closer-to-the-really-old-times, of that long ago position in human chronology), we rejecting and forgetting so much that was known and taken-for-granted by ancient tribal peoples back then.


The upshot?


Chaldean (Babylonian) lordship did not alter leadership of the Mesopotamian region --- and surrounding areas, since this Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire asserted its power over an even greater part of the earth than merely the Mesopotamian Valley, howsoever huge that was all by itself --- in an underlyingly noteworthy way. It’s kind of like, in the US, Democrats taking over from Republicans, or vice versa. Sure, in an overtly & outerly visible way, the change looks dramatic. But in an intrinsically meaningful way?


Nah, no well-informed & intelligent person in America thinks that.


Well, unless he or she is a diehard political partisan.


Nevertheless, barring diehard partisanship, nobody who is smart thinks the two major political parties makes a gigantic difference in leadership. (Which is why, by the way, the election of Pr. Trump made such an impact --- his goals as leader really are a kind of ‘seismic shift’ in the Republican Party, making one wonder if, in the long run, his presidency will seem as distant from Republicans of old as Republicans of the 1920s seemed in comparison to the Republicans of the 1860s, when Abraham Lincoln was president.) The point is, in comparison to the two major political parties of the United States of America, the two major Semitic kingdoms of ancient Mesopotamia --- the Neo-Assyirians and the Chaldeans (Neo-Babylonians) --- were of a similar dynamic. The sudden shift in leadership looked very dramatic, yet, in reality, was just business-as-usual, being Sumerian & Akkadian grounded, thus rather humdrum & by-the-book.


The Chaldean headship was also, in the end, fairly short.


Not quite a century, to be exact.


Which seems long to a person of little historic outlook. Yet in the bigger picture? In the long run? Nope, pretty quick. But still long enough to do some big things for awhile.


Technically, the Chaldeans were not, strictly speaking, the precise same tribe (or ‘sub-tribe’, to be really exact), as Babylonians of old --- viz., the Akkadians from the third and second millennia BC, who ruled over the Assyrians of old before Assyrians established their own independent kingdom --- all the same, they were Semitic, and, hence, from Noe’s son, Sem, like every Semitic people in the world. The Chaldeans properly speaking, though, apparently migrated east from the Levant around the turn of the first millennium BC and took up residence in the vast fluvial deposits of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in the southeast corner of the Mesopotamian Valley.


Around the turn of the first millennium BC, these Chaldeans began to form an independent identity & kingdom that was, nevertheless, built on a Sumero-Akkadian-Assyrian foundation. That is to say, whilst gaining a kind of ‘independence’, they still saw themselves as inheriting the religion & realm of the very ancient Sumerians, as well as the language, customs and traditions of the Akkadians & Assyrians. A wise Catholic scholar has to conclude that the Sumerians were Hamitic and, indeed, part of the folk ruled by Nemrod shortly after the Flood, perchance his own proto-Atlantean tribe. Resultantly, the Chaldeans saw themselves as continuing ancient Babylonia, as the manifest ‘heirs’ of both the Hamitic Sumerian gods and the Semitic Akkadian & Assyrian language, customs & culture (not to mention that these Akkadians and Assyrians themselves, as pagans, had appropriated the Sumerian gods & religion, making the parallelism complete). In their minds, they were the rightful fulfillers of ancient Babylonia, rightfully taking the reins of power from the Neo-Assyrians, and therefore rightfully continuing the two century old Neo-Assyrian Empire.


Got it? Good. Again, history can be complex for those who aren’t patient & studious. Things can look ‘complex’ for those who aren’t willing to dive in deep, taking the time and effort to sort things out, arranging them in correct relation to each other, thereby deciphering what was going on ‘behind the scenes’, so to speak. But not necessarily meant in a ‘conspiratorial’ sense. Contrarily, only meant in the sense that what looks ‘complex’ is simpler when you get down to basics, uncovering key facts. It looks ‘complex’, too, since the older Babylonians mingled with the newer Chaldeans.


So how did Chaldea catch power in the middle of Mesopotamia?


