Recent Posts


Baptismal Confusion: Dilemmas of ‘Desire’; or, It Is Foolish to Presume Either ‘BOD’ or ‘WO’, as of Yet in Our Era, to Be the ‘Final’ or ‘Inarguable’ Stance, Not Even Bothering to Honestly Study Each Side’s Evidence!


The Sacrament of Penance Without a Priest Available


Baptismal Confusion: Sheepishly Shy or Gaunt as a Goat?


The Holy Rosary


The Hail Mary


Heptaton: The Octave Millennial Hypothesis, Wherein, With the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Aid, We Strive to See Via Our Creator’s Everlastingly Timeless Eyes


Population Implosion


The Achilles’ Heel of Evolutionary Theory




Unity of Worship Addendum




Inter Regnum


Helplessly Ignorant


Baptismal Confusion


A List of All Posts Thus Far


A Chart for Modest Dress


A Little About Myself, Why I Designed the Website as I Did, and How Sedevacantism Explains the Quandary We’re in Today


A Little Bit More About Me, the Salvation Dogma Defended Very Explicitly, and Why Sedevacantism Must Explain Our Crisis


A Thorough Contritional Prayer




Alright, Then What Makes Me a Part of God's Church?


An Act of Contrition


An Introduction to This Website


And What Is Truly Important to Know?


Are Knowledge & Freedom Evil?


Are There False Christs?


Are You Saying We Can't Be Saved Without the Church?


Are You Telling Me Baptism of Water Saves Me?


Aren’t Heaven & Hell a Fantasy?


Aren’t You Making Heaven Sound Religious, Like a Temple & Everything?


Automatic Excommunications (‘Latae Sententiae’): Why Canon Law Automatically Excommunicates Notoriously & Pertinaciously Heretical or Schismatic Members of the Catholic Church Without Formal Action or Declarations from Her Leaders, and Why This Principle Applies from Highest Pope to Lowliest Layperson from the Most Ancient of Times


Baptismal Confusion: Sheepishly Shy or Gaunt as a Goat?


Baptismal Confusion: Dilemmas of ‘Desire’; or, It Is Foolish to Presume Either ‘BOD’ or ‘WO’, as of Yet in Our Era, to Be the ‘Final’ or ‘Inarguable’ Stance, Not Even Bothering to Honestly Study Each Side’s Evidence!


Baptismal Confusion: What the Fight Over ‘Baptism of Desire’ vs. ‘Water Only’ Is All About and Where Both Sides Get It Very Wrong, Falling into Heresy or Schism as a Result (Synopsis)


Baptismal Confusion (Links to Parts)


Baptismal Confusion, Part 1


Baptismal Confusion, Part 2


Baptismal Confusion, Part 3


Baptismal Confusion, Part 4


Baptismal Confusion, Part 5


Baptismal Confusion, Part 6


Baptismal Confusion, Part 7


Betrayed! (The Real Global Disaster Is Spiritual)


Books & Articles


But God Can’t Have a Body, Can He?


But Isn’t the Church Just a Bunch of Dead Ritual, People Trying on Their Own to Reach God?


By Your Way of Thinking, Doesn’t the Existence of a Lie Make the Creator into a Liar?


Can Any Church Be a Part of God’s Body?


Can’t We Just Know the Truth by Following Our Hearts?




Catholic Fundamentalism: What It Is and Why It Is So Deadly


Catholic Ritual Defended


Catholics Are Forbidden to Worship With Those Who Are Not Catholic... and This Is Where the Catholic Church Has Said So!


Concerning Abjuration, Invincible Ignorance, Children & the Use of Reason


Contact & Donations




Exhorting a Former Co-Worker


Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (‘No Salvation Outside the Church’): The Good News of How God Enables Sinners to Escape, Through Penitent Conversion to His Catholic Church, the Fire of Hell’s Neverending Punishment; & Why No One in the Human Race Can Find This Escape Anywhere Else (Synopsis)


Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (Links to Parts)


Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, Part 1


Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, Part 2


Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus, Part 3


For Those Who Call Themselves Christian or Born Again, Etc.


