

·       Catechisms


The word ‘catechism’ comes from the term ‘catechize’, which means to teach thoroughly. Thus, a catechism is a thorough instruction of someone in the Catholic Faith. Our times being an era of wide literacy, it has become synonymous with the books written for this purpose. Some are learned & lengthy, others short & pithy. Some pose a series of questions & answers to be committed to memory, others a systematic narrative to be studied carefully. Each has its advantages. Herein lies great wealth for those seeking to save their souls via God’s One & Only Religion of Rome.


·       Creeds


‘Creed’ comes from the term ‘credo’, which is the first word in Latin of the two most ancient professions of the Roman Catholic Faith. To wit, “I believe…” There are four great professions of the Catholic Religion as of today. These are the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed, and the Tridentine Creed. Linger here to imbibe their infallible draughts, guaranteed by the Authority of God Himself to convey the truth necessary to save a man’s immortal soul.


·       Councils


Every so often the Catholic Church holds councils of bishops to grapple with heresies or immorality that may afflict Her members. Catholic bishops may meet of their own accord (usually in regional or national groups), but it takes a pope’s approval to make it into an ecumenical or general council. Which, when you get right down to it, means that --- however helpful the council may be otherwise --- its declarations & condemnations do not warrant the seal of infallibility without papal approbation. There have been twenty so far over the last two thousand years. Go here to view their contents.


·       Popes


260 popes have ruled thus far over Christ’s Body, the One, Holy, Roman, Catholic & Apostolic Church. Their infallible declarations & condemnations define the collection of teachings that a true Christian must believe. And even where they do not exercise papal infallibility, their instructions are usually helpful & beneficial. Enter this area to view a growing archive of their documents from the past two millennia.


·       Other Useful Materials


As you will have surmised, this heading is a catch-all for everything that doesn’t fit neatly into the four categories above.


·       Please note:


The idea behind ‘profession’ is that a man must publicly proclaim the Catholic Religion that he believes in order to obtain membership in Jesus’ Body, the Church of Rome. That is to say, under normal circumstances, an unbaptized adult would go through catechism with a priest and then announce before the parish his intent to enter Catholicism via a public ceremony involving Baptism & Profession. Or, if a parish can’t participate, then, at the very least, a Baptism & Profession witnessed by at least one other person. The point is, such a public proclamation ensures that his act is rational, voluntary & tangible. Elsewise, how is anyone to know that you are Catholic? What is the purpose of incorporation into Jesus’ Catholic Body if the joining is not objectively visible and hence most literally real?




·       What It Is


·       How to Abjure


·       Materials for Doing So


·       Please note:


This area will be developed as soon as possible to enable people of good will, who have already been validly baptized, to renounce & repudiate their religious errors in order to re-enter --- or, if never Catholic before, to enter officially for the first time --- God’s One & Only Saving Church of Roman Catholicism. In the meantime, please go to the For Those Who Consider Themselves Catholic page to get a quick overview of the nature & necessity of abjuration for those that have been baptized & later espoused or mingled with religious falsehoods.


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