As the Neo-Assyrians lost their grip, a Chaldean known as Nabopolassar took the throne of Babylonia from the Neo-Assyrian leader who had represented the Assyrian emperors as ‘kings’ of Babylon (recall that this connection started with the audacious Tiglath-Pileser III back in the late 8th century BC, who subjugated Babylon and proclaimed himself King of Babylon as a way to consolidate his reputation as rightful ‘heir’ to ancient Sumeria and the pagan Babylon of old). It is this Nabopolassar, who began what’s known as the ‘eleventh dynasty’ of Babylon, who eventually made an alliance with the Medes, Persians, Scythians & Cimmerians to attack Assyria with a united force, sacking the Neo-Assyrian capitol of Nineveh in 612 BC, and decisively breaking the back of cruel Assyria by around 605 BC. In the latter accomplishment, the Neo-Babylonians not only took much of Assyria, but also subjugated many of their former allies to the Chaldean rule now falling into place. To wit, these Neo-Babylonians essentially appropriated an Empire already built on Sumerian & Akkadian principles.


Nabopolassar’s son, Nebuchadnezzar II (known to scripturally studious Catholics as ‘Nabuchodonosor’ due to vagaries of transliteration into English via the Latin Vulgate and the influence of the Greek Septuagint version of the Old Testament so prevalent and popular amongst the early Church Fathers of the first millennium AD), consolidated Chaldean authority, made the City of Babylon beautiful and glorious, expanded his Empire even further, including being God’s Scourge against the halfway apostate & wicked Israelite Southern Kingdom in 586 BC centered in Jerusalem (though some say 587 or 597, etc.), just as the Neo-Assyrians had been God’s Scourge in punishing the utterly apostate & wicked Israelite Northern Kingdom around 720 BC. From both a remnant was exiled. Yet the northern tribes waned; the southern remnant endured.


+++ 133. Caught in the Middle? +++

(Act 7)


Which brings us to another amazing tale.


For just as the Semitic Neo-Assyrians were granted a chance from Our Creator to repudiate their iniquities --- especially paganism, worshipping their versions of the false demon gods of the very ancient Sumerians (Sumer being the kingdom that Nemrod began so soon after the Great Flood, getting humanity to build the Tower of Babel in this Land of Towers & Floods, and which modern scholars mock as ‘superstition’ while their smug out-of-thin-air suppositions and ‘dating methods’ are a theoretical array founded upon many shaky assumptions, like a house of cards able to be toppled with a single strong breath) --- so, too, did Our Creator give the Semitic Neo-Babylonians an opportunity to stop sinning and abandon their version of Sumerian Paganism.


The aforementioned Nebuchadnezzar II (known to Catholics as ‘Nabuchodonosor II’) brought the remnant of the Israelite Southern Kingdom to Babylon, after besieging the City of Jerusalem and killing most of the inhabitants of that realm, apart from a few farmers, poor & submissive, who he allowed to continue their humble livelihood. As already remarked, Nebuchadnezzar was a spectacular builder and eager student of the ancient Sumerians & Akkadians, reviving languages and ceremonies from as much as 1500 years prior to his time. The mighty Euphrates River flowed through the center of his capitol city, Babylon, and he raised a giant ‘ziggurat(that is, a tower built in successive platforms or ‘steps’, presumably in imitation of Nemrod’s even more brobdingnagian Tower of Babel) at the heart of his fabulous City of Babylon, called ‘Etemenanki(meaning ‘House of the Frontier Between Heaven & Earth’), which was exactly alongside their Temple of Marduk, Marduk being the Chaldean Sun God and the pantheonic head, by this time, of all their Sumerian-derived Babylonian deities (the second greatest of these pagan gods being, arguably, Ishtar, like the Sumerian Inanna, the Star Goddess and connected, like the Greek’s Aphrodite, with Venus, although the Neo-Babylonians  would worship their moon god, Sin, assiduously, too… and which lunar god --- albeit as a male --- is linkable to their Ishtar Star Goddess, again connecting the lowest celestial realm of the moon to the highest heavens).


Are you getting it?


Whether fully conscious of his aim or not, Nebuchadnezzar II was nonetheless attempting, on a smaller yet still very impressive scale, to resurrect Nemrod’s Babel. This bold goal is critical for a wise Catholic to understand, unlocking, for instance, the symbolism of the Whore of Babylon in Chapter 17 of the Apocalypse [Revelation]. Etemenanki, the giant ziggurat House of the Frontier Between Heaven & Earth demonstrates this in spades, Nebuchadnezzar trying like the mighty rebel, Nemrod, to reach to heaven in the very same place where Nemrod attempted the same thing, and right next door to where Our Maker had placed a Gate Between Heaven & Earth --- indeed, heaven on earth --- in the Garden of Paradise. (Genesis 11:4c DRC)


Now are you getting it?


