

·       The Apostle’s Creed


Within days of Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven & the Descent of the Holy Ghost upon the 120 disciples gathered in the Cenacle (i.e., the place where Jesus’ Last Supper --- the first Holy Mass --- was held) upon the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Ghost through the prayers & supplications of the Blessed Virgin Mary had inspired Jesus’ Twelve Apostles (of whom the twelfth, Matthias, was a replacement for the suicidal traitor, Judas Iscariot) to compose a short, concise statement of what Jesus had taught them was necessary for a man to know, believe, profess & obey in order to enter Jesus’ Body, the Catholic Church, and so have real hope of saving his soul. To understand better what this Creed means, please see the Catechisms area as soon as I can make something available. Meanwhile, I have posted both the English & Latin translations, Latin being the ancient, sanctified language of the Roman Catholic Faith.


·       The Nicene Creed


Some 300 years after Christ’s Death, Resurrection & Ascension into Heaven, the Roman Catholic Church was beset by an overwhelming amount of persons --- either masquerading as good members or, exposed for the heretics that they were, nevertheless still calling themselves ‘catholics’ and thus by their numbers & power sweeping up many other souls into their damnable errors --- who did not acknowledge Jesus Christ as both fully God & fully man. That is to say, when you got right down to it with them (and it was often very hard to get them to come wholly clean about it), they didn’t really think that Jesus was as much God as He was a man: they effectively denied His Divinity. The first ecumenical council of the Church was then held in Nicea, under papal authority as vested in his legates (representatives), to figure out what to do about the matter. Various infallible declarations & wise decrees issued forth, but the most famous of anything that they did was this holy creed, still recited at every Mass ever said anywhere in the world by a Catholic priest.


·       The Athanasian Creed


Around the same time that the Nicene Creed was composed, St. Athanasius wrote his creed. Modernists deride Athanasius’ authorship, citing scholarly-sounding ‘evidence’ of a circumstantial nature to impress the gullible whilst proving nothing with any certainty, but their opposition rests upon one thing: that they hate this creed with a passion. For good reason, too --- because he upheld the dogma of ‘no Salvation outside the Church’ with a stark bluntness. Ergo, deny his authorship, say it was written much later, mock it as the product of a rather provincial mentality, and you can bury the teaching despite its ancient infallibility. Indeed, phony ‘catholics’ after Vatican II have suppressed this creed entirely, pretending it doesn’t even exist. A treatment very familiar to poor Athanasius, who suffered exile five times from his patriarchal see in Egypt at the hands of those who denied Christ’s Divinity. The Necessity of Christ’s Deity (the Incarnation) denied way back then led to Arianism; the Necessity of Christ’s Body (the Ecclesiation) denied even right now leads to Modernism. Yet the denial of either Necessity forfeits Salvation for the denier --- because both the Divine God & His Sacred Church are absolutely crucial to obtaining His Miraculous Redemption!


·       The Tridentine Creed


Some 1200 years later during the A.D. 1500s many Catholics in the northern European countries rebelled against the Papacy and started a new religion which came to be known as ‘Protestantism’. Still calling themselves ‘christian’ (and still pretending to be ‘catholic’, too, at first), their spiritual lies & obstinate arrogance compelled the popes to convoke the Council of Trent in order to combat their heresies, the latter then invoking the Supernatural Power of the Holy Ghost as given to them to protect God’s True Church from solemnly teaching error. The popes also wished to cleanse members of Roman Catholicism from various immoralities that had crept into their lives, these long-entrenched sins forming the rotten soil from which the putridity of Protestantism had germinated in the first place. It should come as no surprise, therefore --- and worldly or heretical readers will know exactly what I’m talking about --- that Trent is the most hated, most vilified & most excoriated of all the Church’s twenty general councils. Likewise, its Creed, which contains the ancient Creed of Nicea and to which was added a couple of clauses deriving from the Vatican Council of the nineteenth century. Originally intended for priests & bishops so that they might be properly formed to guard their flocks from religious falsehood, it’s tour-de-force presentation is still the most thorough infallible presentation we have thus far of many, if not most, of the common dogmas that must be believed & professed to have Hope of Salvation. Think you’re truly Catholic, my dear soul? Then try this Creed out for size. Find out how narrow the Door into Heaven really is!


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