For Those Who Consider Themselves Catholic


For Those Who Practice Some Other Form of Religion, or Who Lay Claim to No Religion at All


Foundational Prayers for the Catholic Faith


Fr. Eugene Heidt


Fr. Nicholas Gruner


Geocentricity: The Structure of the Cosmos as Deduced From a Scholarly & Catholic Paradigm; & How Supposed ‘Evidence’ for an Ultimately Frameless… or ‘Acentric’… Universe Fails Utterly to ‘Prove’ a Centerless Existence, But Ups Geo-Centrality


Helplessly Ignorant: The Nonsense of a Perfectly Intelligent But Strangely ‘Invincibly Ignorant’ Person Somehow ‘Unable’ to Know Catholicism Is True in Order to Find Salvation, Whilst, Instead, Getting into Heaven by Being ‘Sincere’ (Synopsis)


Helplessly Ignorant (Links to Parts)


Helplessly Ignorant, Part 1


Helplessly Ignorant, Part 2


Helplessly Ignorant, Part 3


Helplessly Ignorant, Part 4


Helplessly Ignorant, Part 5


Helplessly Ignorant, Part 6


Helplessly Ignorant, Coda


Heptaton: The Octave Millennial Hypothesis, Wherein, With the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Aid, We Strive to See Via Our Creator’s Everlastingly Timeless Eyes


How Am I Supposed to Believe Jesus Is God?


How Can a Mother Be the Queen When Her Son Is the King?


How Can It Be Possible to Know Jesus Is God Forever?


How Can One Body Be Made Up of Separate Persons?


How Can Ritual Save a Person’s Soul?


How Can Someone ‘Belong’ to Jesus’ Body?


How to Get a Pope During the Great Apostasy


I’m Blown Away --- How Can Jesus & His Church Be One Flesh?


Inter Regnum: Logic & Facts, Based on Catholic Law, Dogma, Scripture & History, Proving There Have Always Been Gaps of Time Between Popes, and That, Indeed, God Sometimes Allows Startlingly Long Papal Lacunae (Synopsis)


Inter Regnum (Links to Parts)


Inter Regnum, Part 1


Inter Regnum, Part 2


Inter Regnum, Part 3


Inter Regnum, Part 4


Inter Regnum, Part 5


Is Jesus a Human Being?


Is Jesus the Only Christ?


Isn’t a Church Just a Building?


Isn’t It Silly to Think Water Can Wash Away Sins & Join You to God’s Body?


Isn’t the Trinity Kind of Unbelievable?


Isn’t Truth Relative, Don’t We All Have Our Own Truth?


It’s Mind Boggling… How Could God Become One of Us?




Lies Are Real & Exist... Doesn’t Your Definition of Truth Make Them True?


Mary Exalted


Michael Lipscombe


Modest Dress: What It Is and Why It Is So Crucial


Official Policy for Public Use of the Writings Posted on ‘The Epistemologic Works’ Website


Population Implosion: Or, It’s Not da Bomb, But the ‘Black Hole’ We Should Be Getting Worried About When It Comes to How Many People Are on Earth




Prayers of Contrition & Penance


Preface to Questions & Answers




Protestant Protests Rebutted: Exactly Where Self-Styled ‘Born Again Believers’ Go So Terribly Wrong When It Comes to the Bible, Infallibility, the Church, Roman Catholic ‘Crimes’, Faith, Obedience, Works, Love, Tradition, Heresy, Dogmas, ‘Religious Liberty’, Opposing False Religion, the Battle Between Talmudic Jews & Real Christians, the Ever-Virgin Mary & etc., etc. (Synopsis)


Protestant Protests Rebutted (Links to Parts)


Protestant Protests Rebutted, Part 1


Protestant Protests Rebutted, Part 2


Regarding Myself & Conversion to the Catholic Church (for my Maternal Family)


Regarding Preaching & the Catholic Faith


Regarding Religious Association With Heretics, Marital Relations, Geocentrism, & Etc.


Regarding ‘Scripture Alone’, ‘Faith Alone’ & the So-Called ‘Crimes’ of the Catholic Church


Regarding the Bible, Infallibility & the Church


Regarding ‘The Epistemologic Works’ Website, Truth, Hell & the Catholic Faith


Regarding the Great Apostasy & Not Putting the Mass Before the Faith


Richard Ibranyi


Roman Catholic Church


Ron Kramig & Lois Doyle


Should You Go to a CMRI Mass or Take Part in the Worship of Other Traditionalists?


So a Lie Is Totally False?


So If God Calls Us & We Get Together Then We’re in His Church?


So the Church Is Also Jesus’ Wife?


So What Does God’s Church Have to Do With Anything?


So What’s So Special About Jesus Christ?