The major prophet, St. Daniel, and his three saintly young comrades, Ananias, Misael & Azarias --- to whom the Babylonians gave Chaldean names, Baltassar (to Daniel), Sidrach, Misach & Abdenago (to the other three), although these Chaldean names regularly transliterate via Protestant influence as the better known Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Mishael & Abednego --- confronted this ancient Sumerian-derived Neo-Babylonian paganism full on. For we read in Sacred Scripture of the most terrible religious trial that Daniel’s three comrades & friends encountered in Babel:


“King Nabuchodonosor [Emperor Nebuchadnezzar II] made a statue of gold, of sixty cubits high [roughly 90 feet tall, or 100 feet at the most], and six cubits broad [about 9 to 10 feet wide], and he set it up in the plain of Dura of the province of Babylon [a highly visible position and able to accommodate huge crowds of people]. Then Nabuchodonosor the king sent to call together the nobles, the magistrates, and the judges, the captains, the rulers and governors [which is why Daniel’s three comrades faced this challenge since Daniel, in gaining Nebuchadnezzar’s high esteem, had convinced him these three should be appointed as directors over projects in the province of Babylon], and all the chief men of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the statue… Then a herald cried with a strong voice: ‘To you it is commanded, O nations, tribes, and languages [recollect that this is a massive empire with many different tribes now under its control]: that in the hour [at the moment] you shall hear the sound of the trumpet… [Many instruments are listed.] …ye [all of you] fall down and adore [worship as if it were a god] the golden statue… But if any man shall not fall down and adore, he shall the same hour be cast into a furnace of burning fire.” (Daniel 3:1-2, 4-5a, h, 6 DRC)


Quite a quandary, eh?


Yet the FIRST of God’s Ten Commandments clearly tells us no false gods or false religions’. Both Old & New Testament Catholics have ALWAYS upheld this simple teaching, with NO ‘exceptions’ permitted, period, for any intelligent human being.


Daniel’s three comrades knew this, bravely & politely withstood the imperious Nebuchadnezzar, were thrown into the furnace, and, in a miracle of supernatural power, came out unscathed to the astonishment of onlookers and the emperor himself. (Please see all of Daniel 3 for this account, and how Emperor Nebuchadnezzar then lauded the True God of the Old Testament Israelites as the “most high God” (Daniel 3:99a DRC), though we know from later verses in Daniel the emperor was religiously syncretistic, acknowledging the real God whilst simultaneously clinging to his pagan deities.) St. Daniel, too, faced this ultimate test. In Daniel 6 we read of jealous pagan leaders craftily getting the emperor of that time to throw Daniel into a ‘den of lions’ for his loyalty to God, St. Daniel praying publicly three times daily, defying the temporary decree that these rulers purposely cooked up, with naïve imperial approval, so as to ensnare him.


But before Daniel’s stupendous trial, Nebuchadnezzar himself, when still religiously syncretistic, was shown mercy by God in the most extraordinary way. Given a dream to warn him --- a dream once again only able to be interpreted correctly by the redoubtable Daniel, his most admired and trusted counselor --- Nebuchadnezzar stubbornly stuck with his Sumerian-derived pagan deities, regardless. Given an opportunity, as Daniel advised him, to “…redeem thou thy sins [do penance for your sins] with alms [acts of charity], and thy iniquities [your sins] with works of mercy to the poor: perhaps he [Almighty God] will forgive thy offences [your sins]…” (Daniel 4:24b-d DRC), the emperor persisted in paganism & iniquity, priding himself for all of his accomplishments. Our Creator then stripped him of his intelligence, leaving him to eat grass like an animal, his fingernails and hair grown long & unkempt, a sort of vegetarian ‘werewolf’, driven out of his capitol like a leper. For seven years he lived as an irrational beast, solitary in the wild. Then, just as suddenly, God was merciful, returning his rationality. Nebuchadnezzar was also fortunate, in that Chaldean law required his authority be returned to him when his mind was restored --- he was again Emperor of Babylon, greatest power on earth six centuries before Christ, but now as a chastened & truly Catholic man.


