+ +
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to see the Admonishments subsection.
This page has
alphabetical hyperlinked titles alone. For hyperlinks
along with individual
summaries of the titles’ contents, please go here.
Baptismal Confusion: Sheepishly
Shy or Gaunt as a Goat?
Exhorting a Former Co-Worker
The Myth of Overpopulation & the Wickedness of
Birth Control
Regarding the Bible, Infallibility & the Church
Regarding Myself & Conversion to the Catholic Church (for my
Maternal Family)
Regarding Preaching & the Catholic Faith
Regarding Religious Association with Heretics, Marital Relations, Geocentrism, & Etc.
Regarding ‘Scripture Alone’, ‘Faith Alone’
& the So-Called ‘Crimes’ of the Catholic Church
Regarding ‘The Epistemologic Works’ Website, Truth,
Hell & the Catholic Faith
Regarding the Great Apostasy & Not Putting the Mass Before the
What Makes Some People So Self-Righteous About the Metric System?
+ + +
Please click here
to see the Admonishments subsection.
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© 2019 by
Paul Doughton.
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