So What’s the Right Thing to Do With My Knowledge & Freedom?


So Which Church Is God’s Church?


So Which Human Beings Belong to Jesus Christ’s Body?


So You’re Saying Everyone Should Be United About the Truth?


Stan & Joan Heidt


Straight & Simple


The Achilles’ Heel of Evolutionary Theory: Wherein We Expose the Fundamental Flaw of Darwinistic Theory, or ‘Evo-Devo’, Along With a Few Other Instrinsic Errors; and Also Illustrate How It Is in No Way at All Compatible With Catholicism


The Apostle’s Creed


The Athanasian Creed


The Catholic Church Is the Only Way to Save Your Soul, No Exceptions Admitted --- and Here’s the Infallible Proof!


The Dimond Brothers


The Dogma of Baptism Upheld & the Lie of ‘Faith Alone’ Cast Down: Wherein Protestant Denial of the Need for Baptism & Other Good Works in Christ Is Revealed to Be a Diabolic Deception; Along With a Partial Defense of Saintly & Marian Veneration, & a Denunciation of ‘Sola Scriptura’, Talmudic Jews Modernist Scholars, etc. (Synopsis)


The Dogma of Baptism Upheld & the Lie of ‘Faith Alone’ Cast Down (Links to Parts)


The Dogma of Baptism Upheld & the Lie of ‘Faith Alone’ Cast Down, Part 1


The Dogma of Baptism Upheld & the Lie of ‘Faith Alone’ Cast Down, Part 2


The Dogma of Baptism Upheld & the Lie of ‘Faith Alone’ Cast Down, Part 3


The English Catechism of 1583 (Part One)


The Fruit (A Silent Dialogue in Two Pages)


The Great Apostasy


The Hail Mary


The Hideous Schism of Catholic Fundamentalism


The Holy Rosary


The Infallible Magisterium Has Not Yet Ruled Out the Possibility of So-Called ‘Baptism of Desire’ for Catechumens


The Myth of Overpopulation & the Wickedness of Birth Control


The Nicene Creed


The Our Father


The Sacrament of Penance Without a Priest Available


The Sign of the Cross


The Term ‘Co-Redemptress’ for the Blessed Virgin Mary Is Neither Heretical Nor Scandalous to the Catholic Faith


The Tridentine Creed


The World Offended


This Is the Great Apostasy... Now, How Do We Make Sure Our Souls Survive It?


True Diversity: What Authentic Diversity Means, and How a False ‘Diversity’ Has Become One of Many Idols Befogging Our Feeble Minds Today


Ufology: Precisely What Is Going on in the Skies During Our Mordern Era and the Great Apostasy, and How Real & Wise Catholics Can Respond


Understanding Christ


Understanding Church


Understanding Truth


Unity of Worship Addendum: How the 1917 Code of Canon Law Simply Is Not, However Someone May Want to Think Otherwise, Any Act of ‘Infallibility’, the Truly Infallible Definition of Papal Infallibility at the Vatican Council of the 1800s Proving This


Unity of Worship Redux: How the 1917 Code of Canon Law Does Not, & Cannot, Vitiate or Change the Church’s Ancient Teaching re Religious Separation Applied to Ritual or Worship


Unity of Worship: Why Real Catholics Dare Not ‘Worship’ With Any Non-Catholic or False ‘catholics’, Pretending It ‘Pleases’ God; Nor May a Pope ‘Change’ This Law, or the Ignorant Remain Ever ‘Guiltless’


Wait… How Can Mary Be the ‘Mother of God’?


Was Benedict XV an Antipope?: Wherein the Papacy of Benedict XV Is Defended, Not Because He Was Necesarily a Good Pope or Privately Orthodox, But For the Sake of Upholding the Office of St. Peter and Showing Those Who Call Themselves Catholic How We Are to Judge the Charge of Heresy, as Well as Know How We Are to Treat Men, Leaders & Nations Who Are Outside the Most Holy Roman Catholic Church (Synopsis)


Was Benedict XV an Antipope? (Links to Parts)


Was Benedict XV an Antipope?, Part 1


Was Benedict XV an Antipope?, Part 2


What Are We to Think of Written Abjurations?


What Does the Title ‘Christ’ Mean?


What Happens If I Don’t Know the Truth?


What Is Church?


What Is Truth?


What Makes Jesus’ Body His ‘Wife’?


What Makes Some People So Self-Righteous About the Metric System?