And, in a frightening coda to this imperial conversion, we find Nebuchadnezzar’s grandson, Baltasar [Belshazzar], some sixty or so years later, feasting drunkenly with his nobles, wives and concubines in his emperor’s palace at Babylon. Praising their demonic pagan gods and idols of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood & stone, using the gold & silver vessels the Chaldeans had plundered from the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem so many decades ago to do so, they inebriated themselves all the more as they drank from the sacred cups dedicated to the One True God’s religious service. A supernatural hand then appeared, alarming the guests and paralyzing Belshazzar with fear. The disembodied hand wrote words on the palace wall, and, whilst the hand disappeared… its puzzling message did not, Babylon’s wise men unable to interpret it. Luckily, the queen grandmother (per Josephus) arrived and reminded him of Daniel, who told him:


“O king, the most high God [the True Creator, not Marduk or Zeus, etc.] gave to Nebuchadnezzar thy father [your grandfather, Mideastern people being much more extended & metaphorical when it comes to family] a kingdom, and greatness, and glory, and honour… But when his heart was lifted up, and his spirit hardened unto pride, he was put down from the throne of his kingdom… And he was driven out… and his heart was made like the beasts, and his dwelling [home] was with the wild asses [donkeys], and he did eat grass like an ox… till he knew that the most High RULED in the kingdom of men [Nebuchadnezzar finally realized the True God ultimately rules here on earth, in spite of us not normally seeing Him or how He does so], and that he [God] will set over it [make someone an authority] whomsoever it shall please him. Thou [You] also his son [grandson], O Baltasar, hast [have] not humbled thy heart, whereas thou KNEWEST all these things [you, Baltasar, are quite AWARE of what occurred to your grandfather when God humbled him]: but thou hast lifted thyself [yourself] up AGAINST the Lord of heaven: and the vessels of his house [His Temple in Jerusalem] have been brought before thee [you]and thou hast PRAISED the gods of silver, and of gold… that neither see, nor hear, nor feel: but the God who hast thy breath in his hand [He Who can take your life at any instant], and all thy ways [He decides your ultimate fate], thou hast NOT glorified [you have REFUSED to learn from your grandfather’s example and be CATHOLIC, instead worshipping false gods and behaving arrogantly & immorally].” (Daniel 5:18, 20a-c, 21a-d, f-23b, d-g DRC)


Then Daniel interpreted the message for Belshazzar, giving God’s Sentence.


“And this is the writing that is written [by the supernatural hand on your palace wall]: MANE, THECEL, PHARESMANE: God hath numbered thy kingdom [has measured your empire], and hath finished it [ended it]. THECEL: thou art [you are] weighed in the balance, and art found wanting [lacking]. PHARES: thy kingdom is divided [split up temporarily], and is given to the Medes and the Persians.” (Daniel 5:25, 26b-28 DRC)


How’s that for a sobering assessment? By the way, that very night Belshazzar was murdered. Caught in the middle of God’s crosshairs, he paid the ultimate price.


Modern scholars predictably mock these stories as ‘superstitions’, but they’re not. They’re a real warning to everyone everywhere from then on, particularly when the Catholic Religion of the New Covenant has gone all over the world prior to our Great Apostasy, to worship the True God alone in His Singular Faith of the Roman Catholic Church. You can see in Daniel 4 how God religiously caught an emperor in the middle. Once again God gave Sem’s children a chance to come to their senses. Similarly, the Creator has given all humanity today a final chance for us to come to our senses.


When I was only 8 or 9, a very small child growing up in a rural area upon my grandfather’s farm, I had a strange dream. I saw a huge trench plowed through the earth, straight from where I lived, right through the tiny country public school that I attended --- with a robed arm pointing toward it and beyond --- where, unfathomably distant, I saw the pyramids & ziggurats of ancient Egypt & Babylonia. A voice then spoke, saying:


“There lies Babylon the Great.”


Why would a small child, a country boy, have a dream like this?


Because it’s the Great Apostasy, and, like Nemrod & the Sumerians earlier, then Nebuchadnezzar & the Chaldeans later, we are all now religiously caught in the middle. Unfortunately, despite Nebuchadnezzar’s restored mind and a consequently rational conversion to Our Maker’s Religion, the Chaldeans didn’t see fit to return to their senses. They persisted in their Sumerian-derived paganism of Nemrod’s Rebellion, their lovely and splendid capitol, the City of Babylon, passing into the hands of yet another tribe’s rule altogether. A people neither Semitic nor Hamitic; rather, Japhetic.


+++ 134. Caught in the Middle? +++

(Act 8, or, We Come Full Circle)


To wit, the Persians (and, alright, the Medes, too… kind of, for a little bit).


Coming mostly from what we today call ‘Iran’, their history is --- as ever, studying humanity --- a tad complicated. Iran today isn’t even purely ‘Iranian’ (read: Persian). For instance, the venerable ethnic Kurds predominate in the north of Iran. In ancient times, the Medes, Parthians & Elamites, e.g., mingled with Persians in that same locale. (The Medes, by the way, were intimately related to the Persians, they essentially being the identical tribe of people, the Medes merely in the north while the Persians, so called, lived in the south of the same local country.) The Persians, howsoever, take pride of place through what we’d describe, historically, as a combination of pure genius, indomitable pluck and (for lack of a better, fancier word) a big dose of just plain old good luck.


Their genius is in how well organized, efficient & just they made the Empire. Their pluck is in how hard they struggled with, or against, other local ethnicities and faraway threats to ascend to the top… and then, in their genius, treated these same entities --- relatively speaking and overall --- with fairness & equanimity. Their luck is in how, well… they simply didn’t fade into obscurity, powerlessness, loss of identity, & etc. One way or another, as Persians --- and, for instance, like Egyptians, Greeks, Jews or the Chinese, with God’s aid --- these people endure, distinctly Persian, for centuries upon centuries.


Academics refer to them as the Achaemenid Empire. With due respect both to scholars and Persians (while living in the world metropolis of Los Angeles, I had the privilege of talking intellectually for hours on end with an Iranian scholar, he having fled his land after the revolution in 1979), the reason I group Persian dominance of this Empire with the Semitic Assyrians & Chaldeans is because Japhetic Persians were still --- and in spite of a growing Zoroastrian influence --- staunchly pagan. This, plus a claim on Babylon, makes them continuous, not discontinuous, and regardless of their Japhetic ancestry.


Scholars tend to interpret the Persian claim as politics & diplomacy. Not that they denigrate them for it. It’s simply seen in polite yet cynical terms. The first illustrious Persian, say they, having won several critical military battles, then catered to popular disgust with the previous rulers, permitting them to return to their homelands or worship their gods, and played on the great respect it won him for declaring himself pious avenger of Bel-Marduk, the Neo-Babylonian Sun God. And maybe they’re right. Maybe the new conqueror was this savvy & shrewd. He was certainly very smart. On the other hand, I doubt the modern scholar’s ability to evaluate ancient pagans very adroitly. There may have been shrewd diplomacy… but there may have been a nice dollop of real pagan indignation toward earlier rulers, they daring to move pagan idols ‘improperly’.


Whichever, both locals and other citizens of the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire honestly believed his claim --- or, at least, thought the new ruler way better than the earlier rulers. The first full-fledged Persian emperor cemented his authority in Babylon by proclaiming himself ‘King of Babylon(as had the Neo-Assyrians some two centuries before), as well as ‘King of Sumer’ and ‘King of Akkad(ditto previous parenthesis) Indeed, as ‘King of the Four Corners of the World’, as he put it upon a famous ‘cylinder’ typical of that time & place. Then, depositing it in Babylon’s central & ancient Esagila Temple dedicated to their Babylonian head god, Marduk, he truly did look like a legitimate successor of the Babylonian monarchs of old, despite his non-Hamitic and non-Semitic descent. Moreover, he even stayed in Babylon, Babel remaining his imperial capitol.


(Granted, his successor built a new capitol in Persia, called --- what else? --- ‘Persepolis’, Greek for ‘City of Persia’, still, the first Persian emperor in Babel, so reverential toward Babylonia, reveals why three distinct entities link into a single unbroken imperiality.)


Yet who was this dashing Japhetic emperor from Iran? Cyrus the Great.