What Must I Do to Be Saved?


What’s New (Most Recent Posts)


What’s New (Older Posts)


What’s New (Yet Older Posts)


What’s New (Oldest Posts of All)


What’s the Correct Way to Understand the Incarnation?


Where Do I Find the Truth About God’s Purpose for Our Existence?


Where Do You Get the Idea That the Church Is God’s Body?


Where Do You Get the Idea That There’s a Heavenly Ritual?


Where Does the Bible Say Baptism Joins Us to God’s Church?


Where Does the Bible Say the Members of God’s Church Are One Flesh?


Where Does the Bible Say You Can’t Be Saved Without the Church?


Who Is Christ?


Why Are There Bad Things in the World That Can Kill Us?


Why Did God Make People Free to Lie?


Why Do I Have to Understand the Incarnation & Believe in It?


Why Do We Have to Go to a Church for the Truth When Jesus Is the Truth?


Why Do We Have to Look for the Truth --- Can’t We Just Know Without Looking?


Why Does Truth Matter?


You Mean Jesus Isn’t Just a Human Being?


You’re Saying Jesus Has Been God Forever?


You’re Saying Mary Is the Key to Understanding the Incarnation Correctly?


Call Yourself Christian?


Don’t think the Catholic Church is God’s Only Way to Salvation? Then read this (short) and also read this (long), and this too (very long).


Believe in ‘faith alone’ or the ‘bible alone’? Then read this (for both), as well as this (faith), and this, too (bible).


Don’t like infallibility? Then read this.


Don’t like ritual? Then read this.


Don’t understand Catholicism, or think Catholics are guilty of horrible crimes in centuries past? Then read this.


Consider Yourself Catholic?


Don’t think only Catholicism saves your soul? Then read this (long) and also this (short) and as well as this (short, too).


Don’t think it matters who you worship with? Then read this, and this additionally, as well as this, and this too not to mention also this.


Don’t think the ‘popes’ since Vatican 2 are fakes, and St. Peter’s Throne is temporarily vacant? Read this for full proof (long) and this too (short) and this as well (short).


Think Leo XIII or Benedict XV, and their successors, weren’t ever true popes? Then read this (short) and also this (long), as well as this (short, too).


Think birth control is okay? Then read this (short), and might want to read this additionally (medium).


Don’t think the Blessed Virgin Mary should be called Co-Redemptress? Then read this.


Don’t know what to think about signed & written abjurations? First read this and and also this.


More Recent Posts


Understanding Christ


The Sacrament of Penance Without a Priest Available


True Diversity: What Authentic Diversity Means, and How a False ‘Diversity’ Has Become One of Many Idols Befogging Our Feeble Minds Today


The Fruit (A Silent Dialogue in Two Pages)


Unity of Worship Redux: How the 1917 Code of Canon Law Does Not, & Cannot, Vitiate or Change the Church’s Ancient Teaching re Religious Separation Applied to Ritual or Worship


Unity of Worship: Why Real Catholics Dare Not ‘Worship’ With Any Non-Catholic or False ‘catholics’, Pretending It ‘Pleases’ God; Nor May a Pope ‘Change’ This Law, or the Ignorant Remain Ever ‘Guiltless’


Automatic Excommunications (‘Latae Sententiae’): Why Canon Law Automatically Excommunicates Notoriously & Pertinaciously Heretical or Schismatic Members of the Catholic Church Without Formal Action or Declarations from Her Leaders, and Why This Principle Applies from Highest Pope to Lowliest Layperson from the Most Ancient of Times


How to Get a Pope During the Great Apostasy


This Is the Great Apostasy... Now, How Do We Make Sure Our Souls Survive It?


Baptismal Confusion: What the Fight Over ‘Baptism of Desire’ vs. ‘Water Only’ Is All About and Where Both Sides Get It Very Wrong, Falling into Heresy or Schism as a Result


Mary Exalted


Should You Go to a CMRI Mass or Take Part in the Worship of Other Traditionalists?


Catholic Fundamentalism: What It Is and Why It Is So Deadly


Modest Dress: What It Is and Why It Is So Crucial


What Are We to Think of Written Abjurations?


A Chart for Modest Dress


The Infallible Magisterium Has Not Yet Ruled Out the Possibility of So-Called ‘Baptism of Desire’ for Catechumens


The Hideous Schism of Catholic Fundamentalism


Understanding Church