Ah, but before we dive into Cyrus’ big role, we must grapple with an earlier conundrum. For Sacred Scripture --- which a Roman Catholic knows is inerrant --- shows a Japhetic ruler prior to Cyrus exercising some sort of authority in Babylon. And, as a student of history, studying it with a scholarly zeal, I can tell you that, for all their learning, no scholar is error free or without prejudice, incapable of being careless and making assumptions that turn out to be unfounded. The Douay Rheims calls this ruler Darius. Not Darius the Great, who came after Cyrus the Great. Logically speaking, this earlier Darius must be what contemporary scholars call Cyaxares II, and what many have called Darius the Mede, since the Medes had not yet fallen under the authority of the Persians, properly speaking, yet the Medes had subjugated north Mesopotamia, as contemporary scholars admit. The point is, this Cyaxares II or ‘Darius the Mede’, is who Sacred Scripture speaks of in Daniel 6, where, as mentioned above, jealous pagans plotted cleverly, with a naïve regal approval, to get St. Daniel into serious trouble when the dauntless Daniel, unwavering in praying in public sight three times daily to the One True God of the Old Covenant Church, wound up thrown in the ‘the lion’s den’ for his fervent Catholic religiosity and, protected supernaturally by Our Creator, came out unharmed, greatly impressing Darius the Mede (or ‘Cyaxares II’). This Darius, seeing Daniel miraculously saved, then threw the wicked pagan men, who plotted to destroy God’s prophet, to these lions, which ravenous lions then devoured them in a trice, greedily.


The outcome?


The Book of Daniel makes it plain that Darius the Mede then believed in the God of Daniel, decreeing throughout his realm that all citizens should do the same. An act that contemporary scholars don’t want to admit, just as modern scholars of the last two or three centuries plainly don’t want to admit, ever, that the Bible could be accurate or reliable. Meanwhile, regularly discovered archeological evidence routinely vindicates Sacred Scripture again and again over the past century or so. Yet does this ever have significant impact on these scholars? Do they ever back down and admit that Sacred Scripture is reliable, and worth taking seriously before corroborating evidence from archeology? Pretty much never. Their bias is stark; it is a kneejerk skepticism.


Which brings us back to Cyrus the Great.


He beat the Medes and united them under his Persian Kingdom. Then, shrewdly exercising both military prowess & strategy, along with judicious political maneuvers in conjunction with smart diplomacy, he secured the loss of Neo-Babylonian supremacy and simultaneously built on an ancient Sumerian & Akkadian foundation --- the very same foundation appropriated by both Neo-Assyrians and Neo-Babylonians (Chaldeans) --- declaring himself the avenger of Bel-Marduk and rightful King of Babylon’, utilizing this ancient city as the capitol of his solidly established empire, hence continuing all the structure already in place and representing the third and last set of rulers at the top of the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire… but God once more offering a chance to these Medo-Persian rulers, as He had to the Assyro-Chaldean rulers, to reject all false pagan gods and embrace the True God of True Religion, a chance for Japheth’s children to obey.


This chance manifested most starkly in the pagan persecution of the prophet, Daniel, mentioned above and recorded in the sixth chapter of the Book of Daniel in the Bible. Nonetheless, it also manifested itself (though, mayhap, a little fainter) in the next few decades of Persian dominance of the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire. Per many of the historians, Cyrus the Great was not, strictly speaking, Persian (or, in more old-fashioned parlance, ‘Aryan’ --- until the misadventures of the rather strange Adolf Hitler & Nazis, in conjunction with liberal modernist ‘political correctness’, made this old academic term, ‘aryan’ into a ‘verboten’ word), He was instead, partly, in ancient terminology, ‘Elamite’… which, whilst probably ‘Aryan’, was not quite, in the strict sense, ‘Persian’. All of them (Elamites, Persians & Medes were Japhetic, but, tribally, also somewhat distinct) were deeply connected in a patriarchal sense (so alien and ‘strange’ to us nowadays, confusingly & tribally intermixed from a ‘national’ view), while separate enough in a ‘sub-tribal’ sense as to wind up fighting at times, bickering with one another in regard to more ‘minor’ things… in contrast to fighting over more ‘major’ stuff. Yes, perishing in war is ‘major’… yet wasn’t so major to them. What to conclude, then?


Quite simple. Whether ‘Aryan’ or not in the narrowest sense, tribally speaking, Cyrus was Persian in the broader sense (and also, like them, Japhetic, having descended from Noe’s second son, Japheth). Hence, when he took over, he not only took over the other ‘Aryan’ tribes (like the Medes, and the Persians in a narrower sense), he controlled a huge Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire and extended its dominion to an unprecedented magnitude. Per scholars today, no bigger empire had yet existed (including a realm such as the Chinese already ruled, or, say, the Toltecs later came to rule --- and the Mayans or Aztecs even further on a thousand or so years afterward in Asia or the Americas). Put bluntly, the Persian era of the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire was beyond anything post-Deluge earth had seen (apart from a vast & potent Sumero-Atlantean Empire, of course, which, for the sake of avoiding distractions, we’ll place to the side for the moment, concentrating only on what contemporary scholars presently accept.)


God via Sacred Scripture even foretold Cyrus’ rule a century earlier:


Who [i.e., I, the Singular Creator] say to Cyrus: ‘Thou art [You are] my shepherd, and thou shalt [shall] perform all my pleasure [everything that I, God, wish you to do]. Who say to Jerusalem: thou shalt be built: and to the temple: thy [your] foundation shall be laid.’ Thus saith the Lord [Therefore, I, God Almighty, decree] to my anointed CYRUS, whose right hand I have taken hold of, to subdue nations before his face [go and conquer everyone around him], and to turn the backs of kings [to subjugate them completely], and to open the doors before him, and the gates shall not be shut [you, my Cyrus to come, will do everything I make it possible for you to accomplish, according to My Divine Plan].” (Isaias [Isaiah] 44:28-45:1 DRC)


Contemporary scholars, naturally, don’t want to believe in this prophecy. Per them, since God is not real --- or, at least, there is no God Who is all-knowing and deigns to give us prophecy with precision a century or more before the thing prophesied happens, to the point of telling us the name of a person who, at the time of prophecy, doesn’t yet exist --- then this passage of the Bible must have been written after Cyrus’ existence & rule. I mean, come on, how else could Isaias [Isaiah] have gotten it right? Per them, recent scholars, this Isaias wasn’t even necessarily an actual person. And, if he was, certainly someone long after the prophecy ‘came true’ wrote down the prophecy, pretending it came true because, at the time it was ‘really’ written down… it’d already occurred!


In other words, per them, an imaginary God in the Bible tells us a big fat lie.


But we’re Catholics, my beloved reader… or else you are traditionally religious and willing to take the Bible seriously… or, at a bare minimum, dear soul, able to suspend disbelief and say “What if?” long enough to consider the implications logically. Ergo, take Scripture at face value; God foresaw Cyrus and ordained his purpose.


“Whosoever escaped the sword [when the Chaldeans swooped in and slaughtered the rebellious Southern Kingdom of the Israelites, God punishing their sins by having most of them die, with a remnant take away by Nebuchadnezzar to the Province of Babylon], was led into Babylon, and there served the king [Neo-Babylonian emperor] and his sons, till the reign of the king of Persia [first full-fledged Persian emperor of the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire]… But in the first year of CYRUS king of the Persians, to fulfill the word of the Lord [meaning here mainly the prophecy of Jeremias (Jeremiah), yet also referring obliquely to the prophecy of Isaias (Isaiah) we’ve read above]… the Lord stirred up the heart of Cyrus king of the Persians: who commanded it to be proclaimed through all his kingdom [the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire, the largest in the world at the time], and by writing also, saying, ‘Thus saith Cyrus king of the Persians [this is what I, Cyrus the Persian, solemnly say to my empire]: All the kingdoms of the earth hath [has] the Lord the God of heaven given to me, and he hath charged me [commanded me] to build him a house [God’s Singular Old Testament Temple] in Jerusalem, which is in Judea [Palestine, in the mountains where Jerusalem is located]: who is there among you of all his people [which of you Hebrews are willing to go back to Jerusalem to do this]? The Lord his God be with him, and let him go up [I order everybody not to prevent the rebuilding of this Holy Temple, and may God be with him].’” (2 Paralipomenon [2 Chronicles] 36:20, 22a-b, d-23 DRC)


Pretty impressive, eh? The words of Emperor Cyrus are stirring & emphatic.


Again, the contemporary scholar disdains this. They dismiss Sacred Scripture with a wave of their modernist hands, pretending to know what they don’t really know (since they didn’t live back then in ancient times, seeing it with their own eyes), and they dare to preach, as it were (and ironically so…) with an odd kind of ‘infallible’ religious certainty which they have no true certainty of, only a modernist bias & prejudice that it couldn’t possibly be true that Our Creator exists --- or, if existing, that He has no concern for humanity’s welfare or His followers’ fate, or no power to foresee the future and determine beforehand what will come to be.


Yet who needs to listen to them? Why should their opinion matter to us?


You can respect scholarship for what it’s worth --- surely it’s obvious I have massive esteem for good, solid, logical, factual & fair-minded academia. But you don’t have to worship at their academic altar, as if they are ‘infallible popes’ who can never be wrong, or never have an ax to grind with prejudice & bias, mindlessly hating eternal truth.


Per Josephus, our ancient & learned Jewish historian from the first century AD, Cyrus became a great friend to the Jews in the Assyro-Chaldeo-Persian Empire, profoundly impressed upon seeing for himself the words of Isaias’ Prophecy (Isaias [Isaiah] 44:28-45:1 DRC), where the Hebrew God foretold him by name some 100 years BEFORE HE WAS BORN, assuring them that Emperor Cyrus would protect the Israelites, both commanding & assisting these Hebrews in Babylonian Captivity to return to the divinely-chosen City of Jerusalem, rebuild God’s Temple, and thereby resume the liturgy and sacrifices of His Old Testament Church, just as He ordained.


This, then, led Cyrus (whose name translates as, according to ancient historians, ‘the sun’ or ‘like the sun’, albeit contemporary scholars tend to denigrate this idea, probably wrongly, per my research) to worship, revere & adore the True Deity of the Israelites and Divine Light of This World (the Uncreated, Self-Subsisting & Self-Eternal Triune Being of the Roman Catholic Religion, inasmuch as He had revealed Himself before the era of the New Testament and the Sacrifice of His Promised One, the God-Man, Jesus Christ), as well as highly esteem the members of God’s Old Covenant Church, these very same Hebrew people (what we today call ethnically ‘Jews’, a word derived from the name Juda [Judah], the Israelite tribe who, along with the tiny tribe of Benjamin, were the Southern Kingdom and fell long after the Israelite’s Northern Kingdom, the remnant Southern tribes taken into Babylonian Captivity together with some Levites & priestly descendants of St. Moses’ brother, Aaron, the high priest or pope of the Old Testament Church at that time). Viz., in the Bible, Cyrus appears to have become truly Catholic.


Now, granted, I can’t pretend to have figured this out as a moral certainty. Mayhap our dear Cyrus was religiously syncretistic, similar to the Neo-Babylonian Nebuchadnezzar, who, after the miraculous survival of the three young Hebrews within the furnace he had thrown them into for refusing to worship his gargantuan golden idol as a god, but before he had his rational mind stripped from him for seven years and then returned to him just as miraculously, and mercifully allowed to lead the Assyro-Chaldean-Persian Empire again. Perchance Cyrus honored the True God whilst clinging to his pagan idols, too.


But I doubt it.


Sacred Scripture is pretty plain --- if not whole or exhaustive in its description of Emperor Cyrus --- and Cyrus the Great had to have known about his predecessor’s amazing experience (Darius the Mede, see Daniel 6) of finding the brave St. Daniel unharmed in the lion’s den all night long despite their ravenous appetite (pagans were cleverly cruel, making sure the predators, to whom a hapless captive was exposed, were very hungry, having gone without food for some three days or so… hence the startling miracle when these famished beasts were as tame as pussy cats toward such Catholics instead of ripping into these tasty martyrs without any polite & civilized delay). Our Persian hero, the great and intelligent Cyrus, could also have easily inquired into extensive and meticulous imperial records, discovering the conversion of his Neo-Babylonian predecessor, Nebuchadnezzar II, at the (figurative) hands of the Jews’ Almighty & Merciful Deity, as well as this same God’s sobering punishment of Nebuchadnezzar’s equally proud, even more wicked & less fortunate grandson, Belshazzar, who used God’s Temple’s sacred vessels to praise his pagan idols.


Contemporary scholars, par for the course, mock all such propositions.


They’re caught in the middle of their modernist fantasies.


Fantasies that don’t let them believe in Catholicism.


Cyrus the Great, though, found freedom in the Middle of the Earth. Far from being ‘caught’, he was found --- by Divine Mercy & Divine Power. He may have started out pagan; he came full circle to the Supernatural Seven. Like an octave. From C to D to E to F to G to A to B to C. It began in Babel; it ends in Babel. Can you hear the resonance?


+ + +


Part One of Helplessly Ignorant (Chapters 1-20)


Part Two of Helplessly Ignorant (Chapters 21-48)


Part Three of Helplessly Ignorant (Chapters 49-69)


Part Four of Helplessly Ignorant (Chapters 70-99)


Part Six of Helplessly Ignorant (Chapters 135-180)


Coda of Helplessly Ignorant (the Dénouement)


+ + +


Pilate’s query met:




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